(Peter E. Yee) (07/08/88)
KSC SPACE SHUTTLE PROCESSING REPORT FOR - Thursday, July 7, 1988 STS-26 - DISCOVERY (OV 103) - PAD 39-B Final operations are in work for the launch pad validation activity. Workers are preparing for the hypergol loading operation planned for this weekend. The orbital maneuvering system pods and reaction control system will be loaded with monomethyl hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide over the weekend. Workers are also preparing for the Flight Readiness Firing scheduled for July 25. The FRF is a 20-second test firing of the main engines designed to validate the entire system. STS-27 - ATLANTIS (0V 104) - OPF BAY 2 One of the three main engines, number 2027, arrived yesterday and is undergoing initial inpections in the engine shop located in the VAB. The engine is currently scheduled for installation early next month. Preparations for the systems test of the power reactant storage and distribution system are scheduled today. Helium tanks for the main propulsion system are scheduled to be installed this week. Orbiter modifications continuing are crew escape, 17-inch disconnect valves, improvements to the elevon cove area, chin panel and other thermal protection system activities. STS-28 - COLUMBIA (OV 102) - OMRF Weather permitting Columbia will be transferred from the Orbiter Modification and Refurbishment Facility to OPF bay 1 this afternoon or early tomorrow morning. Once in the OPF, Columbia's payload bay doors will be opened and return-to-modification work will begin. Power up and flight processing is scheduled to begin the first week of August. STS-27 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - RPSF The remaining three solid rocket motor segments are scheduled to arrive here tomorrow and the right aft booster will be offloaded for the propellant grain inspection in the RPSF. Last night the left aft booster was mated to the left skirt. The next step in left booster "build up" activities is to install the external tank attach ring slated to begin this afternoon.