(Peter E. Yee) (09/09/88)
CHAMP Comet Halley Active Observe Comet Halley on STS flights. Monitoring Program CIRRIS Cryogenic Infrared Collects infrared data to support Strategic Defense Radiance Instrument Initiative program. for Shuttle CLOUDS Structures Photography Cloud formation, dissipation and opaqueness Experiments observations. COBE Cosmic Background Determine the spectrum anistropy of cosmic microwave Explorer background. COLD-SAT Cyrogenic On Orbit Zero g cryogenic fluids transfer experiment. Liquid Depot- Storage and Transfer COMSTAR Communications satellite for COMSAT. CRAF Comet Rendevous Asteroid Explore two primitive bodies to gather new Fly-by information on the origin and evolution of the solar system, prebiotic chemical evolution and the origin of life, and astrophysical plasma dynamics and processes. CRRES Combined Release and Satellite involving Active Plasma Experiments and Radiation Effects the study of radiation effects of various spacecraft Satellite components. CRRES 1 Combined Release and Active Plasma Experiments to support CRRES mission. Radiation Effects Satellite CRISTA Cryogenic Infrared A U.S./German Joint Aeronomy Payload intended to explore Spectrometer Telescope For the variability of the atmosphere and to provide Atmosphere measurements that will complement those provided by UARS. CRW Crew The Shuttle flight crew for a particular mission. CSI (MAST) Controls Structure Experiments which are part of the OAST Control of Interaction Flexible Structures program. Project to deploy structures in a micro-gravity environment from the Shuttle. CTM Collapsible Tube Mast Foreign Reimbursable Hitchhiker-G payload. DAD Dual Air Density Measure global density of upper atmosphere and lower exosphere. DFI PLT Development Flight A pallet used to accommodate the DFI used on the first Instrumentation Pallet four Shuttle flights. DMOS Diffusive Mixing of Grow crystals of organic compounds for research programs Organic Solutions for the 3M Corporation's Science Research Laboratory. DOD Department of Defense DOM German Orbiting Laboratory Program sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Research (BMFT) to explore near earth space for scientific and technological research, complementing the German Spacelab-D program and contributing to Space Station-Columbus preparation. DOM carrier, derived from SPAS design is a reusable multipurpose platform designed for a minimum of 5 missions. DUR Duration Mission duration of each Shuttle flight. EASE/ACCESS Experimental Assembly of Measures the human factors while assembling structures Structures in EVA/Assembly in space during Extra Vehicular Activity. Concept for Construction of Erectable Space Structures EEVT Electrophoresis Equipment Technology demonstration of apparatus to evaluate the Verification Test effects of electrophoresis on biological cells in 0-g. ELRAD Earth-Limb Radiance Obtain measurements of earth-limb radiance for various Equipment positions of the sun from near limb up to 9 degrees below earth horizon. ELV Expendable Launch Vehicle EO Escape orbit EOIM-3/TEMP-2A2 Evaluation of Oxygen Determines effects of atomic oxygen degradation on Interaction with Materials 1100 candidate materials. Two Phase Mounting Operates a mechanically pumped two phase heat Plate Experiment acquisition; transport and rejection system in microgravity. EOS Electrophoresis Operations Commercial joint endeavor activity (with McDonnell in Space Douglas). ERBS Earth Radiation Budget Collects global earth radiation budget data. Satellite ESMC Eastern Space and Missle USAF organization Headquartered at Patrick AFB, Florida. Center EURECA European Retrievable Platform placed in orbit for six months offering Carrier conventional services to experimenters. EUVE Extreme Ultraviolet Produce definitive sky map and catalog of extreme ultraviolet Explorer portion of electromagnetic spectrum (100-1000 angstroms). EXOSAT ESA X-Ray Satellite Provides continuous observations of x-ray sources. FDE Fluid Dynamics Experiment A package of six experiments flown on the middeck that involve simulating the behavior of liquid propellants in low gravity. FEE French Echocardiograph Obtains on-orbit cardiovascular system data. Equipment FLT Flight The flight sequence number for Shuttle missions. FLTSATCOM Fleet Communication U.S. Navy communications satellite. Satellite FPE French Postural Experiment Studies sensory-motor adaptations in weightlessness. FSC Fleet Satellite U.S. Navy Communications Satellite (same as FLTSATCOM). Communications FSS Flight Support System Support systems used for revisit missions. FTS-DTF Flight Telerobotic Servicer- The demonstration flight of a Telerobotic System being Demonstration Test Flight developed for the Space Station to assist in attached payload assembly and maintenance, in-situ platform and satellite servicing, space station maintenance, servicing, assembly and inspection. GALAXY GALAXY Hughes communications satellite. GALILEO GALILEO Investigates the chemical compostion and physical state of Jupiter's atmosphere and satellites. GAS BRIDGE Get Away Special Bridge Structure in the payload bay that can hold up to twelve GAS canisters. GEOSTAR GEOSTAR Interactive radiodetermination satellite. GEOTAIL GEOTAIL Explore Geotail of the Earth Plasma Physics. GLOMR Global Low Orbit Message Packet data relay satellite. Relay GLOW GLOW Atmospheric luminosities investigation. GOES Geostationary Operational NOAA Weather Satellites. Environmental Satellite GP Gravity Probe Scientific probe to test Einstein's Theory of Relativity. GP-B1 Gravity Probe-B1 A prototype test of the Gravity Probe-B mission to test Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. The mission will include on-orbit testing of precision gyroscopes and support systems. GP-B2 Gravity Probe-B2 Free flying payload to verify aspects of Einstein's relativity theory using sensitive, superconducting gyroscopes. GPS Global Positioning System DOD navigation and positioning system satellites. GRO Gamma Ray Observatory Investigate extraterrestrial gamma-ray sources. GSO Geosynchronous orbit GTO Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit HC Hughes Communications Series of commercial communications satellites. HCMM Heat Capacity Mapping Produce thermal maps for discrimination of rock Mission types, mineral resources, plant temperatures, soil moisture, snow fields, and water runoff. HE High Eccentricity Orbit HEAO High Energy Astronomical Satellite to study energetic radiation from space. Observatory HELIO Heliocentric HH-G Hitchhiker-Goddard A Shuttle cargo bay, payload carrier system for small experiments. HILAT Evaluate propagation effects of disturbed plasmas on radar and communications systems. HME Handheld Microgravity Provide for middeck experiments of limited scope in order Experiment to allow for low-cost, timely testing of concepts or procedures, or the early acquisition of data; specific objectives to be established for each flight. HPCG Handheld Protein Crystal Develop techniques to produce in low-G protein crystals of Growth Middeck Experiment sufficient size and quality to permit molecular analysis by diffraction techniques. HPE Heat Pipe Experiment Foreign Reimbursable Hitchhiker-G payload. HPTE High Precision Tracking Demonstrates ability to propagate a low power laser beam Experiment through the atmosphere. HRSO High Resolution Solar Solar Optical Telescope to determine physical processes at Observatory work on the Sun. HS-376 RET HS-376 Retrieval Salvage of HS-376 communication satellites launched on the tenth shuttle mission. HST Hubble Space Telescope Observes the universe to gain information about its origin, evolution and disposition of stars, galaxies, etc. IBSE Initial Blood Storage Evaluates changes in blood tissue during various storage Equipment conditions. IBSS Infrared Background Obtains infrared measurements on rocket plumes, shortwave Signature Survey infrared Earth-limb, Shuttle environment, and chemical release from payload bay while detached in proximity to the Orbiter. IECM Induced Environment A package of ten instruments designed to fly in the Contamination Monitor Orbiter payload bay on a special pallet to check for contamination in and around the Orbiter. It also has the capability to be operated on the end of the RMS outside of the payload bay. IEF Isoelectric Focussing Gather experimental data on the extent of electro-osmosis Experiment in space. IG Igloo Spacelab Igloo. IMAX IMAX, Inc. of Toronto, Produces motion pictures of orbiter launch, inflight Ontario, Canada operations and landings suitable for viewing in IMAX theaters such as the Smithsonian. IML International Microgravity Series of microgravity missions devoted to material Laboratory and life sciences studies. INCL Inclination Orbit inclination in degrees. INMARSAT International Maritime PAM-DII class communications satellite to be used for Satellite Organization international maritime communications services. INSAT Indian Satellite Communication and meteorological satellite for the government of India. INTELSAT International Tele- International telecommunications satellite network for communications Satellite the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization. IRAS Infrared Astronomical All sky survey for objects that emit infrared radiation. Satellite IRCFE Infrared Communications Demonstrates the feasibility of using diffuse infrared Flight Experiment light as a carrier for STS crew communications. IR-IE Infra-Red Imaging Infrared video camera used to measure temperature Equipment gradients on the orbiter surface. IRIS Italian Research Italian upper stage for use on the Shuttle. Interim Stage IRT Integrated Rendezvous A target for testing of Shuttle orbiter rendezvous Radar Target techniques and capabilities in orbit. ISC International Space Commercial joint endeavor activity. Corporation ISF Industrial Space Facility Commercially-owned, man-tended orbiting facility for research and manufacturing activities. ITA Instrumentation Technology Commercial joint endeavor activity. Associates ITV Instrumented Test Vehicle Target for Anti Satellite. IUS Inertial Upper Stage Upper stage system for Shuttle and Titan. LADD Lens Antenna To demonstrate repeated deployment of a membrane Deployment Demonstration antenna including reliability, flatness etc. LAGEOS Laser Geodynamics Spherical satellite covered with retroreflectors which Satellite are illuminated by ground-based lasers to determine precise measurements of the Earth's crustal movements. Satellite is totally passive. LANDSAT Land Satellite Earth resources monitoring satellite. LDEF Long Duration Exposure Free-flying satellites providing accommodations for Facility experiments requiring long-duration exposure to the space environment. LEO Low Earth Orbit LFC Large Format Camera Acquire synoptic, high-resolution images of the Earth's surface. LIFESAT Life Sciences Satellite Life science flights with micro-g as the primary objective. LITE Lidar In-Space Project to demonstrate the Laser Detection and Ranging Technology Experiment (Lidar) solid state system from space. LM Long Module Spacelab Crew Module. LO Lunar Observer Geological, elemental, gravity, and magnetic field mapping of moon. MAGELLAN Magellan Spacecraft designed to globally map the surface of Venus. MAGSAT Magnetic Field Satellite Map the magnetic field of the earth. MAPS/FILE Measurement of An atmospheric survey that identifies specific chemical Air Pollution From compounds Satellites MLE Mesoscale Lightning Record and observe the visual characteristics of large Experiment scale lightning as seen from space using onboard TV cameras. MLR Monodisperse Latex Produces monodisperse latex particles in the two to Reactor forty micron range. MO Mars Observer Spacecraft to study Mars' surface, climate, gravitational, and magnetic fields. MORELOS MORELOS Mexican communication satellite system. MPESS Mission Peculiar Experiment carrier. Experiment Support Structure MPSE Mexican Payload Specialist Experiment performed by a Mexican payload specialist Experiment on the Shuttle flight which deployed the MORELOS satellite. MRA Microgravity Research Commercial joint endeavor activity with MRA. Associates MS Mission Specialist A member of Shuttle flight crew primarily responsible for payload activity. MSAT Mobile Satellite Satellite for developing advanced ground technologies and techniques for mobil communications via satellite. MSL Materials Science A payload which remains attached to the Shuttle to perform Laboratory materials processing experiments in low-g. N/A Not Applicable NATO North Atlantic Treaty Communication satellite for NATO. Organization NOAA National Oceanic and Series of operational environmental satellites in polar Atmospheric Administration orbit. NOSL Night/Day Optical Survey Optical survey of lightning. of Lightning NOVA NOVA Advanced Navy Navigation Satellite (OSCAR type). OAST Office of Aeronautics Series of payloads sponsored by the Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology and Space Technology. OAST-1 Office of Aeronautics and A payload which remained attached to the Shuttle to demonstrate Space Technology-1 a large light-weight solar array capable of being restowed in flight. OEX Orbiter Experiments Series of engineering experiments on the Shuttle. OIM Oxygen Interaction Tests which obtained quantitative rates of oxygen with Materials interaction with materials used on the Orbiter and advanced payloads. OMV Orbital Maneuvering A deployable retrievable vehicle to be flown on the STS Vehicle to retrieve or insert payloads in orbits different from the orbiter. ORBTR Orbiter The name of the Shuttle Orbiter used on a particular mission; e.g., Columbia, Challanger, Discovery or Atlantis. ORFEUS Orbiting and Retrievable A German developed payload to explore the distribution and Far and Extreme Ultraviolet character of absorbing material in the solar neighborhood Spectrometer and through the galatic plane, to perform direct observations of the direct interstellor component, and to study mass motions in hot stellar chromo spheres, coronea and active separation in the high gravity atmosphere of White Dwarfs. ORS Orbiter Refueling System An experiment to demonstrate the STS's ability to perform on-orbit satellite refueling. OSCAR OSCAR U.S. Navy Navigational Satellite. OSL Orbiting Solar Laboratory Will provide detailed data on our nearest star, the sun, to augment our studies of distant stars and cosmic processes. OSS-1 Office of Space Science Contamination monitor, microabrasion foil experiment, vehicle charging and potential experiment, Shuttle- Spacelab induced atmosphere, solar flare x-ray polarimeter, solar ultraviolet spectral irradiance monitor, plant growth unit, thermal canister experiment, and plasma diagnostics package. OSTA-1 Office of Space and Shuttle attached payload using the SIR-A radar to obtain Terrestial Applications high resolution images of earth. OSTA-2 Office of Space and Microgravity experiments. Terrestial Applications OSTA-3 Office of Space and Acquire photographic and radar images of the Earth's Terrestrial Applications surface. OV 105 Orbital Vehicle 105 Replacement orbiter for NASA Shuttle fleet. P Pilot A member of the Shuttle crew whose primary responsibility is to pilot the Orbiter. PAL Pallet Spacelab Pallet. PALAPA Indonesian Communication Synchronous satellite communication system for the Satellite Republic of Indonesia. PAM Payload Assist Module An upper stage system used on the Shuttle and the Delta ELV. PCG-II Protein Crystal Growth PCG activity in controlled temperature module. PDRS/PFTA Payload Deployment and First object to be deployed and retrieved by the remote Retrieval System/Payload manipulator system and is used to test reaction of RMS Flight Test Article joints. PIONEER VENUS Remote sensing and direct measurements of Venus and its surrounding environment. PLANETARY ALT Planetary Alternative Reserve capability to back-up launch of Galileo or Ulysses missions on Titan-IV. PMG Plasma Motor Generator Measures hollow cathode current couplings to/thru ionosphere; measures induced voltage in 200 meter wire in low earth orbit. PO Planetary Observer Spacecraft to study Martian upper atmosphere and ionosphere. POLAR POLAR Polar Auroral Plasma Physics. POP Polar Orbiting Platform U.S. platforms will orbit space station and perform remote sensing experiments. PPE Phase Partitioning Study separation behavior of two phase system generated Experiment by the mixture in water of polyglucose and polyethylene glycol. PS Payload Specialist A member of the Shuttle crew with primary responsibility for a particular payload or experiment. PVTOS Physical Vapor Transport Commercial joint endeavor activity with 3M. of Organic Solids RADARSAT Radar Satellite Remote free flyer sensing satellite will monitor land, sea and ice for five years over the poles (U.S./Canadian/U.K.). RCA RCA American Communications, Series of communications satellites. Inc, (now GE American Communications, Inc.) RME Radiation Monitoring Measures gamma radiation levels in the Shuttle environment Equipment ROSAT Roentgen Satellite NASA/West German cooperative satellite for studying X-Rays. S Scout Small Class Expendable Launch Vehicle. SAGE Strategic Aerosol and Map vertical profiles of the Ozone, aerosol, nitrogen Gas Experiment Rayleigh molecular extinction around the globe. SAN MARCO-DL SAN MARCO-DL NASA/Italian earth physics cooperative satellite SAREX Shuttle Amateur Radio Space to ground voice and slow scan TV Experiment SAS Space Adaptation Syndrome Measures vestibular function, motion sickness susceptibility and spatial orientation ability during prolonged weightlessness SAS Small Astronomy Satellite Study x-ray sources within and beyond the Milky Way galaxy. SATCOM RCA communications satellite. SBS Satellite Business Systems All digital domestic communication system servicing large industry, the government, etc. SDS Solar Disk Sextant Studies solar pulsations, oblateness, and size. SE Student Experiment Experiments for the Shuttle Student Involvement Projects. SFH Super Fluid Helium Demonstrates the feasibility of on-orbit transfer of On Orbit Transfer superfluid helium using thermomechanical techniques. Demonstration SFP Space Flight Participant SFU-RET Space Flyer Unit- A reusable, retrievable unmanned free flyer to be Retrieval launched on the Japanese H-II rocket and retrieved by Shuttle. SHARE Space Station Heat Pipe Demonstrates and quantifies the thermal performance Advanced Radiator Element of a high capacity, 50 foot, space constructible, heat pipe radiator element. SHEAL-2 Shuttle High Energy Obtains images, spectra and timing data on celestial Astrophysics Laboratory x-ray sources and the spectrum at the 30 ft. X-ray background. SIRTF Space Infrared Telescope Will span the infrared part of the spectrum with a thousand- Facility fold increase in sensitivity. SKYNET SKYNET United Kingdom military communication satellite. S/L D2, D3 Spacelab D2, D3 Second and third in a series of German Spacelab Missions. Objectives include microgravity research and technology preparation for Space Station use. Significant NASA participation planned on D2 and projected for D3. S/L-J Spacelab J Combined Japanese/NASA Spacelab mission objectives include life sciences and microgravity research and technology. SLS Space Life Sciences Investigates the effects of weightlessness exposure using Laboratory both man and animal specimens. SMALL EXPL Small Explorer Payloads being designed to fly on Small Class ELV SMM-RET Solar Maximum Mission A mission for retrieval of the SMM satellite. Retrieval SMR San Marco Range SMRM Solar Maximum Repair Conducts a technology demonstration of the STS capability Mission to rendezvous, service, checkout and deploy. SOHO Solar Heliospheric Provides optical measurements as well as plasma field Observatory and energetic particle observations of the sun system for studies of the solar interior, atmosphere and solar wind. SOOS Stacked OSCAR on Scout Two OSCAR satellites (U.S. Navy Navigation Satellite). SPACEHAB SPACEHAB Commercially-owned pressurized module for conducting experiments in a man-tended environment. SPACELAB 1 Demonstrate Spacelab's capabilities for multidisciplinary research. SPACELAB 2 Demonstrate Spacelab's capabilities for multidisciplinary research and verify system performance. SPACELAB 3 Dedicated materials processing mission emphasizing 0-g research. SPACELAB D-1 Spacelab D-1 First dedicated German Spacelab mission. SPARTAN- 1 Spartan X-ray astronomy, medium energy survey mission. SPARTAN-HALLEY SPARTAN-HALLEY Search for molecules containing nitrogen, carbon or sulfur and observes the UV spectrum between 2100 and 3400A. SPAS Shuttle Pallet Satellite Payload Carrier developed by Germany. SPAS-01 German Shuttle Pallet Demonstrates the utilization of the MBB platform and Satellite systems as a carrier for science experiments. SP STA Space Station Series of flights to complete a Phase One Space Station. SRAD/TPITS Shuttle Radiator Assembly Evaluate on-orbit thermal performance of a representative Demonstration/Two Phase portion of an integrated two-phase thermal bus and on- Integrated Thermal System orbit constructability of Space Station radiator elements using Remote Manipulator System and Extra Vehicular Activity techniques. This experiment combines experiments JSC 3B, JSC 3C and GSFC 2C identified in the (Thermal Energy Management Processes) Space Station flight experiment program. SRL Space Radar Laboratory Series of flights to acquire radar images of the Earth's surface. The images will be used for making maps, interpreting geological features, and resource studies. SS Sun Synchronous SSBUV Shuttle Solar Backscatter Series of flights to measure ozone characteristics of Ultra-Violet Instrument the atmosphere. SSIP Shuttle Student Involvement Projects STARLAB Starlab DOD Spacelab experiments. STP-SPARTAN Space Test Program Deployment and retrieval of Spartan spacecraft which carries USAF STP experiments. STTP Life Sciences Space Develop and encourage interest on the part of college Technology Training Program students in space biology and medicine. SYNCOM Hughes Geosynchronous Provides communication services from geosynchronous orbit Communication Satellite principally to the US government. TAPS Two Axis Pointing System TBD To Be Determined TDRS Tracking and Data Series of NASA tracking, data and communications Relay Satellite satellites to replace the ground based network. TEAL RUBY Spacecraft with IR sensor to collect data on Airborne Vehicle Detection Background Phenomenology. TELESAT Canadian Telecommunication Communication satellite built for Telesat Canada to Satellite provide voice and TV coverage to trans-Canada network of Earth stations. TELSTAR AT & T Communications AT&T COMSTAR replacement - provides communication Satellite services to the continental US, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. TIS Teacher in Space Middeck locker supporting the Space Flight Participant Program's teacher in space. TLD Thermoluminescent Obtains gamma ray measurements of the Shuttle environment. Dosimeter TOS Transfer Orbit Stage TRANSIT TRANSIT Navy navigation satellite. TSS Tethered Satellite System System capable of deploying and retrieving satellite attached by a wire tether from distances up to 100 KM from the orbiter. UARS Upper Atmosphere Satellite to study physical processes acting within Research Satellite and upon the stratosphere, mesosphere, and lower thermosphere. UK United Kingdom ULYSSES Formerly ISPM (Inter- Investigates the properties of the heliosphere (sun and national Solar Polar its environment). Mission) USML United States Series of flights of a microgravity materials processing Microgravity Laboratory laboratory attached to the Shuttle. USMP United States Microgravity Conduct materials processing experiments in the Payload microgravity environment available in the Orbiter Cargo Bay while in low earth orbit. USS Unique Support Structures WAMDII Wide Angle Michelson Set of instruments which study upper atmospheric Doppler Imaging winds from the Shuttle. Interferometer WESTAR Western Union Telegraph A C-band satellite to replenish and expand the Westar Communication Satellite system (Western Union domestic communication system). WFF Wallops Flight Facility WIND WIND Satellite to measure solar wind input to magnetosphere. WSMC Western Space and Missle A USAF organization with Headquarters at Vandenberg Air Center Force Base. XTE X-Ray Timing Explorer A Spacecraft to be used in Earth orbit to investigate the physical nature of compact X-Ray sources by studying fluctuations in X-Ray brightness over timescales ranging from microseconds to years. The XTE payload will be launched on the Shuttle and changed out with the EUVE payload which will have been previously launched on an explorer platform using a Delta rocket.