[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle Status for 11/08/88

yee@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (11/11/88)


                      STS-27  -  ATLANTIS (0V 104)  -  PAD 39-B

               Yesterday afternoon workers successfully conducted the "hot
          fire" of the solid rocket booster hydraulic power units. About  3
          p.m. yesterday, the units were run for approximately 20 seconds
          to verify their operation prior to flight.

               The Rotating Service Structure was moved away from the
          vehicle by 7 a.m. today in preparation for the hot fire of the
          oribter's auxiliary power units. The new APUs will be run for
          approximately seven minutes later today. The hot fire is a
          requirement for new units.

               The STS-27 flight crew is scheduled to arrive at KSC on
          Saturday to participate in the Terminal Countdown Demonstration
          Test (TCDT). The countdown clock will begin ticking at the T-24
          hour mark at about 7:40 a.m. (EST) Sunday, Nov. 13 and will
          continue through a simulated T-zero at 11 a.m. (EST) Monday, Nov.

                       STS-29 - DISCOVERY (OV 103) - OPF BAY 1

               Orbiter systems testing continuing today includes: power
          reaction storage and distribution system testing, functional
          checkout of the forward reaction control system, orbiter
          communications testing and checks of the main propulsion liquid
          oxygen system. Technicians are scheduled to install the nose
          wheels and tire assemblies today.

                        STS-28  -  COLUMBIA (OV 102)  -  OMRF

               Preparations are underway to transfer Columbia from the
          Orbiter Modification and Refurbishment Facility to OPF bay 2 at
          midnight tonight. The goal is to have the orbiter in position and
          jacked and leveled by first shift tomorrow to minimize the
          disruption of work due to the move.

                      STS-29 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS  -  VAB/RPSF

               Stacking operations are proceeding smoothly and ahead of
          schedule. The left forward center and left aft center segments
          were mated by 3:40 a.m. today. A leak check of that field joint
          is planned later today. The left forward segment was moved into
          the transfer aisle and is being prepared for mating to the stack
          later this week. The right aft booster is scheduled to be
          transferred to the VAB this weekend for stacking on the launch