[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle Status for 02/08/89

yee@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (02/10/89)


                        STS-29  -  DISCOVERY (OV 103)  -  VAB

               Yesterday, the Terminal Countdown Demonstration was
          successfully completed with a simulated engine cutoff at the T
          minus 5 second mark which came at 11:36 a.m. EST. The five-member
          STS-29 flight crew boarded the Discovery's crew cabin to perform
          voice checks with test conductors and to perform the functions
          required for launch day. During the test, engineers demonstrated
          a capability to perform last minute updates to the orbiter's
          general purpose computers.

               The Tracking and Data Relay Satellite and its Inertial Upper
          Stage were installed in the payload bay Monday. Communications
          checks are underway today between the pad and the IUS checkout
          station at a facility on the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
          Those checks are in preparation for payload testing next week.

               All three oxidizer turbo pumps have been removed from the
          orbiter and the last pump is being lowered down on the rail to
          the mobile launcher platform today. The pumps are taken back to
          the VAB engine shop for shipment back to the vendor. New pumps
          are scheduled to arrive next week. The launch target is mid-March
          and the official date will be set at the Flight Readiness Review.

                     STS-30  -  ATLANTIS (0V 104)  -  OPF BAY 2

                Orbiter systems testing continues in bay 2 on Atlantis.
          Workers installed one engine yesterday and are scheduled to
          install the second one today and third tomorrow. New oxidizer
          turbo pumps required for Atlantis' engines will be installed
          later in the processing flow. Thermal protection system
          operations are continuing.

                     STS-28  -  COLUMBIA (OV 102)  -  OPF BAY 1

               Power up testing of Columbia is continuing today. Checks of
          the main propulsion system and the communications and navigations
          systems are planned. The new 17-inch liquid hydrogen disconnect
          valve has been installed.

                        STS-30 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS  -  VAB

               The right aft center is in the VAB transfer aisle and mating
          preparations are underway. Meanwhile, technicians in the RPSF are
          preparing the right forward segment for stacking.