[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle Status for 02/13/89

yee@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (02/16/89)


                        STS-29  -  DISCOVERY (OV 103)  -  VAB

               The pad remains closed this morning as workers finish the
          pre-launch propellant load activity that began this weekend.
          Today, technicians are completing the load operation for the
          orbiter's auxiliary power units. Technicians have completed
          loading hydrazine into the solid rocket boosters' hydraulic power
          units. Monomethylhydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide were loaded
          into Discovery's reaction control system and orbital maneuvering
          system storage tanks over the weekend.  The payload bay doors are
          closed for the hyper load operation and are scheduled to be
          reopened later tonight. The pad will be reopened after the
          loading operation is complete.

               The first of three new oxidizer turbo pumps arrived at KSC
          on Saturday and the second new pump is expected tonight.  The new
          pumps will go through receiving inspections prior to installation
          on the engines. Installation of the three pumps and the
          associated testing is scheduled to be completed prior to the end
          of this month.

               Tests of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite and its
          Inertial Upper Stage are scheduled this week in parallel with
          pump installation activities.

                     STS-30  -  ATLANTIS (0V 104)  -  OPF BAY 2

               Workers are checking out the main engines today and are
          verifying the main propulsion system helium regulators. The
          orbiter's ammonia boilers were serviced this weekend. Thermal
          protection system operations are continuing.

                     STS-28  -  COLUMBIA (OV 102)  -  OPF BAY 1

               The left hand radiators were removed over the weekend and
          the thermal material on the edges of the payload bay doors was
          removed. Workers will be installing new thermal material prior to
          Columbia's next flight. The helium regulators have been installed
          and verification of the master timing unit has been accomplished.
          Power up testing of Columbia is continuing today. Technicians are
          continuing to bond tiles.

                        STS-30 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS  -  VAB

               The right aft center segment was mated to the right aft
          booster over the weekend. Technicians are applying adhesive to
          the right forward center segment tang and j-seal prior to mating.
          The right forward assembly is in the VAB transfer aisle.