[sci.space.shuttle] Mission Status Report #12

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (03/17/89)

                      MISSION STATUS REPORT  #12
                           FLIGHT DAY FOUR

Thursday, March 16, 1989 -- 6 am CST

In a reversal of traditional procedure, the crew of Discovery 
this morning "awoke" Mission Control with the theme song from the 
popular television show "Star Trek" followed by congratulatory 
comments from actor William Shatner who played Captain Kirk on 
the show.  Flight controllers followed Discovery's message by 
uplinking the fight songs from each crew members' college.

Another busy day is planned aboard Discovery including 
troubleshooting of the Space Station Heatpipe Advanced Radiator 
Element and continued monitoring of the chicken embryo and 
CHROMEX experiments and filming with the IMAX camera.

Yesterday, work associated with an abnormal cryogenic hydrogen 
tank reading culminated when the Discovery crew was given the 
"go" to turn on one of two heaters in tank number three.  The 
system has been operating normally since activation of heater B 
in the tank.

During SHARE activities yesterday the crew conducted a second run 
which was terminated 28 minutes into the experiment due to the 
drying out of liquid ammonia in the evaporator section of the 
heat pipe.  The crew again powered up SHARE at 5:47 am CST today 
with results to be determined.

The next mission status will be at 9:30 am CST.