[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle-C users' conference slated for May 25-26

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (03/28/89)

Jim Cast
Headquarters, Washington, D.C.                     March 22, 1989

Bob Lessels
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.

RELEASE:  89-38


     The Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala., and 
Shuttle-C program contractors will host a Shuttle-C Users' 
Conference, May 25-26, at the Marriott Hotel, Huntsville, Ala.

     Shuttle-C is a NASA concept of an unmanned, cargo-carrying 
derivative of the Space Shuttle which would provide the United 
States with a heavy-lift, launch capability by the middle of the 
next decade.  

     Shuttle-C would use the same external tank, solid rocket 
boosters and liquid-fueled main engines as used by the present 
Space Shuttle, but the orbiter would be replaced with an 
expendable cargo pod.  Shuttle-C would have a projected payload-
to-low-Earth-orbit capability of 50 to 75 tons -- two to three 
times the current Space Shuttle payload capacity.

     The conference, according to Marshall center Deputy Director 
Thomas J. Lee, is designed to fully explain the Shuttle-C space 
launch vehicle and its potential for improving America's access 
to space.  The conference also will provide potential users with 
an opportunity to particpate in working sessions to define their 
needs and requirements for a heavy-lift launch vehicle. 

     The conference will begin with pre-registration and a 
reception May 24 in the Marriott Hotel lobby.  The conference 
will begin on May 25 with opening remarks by Marshall center 
Director James R. Thompson Jr.; Darrell R. Branscome, NASA 
director for advanced program development; and Robert G. Eudy, 
Marshall manager of the Shuttle-C task team.

     Five workshop sessions will focus on Shuttle-C support of 
planetary missions and Space Station Freedom, launching 
scientific and applications payloads, use as a technology test 
bed and support of Department of Defense requirements.

     Conferees will be given a tour of the Marshall Space Flight 
Center on May 26, including a visit to the full-scale Shuttle-C 
Engineering Development Unit now being assembled.

     Persons interested in conference participation should 
contact David Christensen, coordinator, at United Technologies 
Corp., (205/721-5514).