[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle Status for 05/12/89

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (05/13/89)


                     STS-28  -  COLUMBIA (OV 102)  -  OPF BAY 1

               Yesterday, orbiter main engine actuators, engine valves,
          aerosurfaces and vent doors were cycled. External tank doors are
          scheduled to be cycled this weekend. Tests of the interfacing
          connections between the orbiter and the orbital maneuvering
          system pods are underway.

               Other scheduled work includes preparing the ammonia boilers
          for flight, functional testing of the waste containment system,
          servicing the auxiliary power units with water and testing the
          orbiter's communications systems. The payload bay doors are
          scheduled to be closed Sunday for tile work in that area.

               Columbia is scheduled to remain in bay 1 until late June
          when it will be transferred to the VAB for mating with its
          external tank and solid rocket boosters.

                       STS-33  -  DISCOVERY (OV 103)  -  OMRF

               Discovery was rolled from Bay 2 to the Orbiter Modification
          and Refurbishment Facility yesterday afternoon. Discovery was
          transferred to the OMRF to make room for Atlantis' return
          scheduled for this weekend. Discovery will be transferred to bay
          1 when Columbia is moved to the VAB in June.

                     STS-30 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS  -  HANGAR AF

               Workers have removed one nozzle from the booster and are
          scheduled to remove the other today. The aft skirts and nose
          cones have been turned over to USBI for refurbishment. Once
          disassembled, the segments will be shipped back to Morton Thiokol
          for refurbishment and reloading with propellant.

                         STS-28 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - VAB

               The right forward segment was mated to the stack yesterday.
          The right forward assembly/nose cone is being prepared for
          stacking. Joint closeouts are active.

                         STS-34 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - RPSF

               Technicians are building up the right and left aft boosters
          in the Rotation Processing and Surge Facility.