[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle Status for 06/13/89

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (06/13/89)


                     STS-28  -  COLUMBIA (OV 102)  -  OPF BAY 1

               Yesterday, technicians removed the high pressure fuel turbo
          pump from engine number one. The new pump is being installed
          today and connections will follow. After checkout of the pump,
          technicians will begin installing heat shields back around the
          engine as early as Friday.

               Technicians are cleaning the payload bay and installing
          thermal blankets in the orbiter's midbody as part of orbiter
          closeout operations. Thermal protection system operations are
          also underway with 30 cavities reported this morning.

               Functional tests of the landing gears are planned for
          Wednesday. Technicians are adjusting tiles on the landing gear
          doors for a tight fit and smooth closure. Tire pressure sensors
          are being installed and calibrated. Nine of 10 brackets for the
          hydraulic brake lines have been installed.

               Columbia's target date of June 23 for tow to the Vehicle
          Assembly Building in preparation for mating with its external
          tank and solid rocket boosters is being evaluated.

                      STS-30  -  ATLANTIS (OV 104) - OPF BAY 2

               Operations continuing today include checkout of the power
          reactant storage and distribution system, testing of the
          communications system, modifications and tile work.  Sensors are
          being installed on the wings for the "flutter buffet"
          modification which is designed to determine loads on the vehicle
          during ascent.

                       STS-33  -  DISCOVERY (OV 103)  -  OMRF

               Power down work scheduled this week includes wiring and
          instrumentation improvements and modification of the crew seats
          to allow more room for the crew when they wear the partial
          pressure suits.  Discovery will be transferred to bay 1 when
          Columbia is moved to the VAB in June.

                         STS-28 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - VAB

               Closeouts of the boosters and tank are underway in
          preparation for mating with the shuttle Columbia.

                       STS-34 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - VAB/RPSF

               Workers are making preparations to begin stacking the STS-34
          solid rocket motor segments today. Stacking will begin with the
          left aft booster scheduled to be placed on the mobile launcher
          platform early tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, technicians are
          readying other STS-34 segments in the RPSF.