(Peter E. Yee) (08/25/89)
KSC SPACE SHUTTLE PROCESSING REPORT - THURSDAY, AUG. 24, 1989 STS-32 - COLUMBIA (OV 102) - OPF BAY 2 Columbia is scheduled to be powered up today for post-flight testing. The strongbacks are being attached to the payload bay doors for opening next week. Preparations are underway to remove the protective tailcone tonight after the body flap has been positioned. Heatshields are scheduled to be removed from around the main engines this weekend and the engines will be removed next week. STS-34 - ATLANTIS (OV 104) - VAB The liquid hydrogen and oxygen tail service masts have been mated to the orbiter and electrical connections between the orbiter and external tank are underway. Power up testing is planned tomorrow. At the Vertical Processing Facility, the Galileo/Inertial Upper Stage payload was installed in the payload canister today. At about midnight, the canister will be transferred to Launch Pad 39-B. Atlantis is scheduled to be transferred to Launch Pad 39-B at 12:01 a.m. Monday, August 28. STS-33 - DISCOVERY (OV 103) - OPF BAY 1 Interface verification checks of the right orbital maneuvering system pod are underway. Other activities scheduled today include leak and functional testing of the auxiliary power units, orbiter modifications and thermal protection system operations. Technicians are installing heat shields around engines one and three. The nose landing gear wheels and tire assemblies are scheduled to be installed this week. STS-33 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - VAB The left forward center segment is scheduled to be lifted today for pre-mating inspections. The right aft booster is being prepared at the RPSF for transfer to the VAB this weekend. Booster stacking operations will continue on a non-interference basis with the STS-34 orbiter mating activities.