[net.music] Today's Cutting Edge

jackson@curium.DEC (09/26/85)

>    OK people of net land, I have a question for you. Who do you feel is on the
> cutting edge of todays rock. In the past, it has been Pink Floyd, The Stones,
> Led Zeppelin,etc.... Who is it today. Could it be Madonna? If not, then who
> is it?

I've seen exactly two postings in response to this question, and they
both contained the same answer. I guess I'll have to make it 3 out of 3.
The answer is, of course, The Grateful Dead.
"What shall we say, shall we call it by a name?"

				Seth Jackson

Posted:	Thu 26-Sep-1985 09:16 
To:	RHEA::DECWRL::"net.music"