[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle Status for 01/04/90

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (01/05/90)

                    KSC SHUTTLE STATUS -  THURSDAY, JAN. 4, 1990

                        STS-32 - COLUMBIA (OV 102) - PAD 39-A

               Preparations to pick up the STS-32 launch countdown are
          underway today. Everything is on schedule for beginning the count
          on time at 4 p.m. EST today at the T minus 43 hour mark. This
          countdown includes about 45 hours of hold time to allow time for
          loading the additional power reactant storage and distribution
          system (PRSD) tanks for this extended duration flight. In
          addition, managers wanted to allow for any problems that may
          arise from the newly refurbished launch pad and mobile launcher

               The count will enter its first planned built-in hold at 8
          a.m. EST tomorrow and preparations will begin for loading the
          PRSD tanks. Actual loading will begin with liquid oxygen at about
          12 noon tomorrow.

               Technicians closed out the aft compartment for flight at
          about 1:30 this morning when the doors were installed. Today, the
          Orbiter Midbody Umbilical Unit will be connected to a panel on
          the orbiter in preparation for servicing the power reactant
          storage and distribution system tanks during the launch
          countdown.  Closeouts of the solid rocket boosters and external
          tank are underway today.

               Batteries to power the avionics on the Syncom satellite will
          be charged today.

               STS-32 astronauts will be arriving at KSC at about 4:30 p.m.
          Friday to prepare for the 10-day mission. Launch remains
          scheduled for 8:10 a.m. EST, the opening of the 54 minute window.

                       STS-36 - ATLANTIS (OV 104) - OPF BAY 1

               Work is continuing to prepare Atlantis for the STS-36
          mission next month. Transfer of the vehicle to the VAB is planned
          in about two weeks.

               Activities planned today include leak checks of the elevon
          cove seal area, leak checks of the main engines, cleaning the
          midbody and thermal protection system closeouts.

                       STS-31 - DISCOVERY (OV 103) - OPF BAY 2

               Power up testing of the PRSD system is planned today, as
          well as checkout of the main propulsion system and orbital
          maneuvering and reaction control system.

                         STS-31 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - VAB

               The left aft center segment was lifted into the high bay
          late last night and is scheduled to be pinned by midnight
          tonight. The left forward center segment is scheduled to be
          transferred to the VAB early tomorrow morning.