[sci.space.shuttle] latest STS-32 keplerian elements

karn@ka9q.bellcore.com (Phil Karn) (01/17/90)

Satellite: sts-32
Epoch time:      90015.91666667
   Mon Jan 15 22:00:00.0   1990 UTC
Inclination:       28.5003 deg
RA of node:        94.1902 deg
Eccentricity:    0.0002283
Arg of perigee:   142.9628 deg
Mean anomaly:     348.8765 deg
Mean motion:   15.79692406 rev/day
Decay rate:      0.00049735 rev/day^2
Epoch rev:             101
Semi major axis:  6713.775 km
Anom period:     91.156987 min
Apogee:            338.929 km
Perigee:           335.864 km
Ref perigee:      4397.91862266
   Mon Jan 15 22:02:48.997 1990 UTC

Comparing this set with the last one gives a predicted position difference
of 8.54 km and a velocity difference of 10 meters/sec.  This is a lot better
than a few days ago when they were constantly making orbital maneuvers!
