[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle Status for 02/19/90

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (02/21/90)

                  KSC SHUTTLE STATUS REPORT - MONDAY, FEB. 19, 1990

                    STS-36 - ATLANTIS (OV 104) - LAUNCH PAD 39-A

               The launch countdown began on time at 8 p.m. EST last night.
          All activities are on  schedule  to  support  Thursday's  launch.
          Liftoff  of  Mission  STS-36 is scheduled to occur during a four-
          hour period extending from 12 a.m. to 4 a.m. EST on Feb. 22.

               Today, the launch team will be activating Atlantis'  naviga-
          tion system,  stowing flight  crew  equipment,  performing  final
          closeouts on the main propulsion system and preparing for loading
          the  power  reactant  storage and distribution system with liquid
          oxygen and liquid hydrogen reactants tonight.

               The aft engine compartment was closed out  for  flight  this
          morning and the aft structural leak check is underway.

               The  five-member  astronaut  crew  arrived at KSC at 11 p.m.
          last night and will be participating in  the  routine  pre-launch
          activities  such as practice flights in T-38 training jets and in
          the Shuttle Training Aircraft and review of flight data files.

               Weather forecasts indicate there is a 40 percent  chance  of
          violating criteria during the launch period on Thursday. The con-
          cern  is over predicted high winds and clouds making the ceilings
          in the area below 8,000 feet.  Winds are forecast to be from  the
          southeast at 12 knots gusting to 18 knots. Clouds are forecast to
          be  scattered  at various levels and broken from 26,000 to 29,000
          feet. The expected temperature is about 63 degrees F.

               NASA and contractor shuttle program managers will meet  here
          tomorrow for the routine launch minus two-day review.

                        STS-32 - COLUMBIA (OV 102) - OPF BAY 1

               Post-flight  orbiter  systems  tests  are underway including
          checks of the waste containment system,  troubleshooting  of  the
          humidity  separator,  leak and functional checks of the auxiliary
          power units, and checkout of the orbital maneuvering system pods.

                       STS-31 - DISCOVERY (OV 103) - OPF BAY 2

               Technicians will pressurize the right hand main landing gear
          tires today.  A brake anti-skid test is scheduled for later  this
          week.  The  external  tank doors are scheduled to be cycled for a
          functional test and for thermal protection system operations.

                        STS-31 - SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - VAB

               Joint closeouts are underway and preparations have begun for
          mating the external tank to the solid rocket boosters later  this