[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle Status for 03/16/90

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (03/17/90)

           KSC SHUTTLE STATUS REPORT - FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1990 - 11:30 a.m.

                    STS-31 - DISCOVERY (OV-103) - VAB HIGH BAY 1

               Discovery was rolled out to Launch Pad 39-B overnight. First
          motion came at 7:55 p.m.  and the vehicle  was  harddown  on  the
          pad's pedestals at 4:30 a.m.  today.  The Rotating Service Struc-
          ture was moved around the  vehicle  this  morning  at  9:30  a.m.
          Today,  workers  are  hooking  up  support  equipment between the
          vehicle and launch pad.  Power up is planned for this  afternoon.
          Preparations  to  conduct  a  helium  signature  leak test of the
          orbiter's main propulsion system and three main engines  are  un-
          derway. The test is planned for Monday.

               The  rollout  was  delayed  about  12  hours  while  shuttle
          managers discussed a bearing nut on Columbia's nose  wheel  axle.
          The nut appears to be cross-threaded on Columbia and Atlantis. An
          analysis is underway on Columbia's axle in California. If further
          analysis  indicates  a  problem  does exist that would jeopardize
          Discovery,  the vehicle would be brought  back  to  the  VAB  and
          removed  from the external tank for access to the forward landing

               Launch pad operations  have  been  rescheduled  to  preserve
          schedule  options  in case of a rollback.  The Terminal Countdown
          Demonstration Test has been moved up to begin on Monday, March 19
          and will culminate with a simulated main engine cutoff at 11 a.m.
          EST Tuesday.  The STS-31 flight crew will arrive Sunday  to  par-
          ticipate in the test.

                       STS-35 - COLUMBIA (OV-102) - OPF BAY 1

               Columbia's  nose  wheel  axle  was  removed  last  night and
          shipped to the vendor, Menasco in Burbank, Calif.  The high pres-
          sure fuel turbo pump for engine 2 is scheduled  to  arrive  today
          and  will  be  installed  this weekend in the engine shop.  Tech-
          nicians removed about 16 tiles to get  access  to  the  orbiter's
          S-band antenna for troubleshooting. This antenna experienced data
          losses during the STS-32 mission.

               Preparations  are  continuing  to  install the Astro payload
          into the payload bay early next week.  Closeouts of  the  payload
          bay  and  checks  of  payload  wiring in the orbiter are underway
          today to ready the vehicle for payload installation.

                       STS-36 - ATLANTIS (OV-104) - OPF BAY 2

               Preparations are underway to  remove  the  forward  reaction
          control  system  and  transfer  it  to the Hypergolic Maintenance
          Facility for repairs. Residual hydraulic fluid has been mapped in
          the aft compartment and cleaning efforts are continuing. Prepara-
          tions are underway to prepare the orbiter's hydraulic system  for
          repositioning of the body flap. Then the tail cone can be removed
          and  shipped back to Dryden.  Post-flight inspections and testing
          will begin soon.

                    STS-35 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - VAB HIGH BAY 3

               Closeouts of the solid rocket  boosters  are  underway  this
          week.  Measurements of the boosters' alignment are scheduled this
          weekend.  The boosters are stacked on mobile launcher platform 3.
          The external tank is scheduled to be mated next week.