[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle Status for 04/06/90

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (04/10/90)

             KSC SHUTTLE STATUS REPORT - FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1990 - 11 A.M.

                    STS-31 - DISCOVERY (OV-103) - LAUNCH PAD 39-B

               Launch Pad 39-B was reopened for normal work  at  4:30  a.m.
          today  after    several  major events: final ordnance operations,
          pressurization of the orbital  maneuvering  system  and  reaction
          control  system  propellant  storage  tanks  and  loading  of the
          dewars, or storage tanks,  at the pad with liquid oxygen and liq-
          uid  hydrogen  reactants.  These  propellants are loaded into the
          orbiter's storage tanks during the launch countdown and  will  be
          used by the shuttle's power producing fuel cells.

               Charging   of   the  telescope's  nickel-hydrogen  batteries
          resumed last night about 10:30 and will continue  until  tomorrow
          afternoon.  The  orbiter's  payload  bay doors will be closed for
          flight early Sunday morning.

               Closeouts of the aft engine compartment are underway     in-
          cluding final inspections, removing protective covers for flight,
          installing  last  minute items and cleaning the area.  The flight
          doors are scheduled to be on the aft compartment by 8 a.m. tomor-
          row morning.

               Launch of STS-31 is targeted for 8:47 a.m.  EDT on April 10.
          The launch countdown will begin Saturday,  April 7, at 3 p.m. EDT
          at the T-43 hour mark. The STS-31 flight crew is scheduled to ar-
          rive at the Shuttle Landing Facility at 2 p.m. that day.  At this
          time,  the forecast indicates that there is an 80 percent  chance
          that  weather  conditions will be within launch criteria on Tues-

                       STS-35 - COLUMBIA (OV-102) - OPF BAY 1

               Operations scheduled today include closeouts of  the  elevon
          cove seal area and thermal protection system operations.  Yester-
          day,  a brake anti-skid test was conducted and a functional  test
          of the landing gear is planned today. Ku-band antenna testing has
          been completed and the antenna was stowed for flight.

                       STS-38 - ATLANTIS (OV-104) - OPF BAY 2

               Post-flight inspections,  systems testing and validations of
          Atlantis' major systems are underway this week.  Technicians  are
          inspecting  a  bushing on the right nose landing gear door hinge.
          Deservicing of the freon coolant loop number 1 is planned today.

                    STS-35 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - VAB HIGH BAY 3

               Technicians are performing closeouts  between  the  external
          tank and solid rocket boosters. The boosters and tank are stacked
          on mobile launcher platform 3.

                    STS-38 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - VAB HIGH BAY 1

               Stacking  operations are underway for STS-38.  The left for-
          ward center segment is being pinned to the  left  booster  today.
          Early  next  week,  the  left  forward segment is scheduled to be
          transferred to the Vehicle Assembly Building. The STS-38 boosters
          are being stacked  on mobile launcher platform 1.