(Mary Shafer) (05/14/90)
In article <54576@microsoft.UUCP> andyro@microsoft.UUCP (Andrew ROSENBERG) writes:
I loved the STS-31 kit someone posted a while back. Does someone
have access to the text of the STS-38 (astro 1) mission?
This is the mission that's being delayed because they suddenly discovered
that the space shuttle uses CFCs for cooling. (would make a good far
side panel IMHO :-) )
According to my STS-31 press kit, this is STS-35, not 38.
STS-38 is a military mission, using Atlantis. It has a target launch
date of 9 July.
I'll get my STS-35 press kit about a week before launch, when we
have the briefing for Dryden hosts. I'll probably give it away to
some lucky net person after the landing (when we meet in front of
the F-18 HARV :-) like last time.
Mary Shafer ames!!shafer
NASA Ames Dryden Flight Research Facility, Edwards, CA
Of course I don't speak for NASA