(Peter E. Yee) (06/07/90)
Lisa Malone June 6, 1990 (407) 867-2468 KSC Release No. 99-90 BOARD APPOINTED TO INVESTIGATE IMPROPER RAISING OF DISCOVERY'S PAYLOAD BAY DOOR An investigation board has been named by Center Director Forrest McCartney to examine the circumstances surrounding the June 4, 1990 mishap which involved improper raising of the or- biter Discovery's right hand payload bay door. Discovery is lo- cated in Orbiter Processing Facility high bay 1 undergoing processing for the STS-41 Ulysses mission, scheduled for launch in October 1990. Chairman of the board is Paul Myers, Technical Assistant to KSC's Director of Engineering Development. Hector Delgado, of the Systems Assurance Office, Reliability and Quality Assurance Directorate is the deputy chairman. Other members of the board are: Charles Stevenson, chief, External Tank Section, Vehicle En- gineering; and Tim Yang, facilities systems engineer, Mechanical and Electrical Systems Branch, Facilities and Systems Operations Division, Center Support Operation Directorate. Two additional board advisors are: Laurie Walls, engineer, Structures, Handling and Access Systems Section, Vehicle Engineering, and Larry Ir- minger, Lockheed Space Operations Company. Ex-officio board members are Elizabeth Gruhler, safety ad- visor, Douglas Hendricksen, legal advisor and Lisa Malone, public affairs advisor. Elliot Kicklighter, primary assistant to the Deputy Director, National Space Shuttle Operations, has been ap- pointed as a level II observer. On June 4, at about 8:30 a.m., Discovery's right hand payload bay door was configured for closure. Special fixtures used to handle orbiter doors in the earth's gravity were in place for the operation. The fixtures are attached to and controlled by the overhead bridge. An accidental movement of the overhead bridge caused the payload bay door to flex for a short period of time. Board functions include investigating the facts surrounding the mishap, determination of its probable cause, assessments of the possibility of a recurrence, and recommendations on correc- tive actions. A final report is due by mid-July.