[sci.space.shuttle] Can Anyone Identify These

Robert.King@p2.f7.n391.z8.fidonet.org (Robert King) (07/25/90)

In a message to All <24 Jul 90 20:05:00> Alfred J. Broderick wrote:

 AJ> From: broderic@remus.rutgers.edu (Alfred J. Broderick)
 AJ> Date: 24 Jul 90 06:02:22 GMT
 AJ> Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J.
 AJ> Message-ID: <Jul.>
 AJ> Newsgroups: sci.space.shuttle

 AJ> (Sorry, this has nothing to do with the shuttle, but I thought you
 AJ> guys would know something about this...)

 AJ> In a recent computer magazine
 AJ> advertisement there is a picture that looks
 AJ> a lot like a rocket sled experiment.  The advertisement consists of
 AJ> three
 AJ> still photographs.  In the first photo there is the face of a very clean
 AJ> cut looking white male, possibly in his
 AJ> early thirties, wearing some black
 AJ> eye protectors.  In the second picture his face is disfigured and in
 AJ> the
 AJ> last photo his face is very stretched
 AJ> and compressed generally all messed
 AJ> up.

 AJ> Does anyone know what was happening in this photo?  (If I had a
 AJ> scanner I
 AJ> would post a bitmap for you.)  I want to know if the man in the photo
 AJ> survived this experience okay.  When and why did the even take place?
 AJ> Were the eye protectors added tothe photograph by an artist of did the
 AJ> man really wear them in the experiment? (I think they look fake.)

 AJ> If it is a picture of a rocket sled experiment, is there a book that has
 AJ> more information on such experiments?

If these are the photos I recall seeing, the man pictured in Major
Paul(?)  Stapp, USAF.  The pictures were taken by a camera on the sled
he rode on the test track at Holloman AFB, NM.  My recollection dates
this effort to the late forties or early fifties.  Major Stapp did
survive the run at near-Mach or or faster velocities.  However, I
believe he did suffer detached retinas due to the high deceleration G
forces encountered during braking (which accomplished by a projection on
the bottom of the sled being dipped into a pool of water between the
rails as it approached the end of the track.)

The distortions of his face were due to the combined effects of
acceleration and high velocity wind blast.

Robert King

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