[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle Status for 09/14/90

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (09/16/90)

             KSC SHUTTLE STATUS REPORT - FRIDAY, SEPT. 14, 1990 11:30 AM

                        STS-35 - COLUMBIA (OV 102) - PAD 39-A

               Preparations are on schedule  to  begin  the  STS-35  launch
          countdown at 1 a.m.  EDT tomorrow. The countdown clock will begin
          at the T-43 hour mark leading up to the planned liftoff  at  1:28
          a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 18.

               Additional  leak tests of the main propulsion system and the
          number 2 main engine were successfully performed yesterday and no
          further testing is required.

               Yesterday, technicians purged the power reactant storage and
          distribution system storage tanks.  These tanks are  loaded  with
          super cold reactants during the launch countdown.

               Closeouts  of  the aft compartment for flight are continuing
          today. These activities include inspections of the hydraulic sys-
          tems,  draining condensation from the flash evaporator,  removing
          protective covers from components,  installing a baggie on a fuel
          duct, installing gas samplers, taking closeout photos and overall
          cleaning.   These activities are scheduled to be completed tomor-
          row  and  the  flight  doors are scheduled to be installed on the
          vehicle by tomorrow afternoon.

               Part of the STS-35 flight crew is currently scheduled to ar-
          rive at KSC Saturday evening and the rest of the crew will arrive

                       STS-41 - DISCOVERY (OV 103) - PAD 39-B

                    Preparations are underway to  load  hypergolic  propel-
          lants  aboard  the orbiter this weekend.  Later tonight,  the pad
          will be closed to all non-essential personnel for this  operation
          which extends until Sunday night.

               An end-to-end test of the Ulysses payload was completed yes-
          terday. Engineers are reviewing the data from the test today.

                       STS-38 - ATLANTIS (OV 104) - OPF BAY 2

               Operations  to  replace the flash evaporator are continuing.
          Brazing operations are continuing.  Tile repairs  are  continuing
          and  thermal  control blankets are being installed on the forward
          bulkhead.  Atlantis is being prepared for rollover to the VAB the
          end of the month.