[sci.space.shuttle] KSC Weather Report for 09/14/90

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (09/16/90)

          TO: PIOZ/PRESS
          FROM: Diller/NASA-KSC

                              Launch Complex 39
                              STS-35 L-4 Day Weather Outlook
                              Expected conditions on 9/18/90

          Synopsis: An upper level trough to the northwest will produce a
          chance of rain offshore with a chance of showers or related cloud
          conditions moving onshore.

          At 1:28 a.m. on Tuesday conditions are forecast to be:

          Clouds:  3,000- 8,000 scattered
                   8,000-10,000 scattered
                  25,000-28,000 scattered

          Visibility: 7+ miles

          Wind: ENE-12 knots, occasional gusts to 18 knots

          Temperature:  78 degrees

          Dewpoint:  72 degrees

          Relative Humidity: 80%

          Precipitation: Chance of rainshowers

          Overall probability of violating launch weather criteria:
          Tuesday    20%  threat of rainshowers, crosswind
          Wednesday  20%  threat of rainshowers
          Thursday   10%  threat of rainshowers

          Prepared by Cape Canaveral Forecast Facility
          USAF Air Weather Service
