[sci.space.shuttle] KSC Weather Briefing for 10/02/90

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (10/03/90)

          TO:   PIOZ/PRESS
          FROM: Diller/NASA-KSC

                              Launch Complex 39
                              STS-41 L-4 Day Weather Outlook
                              Expected conditions on 10/6/90

          Synopsis:  A high presssure system centered to the northeast of
                     Florida is the dominant feature.  A tropical wave has
                     developed 1600 miles southeast of Florida.  Its effect
                     on Cape Canaveral, if any, will be routinely assessed.

          At 7:35 a.m. on Saturday conditions are forecast to be:

          Clouds:  3,000- 8,000 scattered
                   25,000-28,000 scattered

          Visibility: 7+ miles

          Wind: SE-8 knots

          Temperature: 78 degrees

          Dewpoint:  76 degrees

          Relative Humidity: 95%

          Precipitation: slight chance of showers and early morning fog

          Probabilities of weather criteria violations--
          Tanking violation: 0%
          Launch weather criteria violation: Saturday 20%
                                             Sunday   20%
                                             Monday   20%

          Prepared by Cape Canaveral Forecast Facility
          USAF Air Weather Service
