(Peter E. Yee) (11/30/90)
KSC SHUTTLE STATUS REPORT - FRIDAY, NOV. 16, 1990 10 A.M. STS-38 - ATLANTIS (OV 104) - PAD 39-A Launch of Atlantis and Mission STS-38 on a classified Department of Defense flight occurred at 6:48:15.0639 p.m. EST yesterday. Post launch securing operations are underway at Pad 39-A today. The mobile launcher platform will be transferred back to the VAB on Monday. Launch damage to the pad was reported as minimal. At sea, the booster retrieval operations are underway. Recovery teams station-kept the boosters overnight and began retrieval activities at sunrise this morning. The parachutes are on board and work to secure the boosters for tow is underway. The boosters are expected to be in port tomorrow. STS-35 - COLUMBIA (OV 102) - PAD 39-B A leaking quick disconnect for main engine 1 is being re- placed today. A flight readiness test on that engine to retest the disconnect is planned tomorrow. Hydraulic fluid is being con- ditioned in preparation for the test which cycles engine valves. The first part of ordnance operations is planned Sunday. The pad will be cleared during this operation. The two contingency space suits are scheduled to be installed in the air lock early next week. Pad B was cleared most of yesterday for the STS-38 launch. Columbia and the Astro payload are being prepared for launch on Mission STS-35. A launch date will be set at the Flight Readi- ness Review scheduled for Nov. 27. STS-39 - DISCOVERY (OV 103) - OPF BAY 1 This week, five new general purpose computers (GPCs) were installed in the vehicle. STS-39 will be the first use of the upgraded GPCs. Today, an ammonia boiler and the Ku-Band antenna drive assembly will be replaced. A screen test of the fuel tanks on the right orbital maneuvering system (OMS) pod will be conducted again today. A retest is necessary because data collected from Wednesday's test is not fully understood. The pod is located at the Hypergolic Maintenance Facility. STS-39 BOOSTERS - VAB STS-39 booster stacking operations are continuing in the VAB. Mating of the left forward center segment to the stack is underway today. The left forward segment, the last motor seg- ment, is scheduled to be mated next week prior to the Thanksgiv- ing holidays.