yee@scam.Berkeley.EDU (Peter Yee) (08/28/90)
Les Gaver Headquarters, Washington, D.C. August 21, 1990 (Phone: 202/453-8372) N90-66 NOTE TO EDITORS: STS-35 TV TRANSMISSIONS STS-35/ASTRO-1 Space Shuttle mission (currently scheduled for a Sept. 1 launch) television programming will be transmitted daily via the following satellite to accomodate the Alaska and Hawaii audiences: SPACENET 1 Transponder 17 120 degrees West Longitude 4040.0 MHz (Video) 6.8 MHz (Audio) Two-hour edited versions of each day's events will be transmitted via SPACENET 1 at: Sept. 1 and 8 - 1:35 a.m. to 3:35 a.m. EDT Sept. 2-7 and 9 - 12:01 a.m. to 2 a.m. EDT The continental United States will continue to receive NASA Select television, 24 hours a day throughout the mission, via: SATCOM F2R Transponder 13 72 degrees West Longitude 3960 MHz (Video) 6.8 MHZ (Audio) (Peter E. Yee) (11/30/90)
Les Gaver Headquarters, Washington, D.C. November 29, 1990 (Phone: 202/453-8372) N90-96 NOTE TO EDITORS: STS-35 TV TRANSMISSIONS STS-35/ASTRO-1 Space Shuttle mission (currently scheduled for a Dec. 2 launch) television programming will be transmitted daily via the following satellite to accomodate the Alaska and Hawaii audiences: SPACENET 1 Transponder 17 120 degrees West Longitude 4040.0 MHz (Video) 6.8 MHz (Audio) Two-hour edited versions of each day's events will be transmitted via SPACENET 1 at: Dec. 1 and 8 - 1:35 a.m. to 3:35 a.m. EST Dec. 2-7 and 9-11 - 12 midnight to 2 a.m. EST The continental United States will continue to receive NASA Select television, 24 hours a day throughout the mission, via: SATCOM F2R Transponder 13 72 degrees West Longitude 3960 MHz (Video) 6.8 MHZ (Audio)