[sci.space.shuttle] STS-35 SAREX Status

gamorris@lescsse.uucp (Gary A. Morris) (12/05/90)

Houston  4 Dec 90 - 17:00 UTC

There have been some success and some problems with SAREX (Shuttle
Amateur Radio EXperiment) on STS-35.  On the first inflight test of the
bridge system (2 Dec 90 0316 UTC) we were unable to make any contact
with Ron.  We have confirmed that he had a weak voice contact sometime
before the bridge test time with a station in Florida. 

On the second bridge schedule, which was to be a realtime connection
between Ron, WA4SIR, and a classroom of children on school, we were
unable to establish two way contact with Ron during the pass over Sao
Paulo, Brazil.  We did hear him for about 10 seconds of the 10 minute
pass but couldn't establish conact.  The most likely cause of the 
weak signal is the orbiter attitude during the contact.  The SAREX antenna
is in the right side window on the flight deck and at the time of the
Sao Paulo pass the orbiter was tail down.  The orbiter attitude is 
determined by needs of the primary payload.  

A second bridge system test was scheduled for a pass over Australia
but Ron was unavailable at the time of the pass (4 Dec 90 0205 UTC) and
no contact was made.  Ron was also asked to attempt direct contact with
W5RRR on orbit 30.  This contact was successful, Roy Neil talk to Ron
for about 7 minutes as he passed south of Houston.  Ron said that he had
heard us full quieting on the pass over Sao Paulo but we couldn't hear
him.  The orbiter attitude was good for this pass which confirms that the
orbiter attitude is important.  This pass had only a 6 degree maximum
elevation in Houston, we believe elevation and range are not significant
factors in making a contact with the shuttle. 

The amateur radio voice contact with the Mir space station is uncertain
at this time.  The first close conjunction (53 km) with Mir was to occur
today (4 Dec 90) but the Mir crew is unavailable for radio contact due
to the docking with the Soyuz and arrival of the new crew.  The next
close conjunction (57 km) is about 4 hours after the SAREX stow time on
Dec 11.  This contact can only take place if mission controllers approve
delaying the stow of SAREX and the mission is extended the extra day. 
Vance Brand has been brushing up his Russian language skills which he
learned for the Apollo-Soyuz mission. 

The packet robot has been operating on schedule (included below).  As of
this morning (4 Dec 90 1600 UTC) over 400 contacts have been made with
amateur radio operators using packet.  If you experience weak signals on
the downlink, it is likely that the orbiter is in an unfavorable
attitude for you.  It can improve or degrade as the orbiter passes
depending on which side of the orbiter is facing you.  The attitude is
constantly being changed to support the telescopes, so if you experience
weak signals, try again on later orbits. 

Packet Robot Operating Schedule

03 Dec 90 03:19 - 16:19 UTC
04 Dec 90 03:19 - 15:44 UTC
05 Dec 90 03:19 - 15:34 UTC
06 Dec 90 03:19 - 15:49 UTC
07 Dec 90 03:19 - 15:34 UTC
08 Dec 90 03:19 - 15:44 UTC
09 Dec 90 03:19 - 15:34 UTC
10 Dec 90 03:18 - 15:04 UTC
11 Dec 90 02:49 - 14:34 UTC (only if mission is extended one extra day)

The element set (below) is from JSC based on orbiter state vector, the
NORAD data is different by about 7 seconds on equator crossing times. 
The JSC 2 line set has 00035 for the object number, whereas the NORAD
set has 20980.  If you had set JSC-012, there is really no need to
update to this one, the difference is small (about 10 seconds). 

Keplerian Element Set

1 00035U          90337.58101852  .00031000  00000-0  22174-3 0   130
2 00035  28.4623 355.6417 0008957 294.4128 292.2542 15.72222895   229

Satellite: STS-35
Epoch time:      90337.58101852	        (03 Dec 90 13:56:40.000 UTC)
Element set:     JSC-013
Inclination:       28.4623 deg          Space Shuttle Flight STS-35
RA of node:       355.6417 deg              Keplerian Elements
Eccentricity:     .0008957              from NASA Tracking Ephemeris
Arg of perigee:   294.4128 deg         
Mean anomaly:     292.2542 deg                    W5RRR
Mean motion:   15.72222896 rev/day       NASA Johnson Space Center
Decay rate:       3.10E-04 rev/day^2
Epoch rev:              22

Gary Morris                    Internet: lobster!lescsse!gamorris@menudo.uh.edu
Lockheed (LESC), A22           UUCP:     lobster!lescsse!gamorris
Space Station Freedom          NASAmail: gmorris/jsc/nasa
Houston, Texas                 Internet: gmorris@nasamail.nasa.gov