[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle Status for 12/13/90

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (12/14/90)

            KSC SHUTTLE STATUS REPORT - Thursday, Dec. 13, 1990  10 a.m.

                         STS-35 - COLUMBIA (OV 102) - DRYDEN

               Turnaround operations to prepare the  orbiter  Columbia  for
          the  return trip to Florida are continuing.  Pending good weather
          and no problems,  Columbia is scheduled to depart  Edwards  early
          Sunday morning.  The 747 shuttle carrier aircraft/orbiter will be
          making several refueling stops across the  country,  including  a
          planned  overnight  stay  at  Kelly Air Force Base,  San Antonio,
          Texas, because of the extra weight due to Astro.

               Once back at KSC,  Columbia will be located in  the  Vehicle
          Assembly  Building for about one month,  until Discovery is ready
          to be transferred out of the OPF.

                       STS-39 - DISCOVERY (OV 103) - OPF BAY 1

               Technicians are scheduled to install  the  nose  cap  today.
          Checks of the left orbital maneuvering system pod are underway. A
          test  of  the  nose  wheel steering system is set for today and a
          brake anti-skid test is  planned  tomorrow.  Discovery  is  being
          prepared for rollover to the Vehicle Assembly Building the end of

                       STS-37 - ATLANTIS (OV 104) - OPF BAY 2

               The  number  2 main engine was removed overnight.  The other
          two engines are being removed today.  They will be taken  to  the
          engine shop in the VAB for routine tests and checks.

               Technicans  are  deconfiguring the midbody from the previous
          mission.  The nose cap is scheduled to be removed  tomorrow.  In-
          spections  of  the cavity for the forward reaction control system
          are underway.  Testing of the orbiter's communications system  is

                         STS-39 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - VAB

               Stacking operations are continuing in the VAB. The left for-
          ward  assembly was mated yesterday and the right forward assembly
          is ready to be mated today. Closeouts are underway on all joints.

               The external tank is scheduled to be mated to  the  boosters
          on Dec. 18.