[sci.space.shuttle] docking

brody@eos.arc.nasa.gov (Adam R. Brody) (12/18/90)

Did the crew in the ascent module control the docking after ascent from the
moon or was the command module the active vehicle both for this docking and
the transposition docking?

henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer) (12/28/90)

In article <7698@eos.arc.nasa.gov> brody@eos.arc.nasa.gov (Adam R. Brody) writes:
>Did the crew in the ascent module control the docking after ascent from the
>moon or was the command module the active vehicle both for this docking and
>the transposition docking?

As I recall, the command module was normally the active vehicle -- the CM
pilot had a better view, if nothing else.  There were various contingency
procedures, but I believe it was not possible to dock with a completely
uncooperative command module.
"The average pointer, statistically,    |Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
points somewhere in X." -Hugh Redelmeier| henry@zoo.toronto.edu   utzoo!henry