[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle Status for 01/07/91

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (01/08/91)

              KSC SHUTTLE STATUS REPORT - MONDAY, JAN. 7, 1991  10 a.m.

                       STS-39 - DISCOVERY (OV 103) - OPF BAY 1

               Checkout of the forward reaction control  system  (FRCS)  is
          underway today.   Crossfeed lines between the orbital maneuvering
          system pods are being connected this week.   Tests of  the  power
          reactant  storage  and  distribution  system are scheduled.  Heat
          shields are being installed around the main engines.

               Discovery is being prepared for rollover to the Vehicle  As-
          sembly Building the end of this month.

                       STS-37 - ATLANTIS (OV 104) - OPF BAY 2

               Leak  and  functional tests of the auxiliary power units are
          scheduled this week.  Preparations are underway  to  install  the
          remote manipulator system. Tests of the orbiter's instrumentation
          system are planned. Hydraulic systems operations are planned this
          week.  Atlantis is being readied for launch scheduled in April.

                          STS-40 - COLUMBIA (OV 102) - VAB

               Tiles  are being waterproofed and post-flight inspections in
          the aft  compartment  are  continuing.  Some  carrier  panels  on
          Columbia's leading edges have been removed for structural inspec-
          tions.  A test of the orbiter's S-band antenna is planned. Colum-
          bia  will remain in the Vehicle Assembly Building until Discovery
          is ready to be transferred out of the OPF later this month.

                         STS-37 SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - VAB

               Booster stacking operations are  continuing.  The  left  aft
          center segment was mated to the left booster last week.  The left
          forward  center  segment  was  transferred  to the VAB early this
          morning in preparation for mate operations.