[sci.space.shuttle] Shuttle LANCH

rtbakker@fwi.uva.nl (R.T. Bakker (I85)) (01/07/91)

Greetings Y'all.

Could somebody tell me if it is possible to watch a launch and/or a
landing of a shuttle. Ofcourse I do not mean a T.V. viewing.

So if such is the case:
- Where and how can I optain the proper information?
- Does one has to enter the lanch area or can one only watch it from
  outside the lanch area (if either one is possible, what is the
  distance to the lanch site. And exactly where are the spotting areas,
  so I can look it up)?
- Will it be busy? Is an early arrival required (e.g. a few hours, days,
  weeks, ...)?

If not:
- Why?

Suggestions, comments and/or information can be send to:

Any help is appreciated.

mikeu@pro-magic.cts.com (Mike Ungerman) (01/08/91)

In-Reply-To: message from rtbakker@fwi.uva.nl

The answer is of course, yes, it is most possible to watch the launch of the
shuttle.  Thousands if not hundreds of thousands do for each one.  Both
Pro-Canaveral and Pro-Magic bbs's, networked to Internet, have files available
from their servers giving specifics on what to do, where to go. Or you can
call my bbs at the number below and as a guest read the Kennedy Space Center

I personally like to drive to Mims, a small village north of Titusville, and
go over to a small boat ramp on the river directly opposite one of the shuttle
launch pads (probably 15 miles away as the crow flies, maybe less) and watch. 
Very little traffic going and coming there via back roads from Orlando, as
opposed to the main arteries.  You can get a visitors pass to the center
itself if you write far enough in advance, and if the launch is not a D.O.D.


Mike Ungerman                      |Proline:mikeu@pro-magic
Pro-Magic BBS: 407-366-0156        |uucp:crash!pnet01!pro-magic!mikeu
300/1200/2400/9600 Baud 24hrs      |arpa:crash!pnet01!pro-magic!mikeu@nosc.mil
Apple Tree of Central Florida, Inc |Internet:mikeu@pro-magic.cts.com
Orlando, Florida|Voice:407-366-5840|Compuserve:71326,31 Prodigy: JSNP58A