(Peter E. Yee) (01/11/91)
Thursday January 10, 1991 10:00 a.m. EST KSC SPACE SHUTTLE PROCESSING STATUS REPORT ----------------------------------------------------------------- STS-39 -- Discovery (OV 103) - OPF Bay 1 Power on testing continues today. The high point bleed valve on the orbital maneuvering system pods have been checked and verifications of the electrical connections are continuing. Water spray boiler servicing and potable water servicing continues today. The power reactant and storage distribution system's hydrogen line inspections continue today. Elevon cove leak checks and auxiliary power unit functional tests will continue today. Leak checks on the main propulsion system have been completed. S- band communications systems checks are scheduled for tomorrow. Members of the STS-39 crew are scheduled to arrive KSC this weekend for a scheduled crew equipment interface test. STS-37 -- Atlantis (OV-104) - OPF Bay 2 Fuel cell power reactant and storage distribution system tests are currently underway. APU leak and functional tests are in the final stages of work today. APU number 3 will be connected this weekend. Work will begin today to remove and replace the APU active cooling system water valve. Seals on the main propulsion system's liquid oxygen lines will be routinely tested today. The waste containment system will be thoroughly verified and work to replace two of the orbiter's windows will continue today. In the Vehicle Assembly Building, tonight the left forward solid rocket booster segment will be lifted and mated to the existing segments on the mobile launcher platform in high bay 3. STS-35 -- Columbia (OV 102) - VAB High Bay 2 Assessments today of a small ding in window number 1 is leading to discussions of possible removal and replacement. Hydraulic system inspections are continuing as access allows. Tile operations are also continuing. Columbia will remain in the VAB until Discovery vacates the Orbiter Processing Facility, near the end of January.