[sci.space.shuttle] KSC Weather Report for 04/02/91

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (04/04/91)

          TO:   PIOZ/PRESS

          FROM: George Diller/NASA-KSC
                407-867-2468/FTS 823-2468

                              Launch Complex 39
                              L-3 Day Weather Forecast for STS-37
                              Conditions expected on Friday, 4/5/91

          Synopsis:  A cold front will be approaching from the West but is
          now not expected to be a factor on Friday.  It will influence
          weather in the event of a 24 hour scrub turnaround as predicted
          winds increase.  Each day conditions improve during the duration
          of the launch period.

          At 9:18 a.m. on Friday morning conditions are forecast to be:

          Clouds:    2,500 to 6,000  scattered stratocumulus
                     28,000 to 33,000 broken cirrus

          Visibility: 7+ miles

          Wind - Pad 39B: SE at 10 knots gusting to 18 knots

          Temperature:  74 degrees

          Dewpoint:     60 degrees

          Humidity:     72%

          Precipitation: chance of showers

          Probability of launch weather criteria violation at the beginning
          of the launch period: 30%

          Probability of tanking constraint violation on Friday: 5%

          Chance of violation at launch time on Saturday:  50%
                                                Sunday:    30%

          Developed by Cape Canaveral Forecast Facility
          USAF Air Weather Service
