[sci.space.shuttle] KSC Weather Report for 04/24/91

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (04/26/91)

          TO:   PIOS/PRESS

          FROM: George Diller/NASA-KSC
                407-867-2468/FTS 823-2468

                              Launch Complex 39
                              L-4 Day Weather Outlook for STS-39
                              Conditions expected on Sunday, 4/28/91

          Synopsis:   High pressure will be located east of Cape Canaveral
          in the Atlantic Ocean and a high pressure ridge will dominate the
          weather over Florida.  The only significant weather concern is a
          chance of violation of the launch pad wind constraint.

          At 7:01 a.m. on Sunday morning conditions are forecast to be:

          Clouds:       700 to  1,000 scattered stratus
                     28,000 to 31,000 scattered cirrus

          Visibility: 7+ miles

          Wind - Pad 39A: S at 12 knots, gusting to 20 knots

          Temperature:  72 degrees

          Dewpoint:     69 degrees

          Humidity:     90%

          Precipitation: none expected

          Probability of launch weather criteria violation at the beginning
          of the launch period: 30%

          Probability of launch weather criteria violation over the
          duration of the launch period: 10%

          Probability of tanking constraint violation: 5%

          Chance of violation at launch time on Wednesday:  30%
                                                (overall window 10%)

                                                Thursday :  50%
                                                (overall window 30%)

          Developed by Cape Canaveral Forecast Facility
          USAF Air Weather Service  4/24/91