[sci.space.shuttle] Location of airlock on spacelab flights

bheil@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Brian Heil) (04/27/91)

Does anybody know if the shuttle airlock has been flown in the payload bay 
postion?  I mean bolted to the payload bay side of the crew cabin aft bulkhead,
if I remember correctly it can be flown inside the crew compartment, outside
the crew compartment or between the tunnel adapter and the docking adapter.
Since a contingency EVA is provided for on all flights, where is the airlock
located for a SpaceLab flight.  With the tunnel installed how is access to the 
payload bay acheieved?  As far as I can figure it must go outside on top of the
tunnel adapter with the hatch facing 'up' in the bay.  Any body know for sure,
or better yet know where I can find pictures of this config?

Brian Heil                           )              University of Iowa
bheil@scout-po.biz.uiowa.edu         (      College of Business Administration
bheil@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu           )        Computing Services Organization
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