Here is the Space Shuttle Manifest as published by the Jan. 1991 issue of Spaceflight. Note new NASA policy of not giving exact dates (except for the next mission) which follows what Arianespace do with their manifests. It appears that NASA might have already changed this manifest since a recent Payload Summary indicated that STS-42 would be launched in Nov. 1991 and STS-47 in Aug. 1992. I would like to thank Chris Gosnell ( for explaining what EDO and MPEC stand for. STS Date Orbiter Payload ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 26 Feb. 91 Discovery CIRRIS (AFP-675), IBSS, STP-1, MPEC 37 8 Apr. 91 Atlantis GRO (Gamma Ray Observatory) 40 May 91 Columbia SLS-1 (Spacelab Life Sciences), GAS Bridge 43 Jul. 91 Discovery TDRS-E (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite) 44 Aug. 91 Atlantis DSP (Defence Support Program) 48 Nov. 91 Discovery UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite) 42 Dec. 91 Atlantis IML-1 (International Microgravity Laboratory) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 Mar. 92 Discovery TSS-1 (Tethered Satellite System), EURECA-1L 45 Apr. 92 Atlantis ATLAS-1 49 May 92 Endeavour Intelsat VI rescue 50 Jun. 92 Columbia USML-1 (United States Microgravity Laboratory), EDO 51 Aug. 92 Atlantis ACTS (Advanced Communications Technology Satellite) 47 Sep. 92 Endeavour SL-J (Spacelab Japan), GAS Bridge 52 Oct. 92 Columbia LAGEOS II (Laser Geodynamics Satellite), EURECA-1R 53 Nov. 92 Discovery DoD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 Jan. 93 Endeavour Spacehab-1, SPAS-ORFEUS 55 Feb. 93 Columbia SL-D2 (Spacelab Germany) 56 Mar. 93 Discovery WSF, FTS demonstration test, payload opportunity 57 May 93 Endeavour ATLAS-2 58 May 93 Atlantis TDRS-F (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite) 59 Jun. 93 Columbia Spacehab-2 60 Jul. 93 Discovery HST (Hubble Space Telescope) Servicing and Repair 61 Sep. 93 Endeavour SRAD/TPITS 62 Sep. 93 Atlantis LITE-1 (Lidar In-space Technology Experiment) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATLAS Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science CIRRIS Cryogenic Infrared Radiance Instrument for Shuttle EDO Extended Duration Orbiter EURECA European Retrievable Carrier FTS Flight Telerobotic Servicer GAS Get Away Special IBSS Infrared Background Signature Survey MPEC Multi-Purpose Experiment Cannister ORFEUS Orbiting and Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer SPAS Shuttle Pallet Satellite SRAD Shuttle Radiator Assembly Demonstration STP Space Test Program TPITS Two Phase Integration Thermal System WSF Wake Shield Facility -- Steven Pietrobon, Australian Space Centre for Signal Processing, School of Electronic Engineering, University of South Australia, The Levels, SA 5095, Australia. (02/07/91)
Here is the Space Shuttle Manifest as given in the 4 Feb. 1991 issue of the NASA Mixed Fleet Manifest. There is not much change from the last manifest published in Dec. 1990. I've organised this manifest so that you can easily pin it on your wall and see what the next mission is. On a seperate page are NASA's plans from the 4th quarter of 1993 to the 3rd quarter of 1996 (in real time, not Fiscal Year time). Shuttle assignments and dates are not given for these later flights. SPACE SHUTTLE MANIFEST (4 Feb. 1991) STS Date Orbiter Payload ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 Mar. 91 Discovery AFP-675 (CIRRIS), IBSS, STP-1, MPEC 37 Apr. 91 Atlantis GRO (Gamma Ray Observatory), CETA 40 May 91 Columbia SLS-1 (Spacelab Life Sciences), GAS Bridge 43 Jul. 91 Discovery TDRS-E (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite), SSBUV-3 44 Aug. 91 Atlantis DSP (Defence Support Program) 48 Nov. 91 Discovery UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite) 42 Dec. 91 Atlantis IML-1 (International Microgravity Laboratory), GAS Brg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 Mar. 92 Discovery TSS-1 (Tethered Satellite System), EURECA-1L 45 Apr. 92 Atlantis ATLAS-1, SSBUV-4 49 May 92 Endeavour Intelsat VI Reboost, ASEM 50 Jun. 92 Columbia USML-1 (United States Microgravity Laboratory), EDO 51 Aug. 92 Atlantis ACTS (Advanced Communications Technology Satellite) 47 Sep. 92 Endeavour SL-J (Spacelab Japan), GAS Bridge 52 Sep. 92 Columbia LAGEOS II, EURECA-1R, USMP-1 53 Nov. 92 Discovery DoD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 Jan. 93 Endeavour Spacehab-1, SPAS-ORFEUS, GAS Bridge, SHOOT 55 Feb. 93 Columbia SL-D2 (Spacelab Germany) 56 Mar. 93 Discovery TDRS-F (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite) 57 Apr. 93 Endeavour ATLAS-2, SPTN-2, SSBUV-A-1 58 May 93 Atlantis SRAD/TPITS, WSF-1, IEH, ISEM-1 59 Jun. 93 Columbia SLS-2 (Spacelab Life Sciences), EDO 60 Jul. 93 Discovery Spacehab-2, OAET-1, CAPL, FLOATZONE-1, Payload Oppty 61 Aug. 93 Endeavour USMP-2, SPTN-3, CMSE-1, Payload Opportunity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASEM Assembly of Station by Extravehicular activity Methods ATLAS Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science CAPL Capillary Pump Loop experiment CETA Crew and Equipment Translation Aid CIRRIS Cryogenic Infrared Radiance Instrument for Shuttle CMSE Candidate Materials Space Exposure (extended duration) EDO Extended Duration Orbiter EURECA European Retrievable Carrier FLOATZONE Floatzone crystal of Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) FTS Flight Telerobotic Servicer GAS Get Away Special IBSS Infrared Background Signature Survey IES International Extreme-UV far-UV Hitchhiker ISEM ITA Standardised Experiment LAGEOS Laser Geodynamics Satellite MPEC Multi-Purpose Experiment Cannister OAET Office of Aeronautics, Exploration, and Technology ORFEUS Orbiting and Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer SHOOT Super fluid Helium On Orbit Transfer demonstration SPAS Shuttle Pallet Satellite SPTN Shuttle Pointed autonomous research Tool for astronomy (aka SPARTA?) SRAD Shuttle Radiator Assembly Demonstration SSBUV Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultra-Violet instrument STP Space Test Program TPITS Two Phase Integration Thermal System USMP United States Microgravity Payload WSF Wake Shield Facility SPACE SHUTTLE MANIFEST (continued) (4 Feb. 1991) 4th Quarter 1993: LITE Lidar In-space Technology Experiment SPAS-III Shuttle Pallet Satellite, reflight of IBSS mission FTS-DTF-1 Flight Telerobotic Servicer Demonstration Test Flight SRL-1 Space Radar Laboratory HST REV-1 Hubble Space Telescope Revisit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Quarter 1994: CRISTA-SPAS Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometer Telescope for Atmosphere ATLAS-3, SSBUV-A-2 Geostar-1 Interactive radiodetermination satellite Spacehab-3 FROZEPIPE Frozen startup of a heat Pipe in microgravity HPE Heat Pipe Experiment Microwave-1 Microwave power transmission phase I Payload Opportunity, SPTN-4, ISEM-2 CXM-2 Commercial Cross-bay carrier (Materials science laboratory) Payload Opportunity 2nd Quarter 1994: IML-2, USMP-3 OAET-FLYER Office of Aeronatics, Exploration, and Technology Flyer Payload Opportunity 3rd Quarter 1994: SFU-RETR Space Flyer Unit Retrieval CXM-3, CMSE-2, Payload Opportunity, WSF-2, Spacehab-4, EURECA-2L, CXM-4 4th Quarter 1994: SRL-2 XTE X-Ray Timing Explorer EUVE RETR Extreme Ultra-Violet Explorer Retrieval ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Quarter 1995: ATLAS-4 WISP Waves In Space Plasma SSBUV-A-3, USML-2, Spacehab-5, Geostar-2, EURECA-2R, CMSE-3 2nd Quarter 1995: AAFE Aeroassist Flight Experiment OAET-2, Payload Opportunity, SL-D3 3rd Quarter 1995: Flight Opportunity, USMP-4, WSF-3 SSF/MB-1(FEL) Space Station Freedom Manned Base First Element Launch 4th Quarter 1995: Spacehab-6, SPTN-5 CXH-10 Commercial Cross-bay Carrier Payload Opportunity SSF/MB-2 Space Station Freedom Manned Base ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Quarter 1996: SRL-3, SLS-3, SSF/MB-3 2nd Quarter 1996: Geostar-3, Spacehab-7, OAET-3, Payload Opportunity, SSF/MB-4, USMP-5, WSF-4 DCWS Debris Collision Warning System 2nd Quarter 1996: SSF/MB-5, ATLAS-5, SSBUV-A-4 CONE Cryogenic Orbital Nitrogen Experiment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Steven Pietrobon, Australian Space Centre for Signal Processing, School of Electronic Engineering, University of South Australia, The Levels, SA 5095, Australia. (03/25/91)
Here is the Space Shuttle Manifest as given in release 91-44 "NASA issues changes to shuttle manifest" 21 Mar. 1991. This new manifest reflects changes caused by STS-39 being delayed due to cracked external tank door hinges on Discovery. The official manifest only gives the schedule to Sep. 1992. For beyond Sep. 1992 I've used the Feb. mixed fleet manifest and tried to predict what the manifest will be. Note that there is 7 months between the deployment and retrieval of EURECA, the same as in the the previous manifest. I've organised this manifest so that you can easily pin it on your wall and see what the next mission is. SPACE SHUTTLE MANIFEST (21 Mar. 1991) STS Date Orbiter Payload ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 Apr. 91 Atlantis GRO (Gamma Ray Observatory), CETA 39 May 91 Discovery AFP-675 (CIRRIS), IBSS, STP-1, MPEC 40 May 91 Columbia SLS-1 (Spacelab Life Sciences), GAS Bridge 43 Aug. 91 Atlantis TDRS-E (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite), SSBUV-3 48 Oct. 91 Discovery UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite) 44 Dec. 91 Atlantis DSP (Defence Support Program) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 Feb. 92 Discovery IML-1 (International Microgravity Laboratory), GAS Brg 45 Apr. 92 Atlantis ATLAS-1, SSBUV-4 49 May 92 Endeavour Intelsat VI Reboost, ASEM 50 Jun. 92 Columbia USML-1 (United States Microgravity Laboratory), EDO 46 Aug. 92 Atlantis TSS-1 (Tethered Satellite System), EURECA-1L 47 Sep. 92 Endeavour SL-J (Spacelab Japan), GAS Bridge 52 Sep. 92 Columbia LAGEOS II, USMP-1, CANEX 53 Nov. 92 Discovery DoD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 Jan. 92 Endeavour ACTS (Advanced Communications Technology Satellite) 54 Feb. 93 Columbia EURECA-1R, SPAS-ORFEUS, GAS Bridge, SHOOT 55 Mar. 93 Discovery TDRS-F (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite) 56 Apr. 93 Endeavour SL-D2 (Spacelab Germany) 57 May 93 Atlantis SRAD/TPITS, WSF-1, IEH, ISEM-1 58 Jun. 93 Columbia SLS-2 (Spacelab Life Sciences), EDO 59 Jul. 93 Discovery Spacehab-1, OAET-1, CAPL, FLOATZONE-1 60 Aug. 93 Endeavour ATLAS-2, SPTN-2, SSBUV-A-1 61 Sep. 93 Atlantis USMP-2, SPTN-3, CMSE-1, payload oppty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASEM Assembly of Station by Extravehicular activity Methods ATLAS Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science CANEX Canadian Experiments CAPL Capillary Pump Loop experiment CETA Crew and Equipment Translation Aid CIRRIS Cryogenic Infrared Radiance Instrument for Shuttle CMSE Candidate Materials Space Exposure (extended duration) EDO Extended Duration Orbiter EURECA European Retrievable Carrier FLOATZONE Floatzone crystal of Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) FTS Flight Telerobotic Servicer GAS Get Away Special IBSS Infrared Background Signature Survey IEH International Extreme-UV far-UV Hitchhiker ISEM ITA Standardised Experiment LAGEOS Laser Geodynamics Satellite MPEC Multi-Purpose Experiment Cannister OAET Office of Aeronautics, Exploration, and Technology ORFEUS Orbiting and Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer SHOOT Super fluid Helium On Orbit Transfer demonstration SPAS Shuttle Pallet Satellite SPTN Shuttle Pointed autonomous research Tool for astronomy (aka SPARTAN) SRAD Shuttle Radiator Assembly Demonstration SSBUV Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultra-Violet instrument STP Space Test Program TPITS Two Phase Integration Thermal System USMP United States Microgravity Payload WSF Wake Shield Facility -- Steven Pietrobon, Australian Space Centre for Signal Processing, School of Electronic Engineering, University of South Australia, The Levels, SA 5095, Australia. (05/02/91)
Here is the Space Shuttle Manifest as given in release 91-44 "NASA issues changes to shuttle manifest" 21 Mar. 1991. The official manifest only gives the schedule to Sep. 1992. For beyond Sep. 1992 I've used the Feb. mixed fleet manifest and tried to predict what the manifest will be. Note that there is 7 months between the deployment and retrieval of EURECA, the same as in the the previous manifest. I've organised this manifest so that you can easily pin it on your wall and see what the next mission is. SPACE SHUTTLE MANIFEST (2 May 1991) STS Date Orbiter Payload ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 5 Apr. 91 Atlantis GRO (Gamma Ray Observatory), CETA 39 28 Apr. 91 Discovery AFP-675 (CIRRIS), IBSS, STP-1, MPEC 40 May 91 Columbia SLS-1 (Spacelab Life Sciences), GAS Bridge 43 Aug. 91 Atlantis TDRS-E (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite), SSBUV-3 48 Oct. 91 Discovery UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite) 44 Dec. 91 Atlantis DSP (Defence Support Program) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 Feb. 92 Discovery IML-1 (Int. Microgravity Laboratory), GAS Bridge 45 Apr. 92 Atlantis ATLAS-1, SSBUV-4 49 May 92 Endeavour Intelsat VI Reboost, ASEM 50 Jun. 92 Columbia USML-1 (United States Microgravity Laboratory), EDO 46 Aug. 92 Atlantis TSS-1 (Tethered Satellite System), EURECA-1L 47 Sep. 92 Endeavour SL-J (Spacelab Japan), GAS Bridge 52 Sep. 92 Columbia LAGEOS II, USMP-1, CANEX 53 Nov. 92 Discovery DoD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 Jan. 92 Endeavour ACTS (Advanced Communications Technology Satellite) 54 Feb. 93 Columbia EURECA-1R, SPAS-ORFEUS, GAS Bridge, SHOOT 55 Mar. 93 Discovery TDRS-F (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite) 56 Apr. 93 Endeavour SL-D2 (Spacelab Germany) 57 May 93 Atlantis SRAD/TPITS, WSF-1, IEH, ISEM-1 58 Jun. 93 Columbia SLS-2 (Spacelab Life Sciences), EDO 59 Jul. 93 Discovery Spacehab-1, OAET-1, CAPL, FLOATZONE-1 60 Aug. 93 Endeavour ATLAS-2, SPTN-2, SSBUV-A-1 61 Sep. 93 Atlantis USMP-2, SPTN-3, CMSE-1, payload oppty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASEM Assembly of Station by Extravehicular activity Methods ATLAS Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science CANEX Canadian Experiments CAPL Capillary Pump Loop experiment CETA Crew and Equipment Translation Aid CIRRIS Cryogenic Infrared Radiance Instrument for Shuttle CMSE Candidate Materials Space Exposure (extended duration) EDO Extended Duration Orbiter EURECA European Retrievable Carrier FLOATZONE Floatzone crystal of Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) FTS Flight Telerobotic Servicer GAS Get Away Special IBSS Infrared Background Signature Survey IEH International Extreme-UV far-UV Hitchhiker ISEM ITA Standardised Experiment LAGEOS Laser Geodynamics Satellite MPEC Multi-Purpose Experiment Cannister OAET Office of Aeronautics, Exploration, and Technology ORFEUS Orbiting and Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer SHOOT Super fluid Helium On Orbit Transfer demonstration SPAS Shuttle Pallet Satellite SPTN Shuttle Pointed autonomous research Tool for astronomy (aka SPARTAN) SRAD Shuttle Radiator Assembly Demonstration SSBUV Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultra-Violet instrument STP Space Test Program TPITS Two Phase Integration Thermal System USMP United States Microgravity Payload WSF Wake Shield Facility -- Steven Pietrobon, Australian Space Centre for Signal Processing School of Electronic Engineering, University of South Australia The Levels, SA 5095, Australia.