[sci.space.shuttle] STS-40 Press Kit Part 2 of 2

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (05/07/91)

neurovestibular and hematopoietic.  Seven of the investigations 
will use laboratory rats as subjects.  A gravitational biology 
experiment will study jellyfish development and behavior.  Ames 
Research Center also has developed several pieces of flight 
hardware to support these experiments.

	The Ames payload consists of a research animal holding facility 
(RAHF), two animal enclosure modules (AEMs), a general purpose 
work station and associated general purpose transfer unit, a 
refrigerator/incubator module, a small mass measuring instrument
and eight animal experiments.  A brief description of each of
those experiments follows.

Regulation of Erythropoiesis During Space Flight

Principal Investigator: 	

Robert D. Lange, M.D.
University of Tennessee Medical Center
Knoxville, Tenn.	

Regulation of Blood Volume During Space Flight

Principal Investigator:	

Clarence Alfrey, M.D. 	
Baylor College of Medicine	
Houston, Texas	

	This combined investigation will explore the mechanisms for 
changes seen in red blood cell mass and blood volume in crews on 
previous space flights.  Several factors known to affect 
erythropoiesis will be examined.  It also will determine whether 
comparable changes occur in the rat and if the rat is a 
satisfactory model for studying microgravity-induced changes in 
human blood.

	Previous space flight crews have consistently exhibited 
decreased red blood cell mass and plasma volume.  The mechanisms 
responsible for these changes are not known, although a decrease 
in red blood cell production may play a role in altered red cell 

	The SLS-1 hematology experiments will study two parts of the 
blood system:  the liquid portion (plasma), which contains water, 
proteins, nutrients, electrolytes, hormones and metabolic wastes 
and a cellular portion, which contains red and white blood cells 
and platelets.

Bone, Calcium and Space Flight

Principal Investigator:	

Emily Morey-Holton, Ph.D.
NASA Ames Research Center	
Moffett Field, Calif.	

	Weightlessness causes a slow loss of calcium and phosphorus
from the bones during and immediately following space flight.  Negative
calcium balance, decreased bone density and inhibition of bone
formation have been reported.  Most of the loss is thought to occur in
the leg bones and the spine, which are responsible for movement and
erect posture.

	Previous studies of rodents exposed to microgravity have shown 
decreased skeletal growth early in the mission; reduced 
concentrations of a protein secreted by bone-forming cells, 
suggesting a reduction in the activity of these cells; and reduced 
leg bone breaking strength and reduced bone mass in the spine.

	Formation of bone probably does not cease abruptly, but more 
likely decreases gradually as the number and/or activity of bone-
forming cells decreases.  This experiment will allow more precise 
calculation of the length of flight time required to significantly 
inhibit bone formation in rats.

	Dr. Morey-Holton's experiment focuses on growth that occurs in a 
number of specific bones such as the leg, spine and jaw.  The 
study also will document alterations in bone growth patterns and 
bone-breaking strength in rodents exposed to weightlessness and it 
will determine whether bone formation returns to normal levels 
after space flight.  

A Study of the Effects of Space Travel on Mammalian 
Gravity Receptors

Principal Investigator: 

Muriel Ross, Ph.D.
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, Calif.

	The neurovestibular system, which helps animals orient their 
bodies, is very sensitive to gravity.  In space, gravity no longer 
influences the tiny otolith crystals, which are small, calcified 
gravity receptors in the inner ear.  In micro-gravity, information 
sent to the brain from the inner ear and other sensory organs may 
conflict with cues anticipated from past experiences in Earth's 
normal gravity field.  This conflict results in disorientation.  

	Previous flight experience has shown that vestibular symptoms, 
including nausea, vomiting and dizziness and instability when 
standing, occur in more than half of the astronauts during the 
first few days of flight, with some symptoms lasting for up to 10 
days post-flight.

	This study investigates structural changes that may occur within 
the inner ear in response to the microgravity of space.  It seeks 
to define the effects of prolonged weightlessness on the otoliths.  
Scientists suspect that otolith degeneration may occur as a result 
of changes in the body's calcium levels, carbohydrate and protein 
metabolism, body fluid distribution and hormone secretions.

	The study also will examine the degree to which any changes 
noted remain static, progress or recover during a 7-day period 

Effects of Microgravity-Induced Weightlessness on Aurelia 
Ephyra Differentiation and Statolith Synthesis

Principal Investigator:

Dorothy B. Spangenberg, Ph.D.
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Norfolk, Va.

	Jellyfish are among the simplest organisms possessing a nervous 
system.  They use structures called rhopalia to maintain their 
correct orientation in water.  Rhopalia have statoliths that are 
analogous to mammalian otoliths, the gravity-sensing organs of the 
inner ear that help mammals maintain balance.    

	The purpose of this investigation is to determine the role 
microgravity plays in the development and function of gravity-
receptor structures of Aurelia (a type of jellyfish).  Ephyrae are 
a tiny form of the jellyfish.  This experiment will study the 
gravity receptors of ephyrae to determine how microgravity 
influences their development and function, as well as the animals' 
swimming behavior.

Skeletal Myosin Isoenzymes in Rats Exposed to Microgravity

Principal Investigator:

Joseph Foon Yoong Hoh, Ph.D.
University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia

	Skeletal muscle fibers exist in two forms, classified as slow-
twitch or fast-twitch, depending on how fast they contract.  The 
two forms develop similar forces when contracting but they 
contract at different speeds.  The speed of contraction is 
directly related to the amount of the protein myosin in muscle 
fibers.  Myosin is made up of five isoenzymes, which differ in 
structure and in enzyme activity.

	In Earth's gravity, a low-firing frequency stimulates the slow-
twitch fibers, which support a body against gravity.  The fast-
twitch fibers, which are related to body movement, contract in 
response to high-frequency nerve impulses.

	This study will examine how microgravity affects the speed of 
muscle contractions.  Because stimuli to the slow-twitch anti-
gravity muscles should be greatly reduced in microgravity, the 
concentration of myosin isoenzymes in these fibers should be 
lower.  This experiment should provide additional data to help 
explain how microgravity affects the speed of muscle contractions 
and the growth and proliferation of slow-twitch and fast-twitch 
muscle fibers.

Effects of Microgravity on Biochemical and Metabolic 
Properties of Skeletal Muscle in Rats

Principal Investigator:  

Kenneth M. Baldwin, Ph.D.
University of California
Irvine, Calif.

	It has been proposed that a loss of muscle mass in astronauts 
during weightlessness produces the observed loss of strength and 
endurance, particularly in the anti-gravity muscles.  One 
explanation is that exposure to microgravity results in the 
removal of sufficient stress or tension on the muscles to maintain 
adequate levels of certain proteins and enzymes.  

	These proteins and enzymes enable cells to use oxygen to convert 
nutrients into energy.  When gravitational stress is reduced, 
protein activity also decreases and muscles become more dependent 
on glycogen stored in the liver and muscles for energy.  As the 
body metabolizes glycogen, muscle endurance decreases.

	Radioactive carbon compounds will be used to evaluate energy 
metabolism in the hind leg muscles of the rats exposed to 
microgravity.  The concentration of the enzymes reflects the kind 
of metabolic activity occurring in muscles during periods of 
reduced gravitational stress.  In addition, skeletal muscle cells 
of flight and ground-control animals will be compared to assess 
any changes in the concentration of enzymes that break down 

The Effects of Microgravity on the Electron Microscopy, 
Histochemistry and Protease Activities of Rat Hindlimb 

Principal Investigator:	

Danny A. Riley, Ph.D.	
Medical College of Wisconsin	 
Milwaukee, Wis.

	The anti-gravity skeletal muscles of astronauts exposed to 
microgravity for extended periods exhibit progressive weakness.  
Studies of rodents flown in space for 7 days on a previous mission 
have shown a 40 percent loss of mass in the anti-gravity leg 
muscles.  Other studies indicate the loss of strength may result 
from simple muscle fiber shrinkage, death of muscle cells and/or 
degeneration of motor innervation.  In addition, the biochemical 
process that generates energy in muscle cells was almost totally 
absent.  The progressive atrophy of certain muscles in 
microgravity is the focus of this study, which compares the 
atrophy rates of muscles used primarily to oppose gravity with 
those muscles used for movement.

	Investigators will examine muscle tissues of flight and ground-
control rodents to look for the shrinkage or death of muscle 
cells, breakdown of muscle fibers or degeneration of motor nerves.  
Scientists also hope to discover the chemical basis for atrophy by 
analyzing the concentration of enzymes that facilitate the 
breakdown of proteins within cells. 


	NASA's Get Away Special (GAS) program's goal is to provide 
access to space to everyone by offering an inexpensive way for 
individuals and organizations, both private and public of all 
countries, to send scientific research and development experiments 
on board a Space Shuttle for a modest fee on a space-available 

	The GAS bridge, capable of holding a maximum of 12 canisters (or 
cans), fits across the payload bay of the orbiter and offers a 
convenient and economic way of flying several canisters 

	To date, 55 GAS cans have flown on 15 missions.  The GAS program 
began in 1982 and is managed by Goddard Space Flight Center, 
Greenbelt, Md.  Clarke Prouty is GAS project manager and Larry 
Thomas is Technical liaison officer.

The 12 GAS experiments on STS-40 are:

(G-021)	Solid State Microaccelerometer Experiment

	This experiment, sponsored by the European Space Agency (ESA), 
is part of ESA's In-Orbit Technology Demonstration Program, which 
makes use of flight opportunities available on European and 
American carriers to fly technology experiments.

	The objective of the experiment is to test a new kind of very 
sensitive, highly miniaturized accelerometers, intended for 
applications on a number of ESA space missions.  Using a block of 
silicon material etched to create a frame with a mass suspended on 
two beams, the experiment was devised to subject accelerometers to 
known vibration stimuli while in the microgravity environment of 
the Shuttle orbit.

	As a result of the extreme sensitivity of  the accelerometers, 
noise created by the crew or Shuttle systems could reduced the 
quality of the measurements. Because of this, the crew will switch 
on the experiment prior to a sleep period. The experiment will 
work autonomously and will last about 3 hours.  After the sleep 
period, the crew will switch it off again.

	The payload was designed and built by two Swiss companies, 
Compagnie Industrielle Radioelectrique S.A. and Centre Suisse 
D'Elecronique et de Microtechnique S.A.  The NASA technical 
manager (NTM) is Richard Hoffman.

(G-052)	 Experiment in Crystal Growth

	This experiment was designed to grow crystals of gallium 
arsenide (GaAs). GaAs is a versatile electronic material used in 
high speed electronics and opto-electronics. 

	The payload will grow two selenium-doped GaAs crystals.  The 
crystals will be 1 inch in diameter by 3.5 inches long and will be 
grown using a gradient freeze growth technique.  Growth of the two 
crystals in space is part of a comprehensive research program to 
systematically investigate the effect of gravity-driven fluid flow 
on GaAs crystal growth. 

	The payload was designed and constructed at GTE Laboratories in 
Waltham, Mass., and is jointly sponsored by GTE, NASA's Lewis 
Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, and the U.S. Air Force Wright 
Research and Development Center Materials Laboratory, Dayton, 
Ohio.  Scientists from each research institution will contribute 
to characterization of the space-grown crystals.  The 
NTM is Dave Peters.

(G-091)	Orbital Ball Bearing Experiment

	A team of researchers from California State University, 
Northridge (CSUN) have built an experiment apparatus called the 
Orbital Ball Bearing Experiment (OBBFX) to test the effects of 
melting cylindrical metal pellets in microgravity.  If successful, 
this experiment may produce a type of ball bearing which has never 
before been built.

	One of the goals of the OBBEX experiment is to create the 
world's first seamless, hollow ball bearing.  The hollow 
characteristic of the ball can improve the service life rating of 
a ball bearing.  This permits higher speeds and higher load 
applications and may reduce the friction encountered in normal 

	With faculty support, the OBBFX was designed and built as part 
of a senior year design project at California State University, 
Northridge.  Funding for the experiment was provided by two 
Southern California companies:  Moore Industries Inc., a 
manufacturer of industrial control systems, and Industrial 
Tektonics, Inc., a specialty bearing manufacturer.  Additional 
funding was supplied by the Aerospace Corporation, The CSUN 
Foundation and several individuals.  The NTM is Don Carson.

(G-105)	In-Space Commercial Processing

	Scientists at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) will 
use five experiments to study possible commercial in-space 
processing opportunities.  Those experiments and another in cosmic 
ray research are co-sponsored by UAH's Consortium for Materials 
Development in Space and the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in 

	While Columbia is in orbit, two experiment packages in the 
canister will process organic films and crystals that might be 
used in optical communications and computers.  Another will 
electroplate metals to study special catalytic or reactory 
properties, or resistance to corrosion.  A fourth experiment will 
study technology used to refine and process organic materials, 
such as medical samples.

	The fifth UAH experiment will collect cosmic ray interactions on 
film emulsion while also helping scientists assess materials that 
may be used in future massive cosmic ray detectors to be flown 
aboard the Shuttle or Space Station Freedom or to determine 
exposure to energetic particles on Earth.

	The sixth experiment is provided by the U.S. Space and Rocket 
Center, a state-owned, space science museum.  It  will study the 
effects of cosmic radiation on the chromosomes and genes of a 
common yeast.  The NTM is Larry Thomas.

(G-286)	Foamed Ultralight Metals

	The scientific aim of this payload is to demonstrate the 
feasibility of producing, in orbit, foams of ultralight metals for 
possible application as shock-absorbing panel-backing to improve 
the shielding of both manned and unmanned vehicles and satellites, 
including Space Station Freedom, against hypervelocity impacts 
either from micrometeroids or orbiting debris.

	The concept of using ultralight, reactive alloys in the space 
environment, where their reactivity is not  an issue, offers many 
advantages in the engineering of large-scale space structures.  
Similarly, the idea of using metal foams made from such alloys as 
shock-absorbing backing to improve the effectiveness of satellite 
armor may offer substantial benefits in the design of Space 
Station Freedom.

	The payload was built at Duke University in the Department of 
Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science.  The project was 
supported by Omni Magazine, which offered the canister as part of 
a national contest in 1983, and by the School of Engineering in 
subsequent years.  The NTM is Don Carson.

(G-405)	Chemical Precipitate Formation

	This payload will return data concerning the formation of six 
insoluble inorganic chemical precipitates.  The experiment will 
investigate the rate of formation and terminal size of precipitate 
particles when the growth is not impaired by settling due to 

	The experiment is sponsored by the Frontiers of Science 
Foundation of Oklahoma, a private, non-profit organization 
established to promote science education within Oklahoma, in 
conjunction with Louisiana Tech University.  In 1983, the
foundation sponsored a contest among high school students to
conceptualize an experiment which would fly aboard the Shuttle.  The
revisions for the payload were performed at the Louisiana Tech
University, where the  payload manager currently serves on the faculty
in mechanical engineering.

	After flight and analysis of data the payload will be donated 
and displayed at the Oklahoma Air and Space Museum in Oklahoma 
City.  The NTM is Larry Thomas.

G-408)	Five Microgravity Experiments

	Five student experiments from the Worcester Polytechnic 
Institute are included in one GAS can.  One will attempt to grow 
large zeolite crystals.  Another will study the behavior of fluids 
in microgravity.  A third, the Environmental Data Acquisition 
System, will record information about sound, light, temperature 
and pressure within the GAS can.  The fourth will measure the 
acceleration of the Shuttle along three axes with a high degree of 
precision.  A fifth experiment will study the fogging of film in 

	The experimental packages are sponsored by the MITRE Corp. 
Bedford, Mass.  The NTM is Don Carson.

(G-451)	Flower and Vegetable Seeds Exposure to Space

	Sakana Seeds Corporation in Yokohama, Japan, and the Nissho Iwai 
American Corporation in New York, N.Y., will jointly send 19 
varieties of flower and vegetable seeds into space to determine 
how the unknown variables of microgravity will affect seed growth.  
After the Shuttle lands and the seeds are recovered, the companies 
plan to distribute the seeds widely to amateur growers. The NTM is 
Herbert Foster.

(G-455)	Semiconductor Crystal Growth Experiment

	This payload was developed to investigate the potential 
advantages of crystal growth under microgravity.  There are two 
experiments -- PbSnTe crystal growth from vapor and GaAs crystal 
growth from metallic solution.  The payload is sponsored by 
Fujitsu Limited in Kawasaki, Japan, and Nissho Iwai Corporation in 
Tokyo.  The NTM is David Shrewsberry.

(G-507)	Orbiter Stability Experiment

	This experiment, developed at Goddard Space Flight Center, will 
measure the Space Shuttle's spectrum of small angular motions (or 
"jitter") produced by the operation of mechanical systems, 
thruster firings and human motions during normal crew activity.

	In addition to the vibration measurements that will be made, 
Goddard's GAS can also carries a passive experiment to test the 
effects of radiation on photographic film.  The experiment was 
developed and provided by Dr. Ernest Hammond of Morgan State 
University, Baltimore, Md.  The NTM is Neal Barthleme.

(G-616)	The Effect of Cosmic Radiation on Floppy Disks & 
Plant Seeds  Exposure to Microgravity

	This payload consists of two experiments.  The first will 
investigate static computer memory (floppy disks) to determine if 
cosmically charged particles will produce changes in data 
integrity or structure.  The second will look for changes in the 
physiology or growth of 38 different types of plant seeds.  Each 
cultivator will be examined post-flight in comparison with samples 
from the same seed lot, that remained on the Earth, for a wide 
variety of possible effects or changes.

	Several of the floppy disks contain programs developed by 
elementary school students.  In addition, a large number of plant 
seeds will be distributed to every elementary and junior high 
school student in the Redlands, Calif., Unified School District, 
the sponsor of the experiment.  The NTM is Charles Kim. 

(G-486)	Six Active Soldering Experiments

	No information on this payload was provided by the sponsor,
EDSYN, Inc. of Van Nuys, Calif.  The NTM is Bernard Karmilowicz.


	The advent of operations of the Space Shuttle orbiter provided 
an opportunity for researchers to perform flight experiments on a 
full-scale, lifting vehicle during atmospheric entry.  To take 
advantage of this opportunity, NASA's Office of Aeronautics, 
Exploration and Technology instituted the orbiter experiments 
(OEX) program in 1976.  

	The OEX program provides a mechanism for flight research 
experiments to be developed and flown aboard a Space Shuttle 
orbiter.  Since the program's inception, 13 experiments have been 
developed for flight.  Principal investigators for these 
experiments represent NASA's Langley and Ames Research Centers, 
Johnson Space Center and Goddard Space Flight Center.  

	Seven OEX experiments will be flown on STS-40.  Included among 
this group will be six experiments conceived by Langley 
researchers and one experiment developed by Johnson.

Shuttle Entry Air Data System (SEADS)

	The SEADS nosecap on the orbiter Columbia contains 14 
penetration assemblies, each containing a small hole through which the
nosecap surface air pressure is sensed.  Measurement of the pressure
levels and distribution allows post-flight determination of vehicle
attitude and atmospheric density during entry.  SEADS, which has flown
on four previous flights of Columbia, operates in an altitude range of
300,000 feet to landing.  Paul M. Siemers III, Langley Research Center,
Hampton, Va., is the principal investigator.

Shuttle Upper Atmosphere Mass Spectrometer (SUMS)

	The SUMS experiment complements SEADS by enabling measurement of 
atmospheric density above 300,000 feet.  SUMS samples air through 
a small hole on the lower surface of the vehicle just aft of the 
nosecap.  It uses a mass spectrometer operating as a pressure 
sensing device to measure atmospheric density in the high 
altitude, rarefied flow regime where the pressure is too low for 
the use of ordinary pressure sensors.  The mass spectrometer, 
incorprated in the SUMS experiment, was spare equipment originally 
developed for the Viking Mars Lander.  SUMS was previously flown 
on STS-61C and STS-35.  Robert C. Blanchard and Roy J. Duckett of 
Langley Research Center are co-principal investigators.

	Both SEADS and SUMS provide entry atmospheric environmental 
(density) information.  These data, when combined with vehicle 
motion data, are used to determine in-flight aerodynamic 
performance characteristics of the orbiter.

Aerodynamic Coefficient Identification Package (ACIP)

	The ACIP instrumentation includes three-axis sets of linear 
accelerometers, angular accelerometers and angular rate gyros, 
which sense the orbiter's motions during flight.  ACIP provides 
the vehicle motion data which is used in conjunction with the 
SEADS environmental information for determination of aerodynamic 
characteristics below about 300,000 feet altitude.  The ACIP has 
flown on all flights of orbiters Columbia and Challenger.  David 
B. Kanipe, Johnson Space Center, Houston, is the ACIP principal 

High Resolution Accelerometer Package (HiRAP)

	This instrument is a three-axis set of highly sensitive 
accelerometers which measure vehicle motions during the high 
altitude portion (above 300,000 feet) of entry.  This instrument 
provides the companion vehicle motion data to be used with the 
SUMS results.  HiRAP has been flown on 12 previous missions of the 
orbiters Columbia and Challenger.  Robert C. Blanchard, Langley 
Research Center, is the HiRAP principal investigator.

Orbital Acceleration Research Experiment (OARE)

	The Orbital Acceleration Research Experiment (OARE) complements 
the ACIP and HiRAP instruments by extending the altitude range 
over which vehicle acceleration data can be obtained to orbital 
altitudes.  Like the HiRAP, the OARE instrument comprises a three-
axis set of extremely sensitive linear accelerometers.  The OARE 
sensors are substantially more sensitive than the HiRAP sensors.  

	Because of their extreme measurement sensitivity, the OARE 
sensors cannot be adequately calibrated on the ground (in a 1-g 
environment).  Consequently, the sensors are mounted on a rotary 
calibration table which enables an accurate instrument calibration 
to be performed on orbit.

	The OARE instrument is installed for flight on a special 
mounting plate within the orbiter's payload bay.  OARE data are 
recorded on the mission payload recorder.  This is the first 
flight for the OARE instrument.  Principal investigator is Robert 
C. Blanchard of Langley Research Center.

Shuttle Infrared Leeside Temperature Sensing (SILTS)

	This experiment uses a scanning infrared radiometer located atop 
the vertical tail to collect infrared images of the orbiter's 
leeside (upper) surfaces during entry, for the purpose of 
measuring the temperature distribution and the aerodynamic heating 
environment.  On two previous missions, the experiment obtained 
images of the left wing.  For STS-35 and STS-40, the experiment 
has been configured to obtain images of the upper fuselage.  SILTS 
has flown on four Columbia flights.  David A. Throckmorton and E. 
Vincent Zoby of Langley Research Center are co-principal 

Aerothermal Instrumentation Package (AIP)

	The AIP comprises some 125 measurements of aerodynamic surface 
temperature and pressure at discrete locations on the upper 
surface of the orbiter's left wing and fuselage and the vertical 
tail.  These sensors were originally part of the development 
flight instrumentation system that flew aboard Columbia during its 
Orbital Flight Test missions (STS-1 through 5).  They have been 
reactivated through the use of an AIP-unique data handling system.  
Among other applications, the AIP data provide "ground-truth" 
information for the SILTS experiment.  The AIP has flown on three 
previous Columbia flights.  David A. Throckmorton, Langley 
Research Center, is principal investigator.


	Marine Corps Col. Bryan D. O'Connor, 44, will serve as  
Commander of STS-40 and will be making his second space flight.  
O'Connor, from Twentynine Palms, Calif., was  selected as an 
astronaut in May 1980.

	He graduated from Twentynine Palms High School in 1964, received 
a bachelor of science degree in engineering from the U.S. Naval 
Academy in 1968 and received a master of science in aeronautical 
engineering from the University of West Florida in 1970.

	He was commissioned in the Marine Corps in 1968 and following 
several overseas assignments, graduated from the Navy Test Pilot 
School and began duty as a test pilot at the Naval Air Test 
Center's Strike Test Directorate.  He served as project pilot for 
various very short take off and landing (VSTOL) research aircraft, 
including preliminary evaluation of the YAV-88 advanced Harrier 

	After selection as an astronaut, he served as a T-38 chase pilot 
for STS-3 and as spacecraft communicator for STS-5 through STS-9.  
He then served as pilot of Atlantis on STS-61B from Nov. 26 
through Dec. 3, 1985, during which the crew deployed three 
communications satellites and conducted two Space Station assembly 
test spacewalks.  O'Connor has logged more than 165 hours in space 
and more than 4,100 hours flying time in jet aircraft.

	Air Force Lt. Col. Sidney M. Gutierrez, 39, will serve as 
Pilot.  Selected as an astronaut in 1984, Gutierrez, from 
Albuquerque, N.M., will be making his first space flight.

	Gutierrez graduated from Valley High School, Albuquerque, in 
1969, received a bachelor of science in aeronautical engineering 
from the Air Force Academy in 1973 and received a master of arts 
in management from Webster College in 1977.

	He was a member of the Air Force Academy collegiate parachute 
team while in college with a master parachutist rating and over 
550 jumps.  After graduating from the Air Force Academy, he was 
assigned as a T-38 instructor pilot from 1975-1977 at Laughlin Air 
Force Base, Del Rio, Texas.  He attended the Air Force Test Pilot 
School in 1981 and was assigned to the F-16 Falcon Combined Test 
Force upon graduation, where he stayed until joining NASA.

	At NASA, his duties have included work in the Shuttle Avionics 
Integration Laboaratory and as the lead astronaut for Shuttle 
software development, verification and future requirements 
definition.  He has logged more than 3,000 hours flying time in 30 
different types of aircraft, sailplanes and balloons.

	James P. Bagian, M.D., 39, will serve as Mission Specialist 1 
(MS1).  Selected as an astronaut in 1980, Bagian is from 
Philadelphia, Pa., and will be making his second space flight.

	Bagian graduated from Central High School, Philadelphia, in 
1969, received a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering 
from Drexel University in 1973 and received a doctorate of 
medicine from Thomas Jefferson University in 1977.

	Bagian worked as a mechanical engineer at the Naval Air Test 
Center while pursuing his doctorate. Upon graduation, he served a 
1-year residency with the Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, Pa.  
Subsequently, he joined NASA as a flight surgeon, concurrently 
completing studies at the Air Force Flight Surgeons School and 
School of Aerospace Medicine, San Antonio, Texas.  Bagian is a Lt. 
Col. in the Air Force Reserve.

	After selection as an astronaut, Bagian worked in planning and 
providing emergency medical and rescue support for the first six 
Shuttle flights.  Bagian served as a mission specialist aboard 
Discovery on STS-29, March 13-18, 1989, on which the crew deployed 
a tracking and data relay satellite, conducted a Space Station 
heat pipe radiator experiment, two student experiments and a 
chromosome and plant cell division experiment.

	Tamara E. Jernigan, Ph.D., 32, will serve as Mission 
Specialist 2 (MS2). Selected as an astronaut in 1985, Jernigan is 
from Santa Fe Springs, Calif., and will be making her first space 

	Jernigan graduated from Santa Fe High School in 1977, received a 
bachelor of science in physics and a master of science in 
engineering science from Stanford University in 1981 and 1983, 
respectively, received a master of science in astronomy from the 
University of California-Berkley in 1985 and received a doctorate 
in space physics and astronomy from Rice University, Houston, 
Texas, in 1988.  After selection as an astronaut, Jernigan worked 
as a spacecraft communicator in Mission Control for five Shuttle 

	Margaret Rhea Seddon, M.D., 43, will serve as Mission 
Specialist 3 (MS3). Selected as an astronaut in 1978, Seddon is 
from Murfreesboro, Tenn., and will be making her second space 

	Seddon graduated from Central High School, Murfreesboro, in 
1965, received a bachelor of arts in physiology from the 
University of California-Berkley in 1970 and received a doctorate 
of medicine from the University of Tennessee College of Medicine 
in 1973.  She completed a surgical internship and 3 years of 
general surgery residency in Memphis following graduation.

	Seddon served as a Mission Specialist aboard Discovery on STS-
51D, April 12-19, 1985.  During the flight, the crew deployed 
three communications satellites and conducted the first 
unscheduled Shuttle spacewalk to correct a malfunction of one 
satellite.  Seddon has logged 168 hours of space flight.

	Francis Andrew Gaffney, M.D., 44, will serve as Payload 
Specialist 1 (PS1). Gaffney will be making his first space flight 
and his hometown is Carlsbad, N.M.

	Gaffney graduated from Carlsbad High School in 1964, received a 
bachelor of arts from the University of California-Berkley in 
1968, received a doctor of medicine degree from the University of 
New Mexico in 1972 and received a fellowship in cardiology from 
the University of Texas in 1975.

	He completed a 3-year medical internship and residency at 
Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, in 1975, 
and went on to receive a fellowship in cardiology at the 
University of Texas' Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, 
becoming a faculty associate and an assistant professor of 
medicine there in 1979.  From 1979-1987, he served as assistant 
director of echocardiography at Parkland Memorial Hospital, 

	Gaffney served as a visiting senior scientist with NASA from 
1987-1989.  He is a co-investigator on an experiment aboard STS-40 
that studies human cardiovascular adaptation to space flight.

	Millie Hughes-Fulford, Ph.D., 46, will serve as Payload 
Specialist 2 (PS2). Hughes-Fulford, from Mineral Wells, Texas, 
will be making her first space flight.

	Hughes-Fulford graduated from Mineral Wells High School in 1972, 
received a bachelor of science in chemistry from Tarleton State 
University, Stephenville, Texas and received a doctorate in 
chemistry from Texas Woman's University, Denton, in 1972.

	Since 1973, she has worked at the University of California and 
the Veterans Administration Medical Center, doing extensive 
research on cholesterol metabolism, cell differentation, DNA 
synthesis and cell growth.  After assignment by NASA, she has 
continued her research, concentrating on a study of cellular and 
molecular mechanisms for bone formation as it relates to space 


NASA Headquarters
Washington, D.C.

Richard H. Truly		Administrator
J. R. Thompson			Deputy Administrator
Dr. William B. Lenoir		Associate Administrator, Office of Space Flight
Robert L. Crippen		Director, Space Shuttle
Leonard S. Nicholson		Deputy Director, Space Shuttle (Program)
Brewster Shaw			Deputy Director, Space Shuttle (Operations)
Dr. Lennard A. Fisk		Associate Administrator, Space Science and
Alphonso V. Diaz		Deputy Associate Administrator, Space Science
				and Applications
Dr. Arnauld Nicogossian		Director, Life Sciences Division
Dr. Ronald J. White		Program Scientist
Robert Benson			Director, Flight Systems Division
Gary McCollum			Program Manager, SLS Mission

Kennedy Space Center
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

Forrest S. McCartney		Director
Jay Honeycutt			Director, Shuttle Management and Operations
Robert B. Sieck			Launch Director
John T. Conway			Director, Payload Management and Operations
JoAnn H. Morgan			Director, Payload Project Management
Mike Kinnan			STS-40 Payload Manager

Marshall Space Flight Center
Huntsville, Ala.

Thomas J. Lee			Director
Dr. J. Wayne Littles		Deputy Director
G. Porter Bridwell		Manager, Shuttle Projects Office
Dr. George F. McDonough		Director, Science and Engineering
Alexander A. McCool		Director, Safety and Mission Assurance
Victor Keith Henson		Manager, Solid Rocket Motor Project
Cary H. Rutland			Manager, Solid Rocket Booster Project
Jerry W. Smelser		Manager, Space Shuttle Main Engine Project
Gerald C. Ladner		Manager, External Tank Project

Stennis Space Center
Bay St. Louis, Miss.

Roy S. Estess			Director
Gerald W. Smith			Deputy Director
J. Harry Guin			Director, Propulsion Test Operations

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas

Aaron Cohen			Director
Paul J. Weitz			Deputy Director
Daniel Germany			Manager, Orbiter and GFE Projects
Paul J. Weitz			Acting Director, Flight Crew Operations
Eugene F. Kranz			Director, Mission Operations
Henry O. Pohl			Director, Engineering
Charles S. Harlan		Director, Safety, Reliability and Quality

Langley Research Center
Hampton, Va.

Richard H. Petersen		Langley Director
W. Ray Hook			Director for Space
William H. Piland		Chief, Space Systems Division
Delma C. Freeman, Jr.		Assistant Chief, Space Systems Division

Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility
Edwards, Calif.

Kenneth J. Szalai		Director
T. G. Ayers			Deputy Director
James R. Phelps			Chief, Shuttle Support Office