) (05/17/91)
In article <11271@hub.ucsb.edu>, 6600rog@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu (Dunya Marks) writes: > I just got a really cool picture of the shuttle > challenger. I'm framing it and putting it > on my wall. > > It shows a big white cloud of smoke, with a thick > stream of smoke coming up to it, and two little > streams going off the side of it. > I REGRET THAT, due to the delay involved in news that I can't be the first person to tell you what a sick, depraved and nauseating personality you appear to have. people who make fun of the seven astronauts who lost their lives and make fun of possibly the best space ship ever built to date, are, in my opinion, only slightly above the level of child murderers and perverts. Theora. -- sig (made it through the ethernet alive!) ================================================================================ Theora Jones Strathclyde University, SCOTLAND || " I can fly higher than an CABP10@uk.ac.strath.vaxa (somewhere on JANET) || Eagle, with you as the CABP10%vaxa.strath.ac.uk (elsewhere, hopefully) || wind beneath my wings " CABP10%vaxa.strath.ac.uk@ukacrl (just might work)|| 8:-) 1990 A solution to the worlds problems: Kei and Yuri! || "Lets be MAWS!"-DP3.2 ================================================================================