[sci.space.shuttle] KSC Weather Report for 05/17/91

yee@trident.arc.nasa.gov (Peter E. Yee) (05/18/91)

          TO:   PIOS/PRESS

          FROM: George Diller/NASA-KSC
                407-867-2468/FTS 823-2468

                              Launch Complex 39
                              L-5 Day Weather Outlook for STS-40
                              Conditions expected on Sunday, 5/22/91

          Synopsis:   Upper level high pressure ridge and surface high
          pressure will dominate Cape Canaveral area weather.   The only
          concern is the chance of an isolated morning shower moving
          onshore from the Atlantic ocean.

          At 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning conditions are forecast to be:

          Clouds:   3,000 to 6,000 scattered cumulus (20% sky cover)

          Visibility: 7+ miles

          Wind - Pad 39B: E-8 knots, gusts 12 knots

          Temperature:  72 degrees

          Dewpoint:     70 degrees

          Humidity:     88%

          Precipitation: slight chance of an isolated shower

          Probability of launch weather criteria violation at the beginning
          of the launch period: 20%

          Probability of launch weather criteria violation over the
          duration of the launch period: 10%

          Probability of tanking constraint violation: 0%

          Chance of violation at launch time on Thursday: 20%
                                                overall window 10%

                                                Friday:  20%
                                                overall window: 10%

          Developed by Cape Canaveral Forecast Facility
          USAF Air Weather Service  5/17/91