lseward@randvax.UUCP (Larry Seward) (11/13/86)
------- Received: from cbosgd.UUCP by rand-unix.ARPA; Sun, 14 Sep 86 23:21:53 pdt Message-Id: <8609150621.AA03654@rand-unix.ARPA> Received: by ihnp4.ATT.COM id AA27912; 14 Sep 86 17:39:04 CDT (Sun) Received: by convex (4.12/4.7) id AA22273; Sun, 14 Sep 86 17:32:23 cdt Received: by smu (4.12/4.7) id AA25655; Sun, 14 Sep 86 17:26:35 cdt Date: Sun, 14 Sep 86 17:26:35 cdt From: ihnp4!convex!smu!leff@rand-unix.ARPA (Laurence Leff) Subject: bibliography for sym math list %A Erich Kaltofen %T Computing with Polynominals Given by Straight-Line Programs II Sparse Factorization %R 85-10 %I Computer Science Department, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute %A Erich Kaltofen %A M. Krishnamoorthy %A B. David Saunders %T Fast Parallel Computation of Hermite and Smith Forms of Polynomial Matrices %R 85-11 %I Computer Science Department, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute %A Erich Kaltofen %T Sparse Hensel Lifting %R 85-12 %I Computer Science Department, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute %A Snorri Agnarsson %A M.S. Krishnamoorthy %A B. David Saunders %T An Algebraic Implementation of Packages %R 85-13 %I Computer Science Department, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute %A Snorri Agnarsson %A M.S. Krishnamoorthy %T Towards a Theory of Packages %R 85-14 %I Computer Science Department, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute %A Erich Kaltofen %A Heinrich Rolletschek %T Arithmetic in Quadratic Fields with Unique Factorization %R 85-15 %I Computer Science Department, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute %A Erich Kaltofen %T Computing with Polynominals Given by Straight-Line Programs I Greatest Common Divisor %R 85-16 %I Computer Science Department, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute %A J. H. Davenport %A B. M. Trager %J ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software %V 11 %N 4 %D DEC 1985 %P 356-362 %A Joachim von zur Gathen %A Erich Kaltofen %T Factoring Sparse Multivariate Polynomials %V 11 %N 4 %D Dec. 1985 %P 265-287 %A D. Arden %A R. Murray %T The Generation of Test Vectors by Testing Equivalence of Polynomials %R TR 85-1 %I State University of New York at Albany, Computer Science Department %X testing whether two combinatorial circuits are equivalent by determining the equivalence of polynomials %A V. Pan %T Fast and Efficient Algorithms for th Exact Inversion of Integer Matrices %R TR 85-2 %I State University of New York at Albany, Computer Science Department %A D. Bini %A V. Pan %T Parallel Polynomial Division Can Be Accelerated Preserving Full Efficiency of the Best Sequential Algorithms %R TR 85-3 %I State University of New York at Albany, Computer Science Department %A V. Pan %A Z. Galil %T Improving the Efficiency of Parallel Algorithms for the Evaluation of the Determinant and of the Inverse of a Matrix %R TR 85-5 %I State University of New York at Albany, Computer Science Department %A V. Pan %T Algebraic Complexity of Computing Polynomial Zeroes %R TR 85-27 %I State University of New York at Albany, Computer Science Department %A H. Cohen %A A. K. Lenstra %T Implementation of a New Primality Test %R Report CS-R8505 %I Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science %C Amsterdam, The Netherlands %D 1985 %X f 5,10 29 pages %A J. Hastad %A B. Helfrich %A J. Lagarias %A C. P. Schnorr %T Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Finding Integer Relations Among Real Numbers %B STACS 86, Third Annual Symposium on Theoretical Computer Science %E B. Monien %E G. Vidal-Naquet %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 210 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %X $20.50 soft bound ISBN 3-540-16078-7 %A G. Zielke %T Report on Test Matrices for Generalized Inverses %J Computing %V 36 %N 1-2 %D 1986 %P 105 %A Joachim von zur Gathen %T Irreducibility of Multivariate Polynomials %J Journal of Computer and System Sciences %V 31 %N 2 %D OCT 1985 %A M. T. Chu %T Symbolic Calculation of the Trace of the Power of a Tridiagonal Matrix %J Computing %V 35 %N 3-4 %D 1985 %P 257-268 %A S. L. Krivoi %T Efficiency of Certain Algorithms for Combinatorial Group Theory %J Cybernetics %V 21 %N 3 %D MAY-JUN 1985 %A G. W. Cherry %T Integration in Finite Terms with Special Functions: The Logarithmic Integral %J SIAM Journal on Computing %V 15 %N 1 %D Feb. 1986 %P 1-31 %A Stanley Cabey %A Dong-Koo Choi %T Algebraic Computations of Scaled Pade Fractions %J SIAM Journal on Computing %V 15 %N 1 %D Feb 1986 %P 243-270 %A M. R. M. Crespo da Silva %A D. H. Hodges %T The Role of Computerized Symbolic Manipulation in Rotorcraft Dynamics Analysis %J Computers and Mathematics with Applications %V 12A %N 1 %D Jan. 1986 %P 161 %A A. A. Gaganov %T Computation Complexity of the Range of a Polynomial in Several Variables %J Cybernetics %V 1 %N 4 %D Jul.-Aug. 1984 %P 418-421 %A Ravidran Kannan %T Solving Systems of Linear Equations Over Polynomials %J Theoretical Computer Science %D 1985 %N 1 %V 39 %P 69-88 %A B. F. Caviness %T Computer Algebra - Past and Future %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 1-18 %A R. Pavelle %T Macsyma - Capabilities and Applications to Problems in Engineering and the Sciences %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 19-32 %A D. R. Stoutemyer %T A Preview of the Next IBM-PC Version of muMath %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 33-44 %A J. Padget %T Current Developments in Lisp %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 45-57 %A J. M. Drouffe %T Computer Algebra as a Research Tool in Physics %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 58-67 %A A. T. Balban %T Symbolic Computation and Chemistry %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 68-79 %A T. Ottmann %T Computational Geometry - Selected Algorithms and Paradigms %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 80-92 %A T. Beth %T Algebraic and Symbolic Computation in Digital Signal Processing, Coding and Cryptography %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 93-101 %A N. J. Lehmann %T Computer Algebra and Practical Analysis %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 102-113 %A U. Kulisch %T A New Arithmetic for Scientific Computation with Exact Evaluation of Expressions %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 114-123 %A A. W. Biermann %T Algorithmic Methods in Automatic Programming %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 124-135 %A G. Kreisel %T Proof Theory and the Synthesis of Programs - Potentials and Limitations %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 136-150 %A T. Coquand %A G. Huet %T Constructions - A Higher Order Proof System for Mechanizing Mathematics %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1985 %P 151-184 %A R. Mader %T Scientific Computation - The Integration of Symbolic, Numeric and Graphic Computation %B Eurocal 85, Volume 1 %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 203 %E B. Buchberger %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1985 %P 185 %A C. Ghezzi %A D. Mandrioli %A A. Tecchio %T Program Simplification via Symbolic Interpretation %B Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 206 %E S. N. Maheshwari %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 116-128 %A V. Pan %T Fast and Efficient Parallel Algorithms for the Exact Inversion of Integer Matrices %B Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 206 %E S. N. Maheshwari %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1985 %A David Kingsley %T Exact Integer Multiplication Algorithms %R 86-8 %I University of Minnesota-Duluth %C Duluth, Minnesota %D May, 1986 %X This report describes the C language implementation of three well-known exact integer multiplication algorithms: the traditional algorithm, the divide-and-conquer algorithm, and the Schoenhage-Strassen algorithm. Comparative timings are given. %A V. P. Suprun %T Polynomial Expansion of Symmetric Boolean Functions %J Soviet Journal of Computer And Systems Sciences %V 23 %N 6 %D Nov.-Dec. 1985 %P 88-91 %A A. Akritis %T A New Method for Computing Polynomial Greatest Common Divisors %I University of Kansas, Computer Science Department %R 86-9 %A A. Makroglou %T Extended Backward Differentiation Formulae for Volterra Integro-Differential Equations %I University of Kansas, Computer Science Department %R 86-12 %A A. M. Cohen %A D. A. Gismalla %T Some Integration Formulae for Symmetric Functions of Two Variables %J International Journal of Computer Mathematics %V 19 %N 1 %D 1986 %P 57-68 %A J. J. Kovacic %T An Algorithm for Solving Second Order Linear Homogenous Differential Equations %B Fundamentals of Computation Theory (Cottbus) %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 199 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 3-44 %A M. D. Atkinson %A R. A. Hassan %T On the Computation of Group Characters %B Fundamentals of Computation Theory (Cottbus) %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 199 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 45-50 %A M. C. Slattery %T Computing Character Degrees in p-Groups %B Fundamentals of Computation Theory (Cottbus) %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 199 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 51-58 %A A. Pasztor %T Non-Standard Algorithmic and Dynamic Logics %B Fundamentals of Computation Theory (Cottbus) %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 199 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 59-82 %A W. Boege %A R. Gebauer %A H. Kredel %T Some Examples for Solving Systems of Algebraic Equations by Calculating Groebner Basis %B Fundamentals of Computation Theory (Cottbus) %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 199 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 83-98 %A C. Bajaj %T Proving Geometric Algorithm Non-solvability: An Application of Factoring Polynomials %B Fundamentals of Computation Theory (Cottbus) %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 199 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %P 99-102 %A S. J. Watowich %A J. L. Krause %A R. S. Berry %T Stability Analysis of an Optimally Controlled Light-driven Engine %B Fundamentals of Computation Theory (Cottbus) %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 199 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1985 %P 103 %A H. Ong %A C. P. Schnorr %A A. Shamir %T Efficient Signature Schemes Based on Polynomial Equations (preliminary version) %J Advances in Cryptology %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 196 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1985 %P 37-46 %A R. J. Fateman %T Comments on SMP %J SIGSAM Bulletin %V 19 %N 3 %D Aug. 1985 %P 5-7 %A J. B. Marti %A A. C. Hearn %T REDUCE as a Lisp Benchmark %J SIGSAM Bulletin %V 19 %N 3 %D Aug. 1985 %P 8-16 %A W. Leler %A N. Soiffer %T An Interactive Graphical Interface for REDUCE %J SIGSAM Bulletin %V 19 %N 3 %D AUG 1985 %P 17-23 %A B. L. Gates %T GENTRAN: An Automatic Code Generation Facility for REDUCE %J SIGSAM Bulletin %V 19 %N 3 %D Aug. 1985 %P 24-42 %A A. P. Kryukov %A A. Ya. Rodinov %T Interactive REDUCE %J SIGSAM Bulletin %V 19 %N 3 %D Aug. 1985 %P 43-45 %A H. Caprasse %A M. Hans %T A New Use of Operators in the Algebraic Mode of REDUCE %J SIGSAM Bulletin %V 19 %N 3 %D Agggg. 1985 %P 46-52 %A B. L. Leong %T Iris: Design of an User Interface Program for Symbolic Algebra %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 1-6 %A C. J. Smith %A N. Soiffer %T MathScribe: A User INterface for Computer Algebra Systems %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul 21-23 1986 %P 7-13 %A J. H. Davenport %A C. E. Roth %T PowerMath - A System for the Macintossh %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 13-15 %A J. Purtilo %T Applications of a Software Interconnection System in Mathematical Problem Solving Environments %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 16-23 %A S. K. Abdali %A G. W. Cherry %A N. Soiffer %T An Object-Oriented Approach to Algebra System Design %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 24-30 %A A. P. Kryukov %A A. Y. Rodinov %A G. L. Litvinov %T Construction of Rational Approximations by Means of REDUCE %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 31-33 %A J. Fitch %A A. Norman %A M. A. Moore %T Alkahest III: Automatic Analysis of Periodic Weakly Nonlinear ODEs %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 34-38 %A D. W. Rand %A P. Winternitz %T Investigating the Structure of a Lie Algebra %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 39-44 %A P. S. Wang %A H. Tan %A A. F. Saleeb %A T. P. Chang %T Code Generation for Hybrid Mixed Mode Formulation in Finite Element Analysis %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 45-52 %A S. Arnborg %A H. Feng %T Algebraic Decomposition of Regular Curves %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 53-55 %A C. Chaffy %T How to Compute Multivariate Pade Approximants %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 56-58 %A G. Butler %T Divide-and-Conquer in Computational Group Theory %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 59-64 %A E. Kaltofen %A M. Krishnamoorthy %A B. D. Saunders %T Fast Parallel Algorithms for Similarity of Matrics %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 65-70 %A C. Bajaj %T Limitations to Algorithm Solvability: Galois Methods and Models of Computation %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 71-76 %A M. B. Hayden %A E. A. Lamagna %T Summation of Binomial Coefficients Using Hypergeometric Functions %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 77-81 %A D. Y. Y. Yun %A C. N. Zhang %T A Fast Carry-Free Algorithm and Hardware Design for Extended Integer GCD Computation %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 82-84 %A R. E. Beck %A B. Kolman %T Symbolic Algorithms for Lie Algebra Computation %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 85-87 %A A. G. Akritis %T There is No "Uspensky's Method" %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 88-90 %A A. P. Kryukov %A A. Y. Rodionov %T Usage of Reduce for Computations of Group-Theoretical Weight of Feynman Diagrams in Non-Abelian Gauge Theories %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 91-93 %A B. L. Gates %T A Numerical Code Generation Facility for Reduce %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 94-99 %A R. J. Bradford %A A. C. Hearn %A J. A. Padget %A E. Schrufer %T Enlarging the REDUCE Domain of Computation %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 100-106 %A A. P. Kryukov %T Dialogue in REDUCE: Experience and Development %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 107-109 %A C. P. Mawata %T A Sparse Distributed Representation Using Prime Numbers %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 110-114 %A T. Sasaki %T Simplification of Algebraic Expression by Multiterm Rewriting Rules %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 115-120 %A L. Leff %A D. Y. Y. Yun %T Constructive Solid Geometry: A Symbolic Computation Approach %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 121-126 %A G. H. Gonnet %T New Results fo Random Determination of Equivalence of Expressions %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 127-131 %A G. Cooperman %T A Semantic Matcher for Computer Algebra %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 132-134 %A B. W. Char %A K. O. Geddes %A G. H. Gonnet %A B. J. Marshman %A P. J. Ponzo %T Computer Algebra in the Undergraduate Mathematics Classroom %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 135-140 %A M. Hadzikadic %A F. Lichtenberger %A D. Y. Y. Yun %T An Application of Knowledge-Base Technology in Education: A Geometry Theorem Prover %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 141-147 %A J. W. Shavlik %A G. F. DeJong %T Computer Understanding and Generalization of Symbolic Mathematical Calculations: A Case Study in Physics Problem Solving %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 148-153 %A N. Jurkovic %T Edusym - Educational Symbolic Manipulator on a Microcomputer %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 154-156 %A D. Bayer %A M. Stillman %T The Design of Macaulay: A System for Computing in Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 157-162 %A H. R. Seymour %T Conform: A Conformal Mapping System %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 163-168 %A T. Freeman %A G. Imirzian %A E. Kaltofen %T A System for Manipulating Polynomials Given by Straight-Line Programs %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 169-175 %A Z. Renbao %A X. Ling %A R. Zhaoyang %T The Computer Algebra System CAS1 for the IBM PC %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 176-178 %A P. H. Knowles %T Integration of Liouvillian Functions with Special Functions %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 179-184 %A K. O. Geddes %T Numerical Integration in a Symbolic Context %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 185-191 %A J. Della Dora %A E. Tournier %T Formal Solutions of Linear Difference Equations: Method of Pincherle-Ramis %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 192-196 %A A. Hilali %A A. Wazner %T Algorithm for Computing Formal Invariants of Linear Differential Systems %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 197-201 %A D. Kapur %T Geometry Theorem Proving Using Hilbert's Nullstellensatz %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 202-208 %A B. Kutzler %A S. Stifter %T Automated Geometry Theorem Proving Using Buchberger's Algorithm %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 209-214 %A L. Bachmair %A N. Dershowitz %T Critical-Pair Criteria for the Knuth-Bendix Completion Procedure %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 215-217 %A R. Gebauer %A H. M. Moller %T Buchberger's Algorithm and Staggered Linear Bases %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 218-221 %A A. Furukawa %A T. Sasaki %A H. Kobayashi %T The Grobner Basis of a Module over K[X1,...Xn] and Polynomial Solutions of a System of Linear Equations %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 222-224 %A H. Kobayashi %A A. Furukawa %A T. Sasaki %T Grobner Bases of Ideals of Convergent Power Series %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 225-227 %A M. Lucks %T A Fast Implementation of Polynomial Factorization %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 228-232 %A S. R. Czapor %A K. O. Geddes %T On Implementing Buchberger's Algorithm for Grobner Bases %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 233-238 %A G. H. Gonnet %T An Implementation of Operators for Symbolic Algebra Systems %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 239-242 %A J. P. Golden %T An Operator Algebra for Macsyma %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 244-246 %A M. Bronstein %T Gsolve: A Faster Algorithm for Solving Systems of Algebraic Equations %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 247-249 %A J. A. Abbott %A R. J. Bradford %A J. H. Davenport %T The Bath Algebraic Number Package %J Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebriaic Computation %D Jul. 21-23 1986 %P 250-253 %A R. Statman %T Logical Relations and the Typed Lambda-Calculus %J Journal of the ACM %V 33 %N 1 %D Jan. 1986 %P 85-97 %K AI14 %A A. J. Kfoury %T Definability by Deterministic and Non-deterministic Programs (with Applications to First Order Dynamic Logic) %J Journal of the ACM %V 33 %N 1 %D Jan. 1986 %P 98-121 %K AI11 AA08 AI14 %A Nachum Dershowitz %T Computing with Rewrite Rule Systems %J Journal of the ACM %V 33 %N 1 %D Jan. 1986 %P 122-157 %K AI11 AI10 AI14 %A David A. Plaisted %T Semantic Confluence Tests and Completion Methods %J Journal of the ACM %V 33 %N 1 %D Jan. 1986 %P 182 %K AI11 AI10 AI14 %A Zohar Manna %A Richard Waldinger %T Special Relations in Automated Deduction %J Journal of the ACM %V 33 %N 1 %D Jan. 1986 %P 1-59 %K AI14 %A Clifford Barney %T Language Boils Down to Boolean Expressions %J Electronics %V 58 %N 51 %P 25-26 %D Dec. 23, 1985 %K G. Spencer-Brown Wittgenstein Bertrand Russel Laws of Form Advanced Decision Systems Air Force pictorial logic canonical forms Losp Symbolics AI10 AI14 AA18 H02 T01 T02 %X Losp is a system based on the "Laws of Form" which was developed by G. Spencer-Brown a British Mathematician who studied with Bertrand Wittgenstein. The system was developed by Advanced Decision Systems and will be put to use in an Air Force project on pictorial logic. The language is being microcoded to run on a Symbolics work station. Lisp and Prolog will be translated to LOSP %R DCS-TR-113 %I Rutgers University, Department of Computer Science %D 4/82 %T Consistent-Labeling Problems and Their Algorithms: Part II %A B. Nudelo %D 10/82 %K AI14 AI10 AI03 inter-variable compatibility %X A new parameter is introduced to characterize a type of search problem of broad relevance in Artificial Intelligence, Operations Research and Symbolic Logic. This paramater, which we call inter-variable @b[compatibility] is particularly important in that complexity analyses incorporating it are able to capture the dependence of problem complexity on search order used by an algorithm. Thus compatibility-based theories can provide a theoretical basis for the extraction of heuristics for choosing good search orderings - a long-sought goal for such problems, since it can lead to significant savings during search. We carry out expected complexity analyses for the traditional Backtrack algorithm as well as for two more recent algorithms that have been found empirically to be significant improvements, Forward Checking and word-wise Forward Checking. We extract compatibility-based ordering-heuristics from the theory for Forward Checking. Preliminary experimental results are presented showing the large savings that result from their use. Similar savings can be expected for other algorithms when heuristics taking account of inter-variable compatibilities are used. Our compatibility-based theories also provide a more precise way of predicting which algorithm is best for a given problem. %A B. Nudel %T Understand Consistent-Labelling Problems and Their Algorithms and Their Algorithms: Part I %R DCS-TR-112 %D (forthcoming) %I Rutgers University, Department of Computer Science %K AI14 AI10 AI03 %R DCS-TM-16 %I Rutgers University, Department of Computer Science %D 3/83 %T Solving the Plane Geometry Problem by Learning %A Liben Xu %K AI01 AA13 AI14 %X The top-down technique for solving a geometry problem is described. The top-down method uses "general rules," they are obtained by learning. This report focuses on general heuristics to obtain the general rules for solving a geometry problem. %A D. Kapur %A P. Narendran %A M. S. Krishnamoorthy %A R. McNaughton %T The Church-Rosser Property and Special Thue Systems %J Theoretical Computer Science %V 39 %N 2-3 %D Aug. 1985 %P 123-134 %K AI14 %A C. Bohm %A A. Berarducci %T Automatic Synthesis of Type Lambda-Programs on Term Algebras %J Theoretical Computer Science %V 39 %N 2-3 %D Aug. 1985 %P 135-154 %K AI14 AA08 %A M. W. Bunder %T An Extension of Klop's Counterexample to the Church-Rosser Property to Lambda-Calculus with Other Ordered Pair Combinators %J Theoretical Computer Science %V 39 %N 2-3 %D Aug. 1985 %P 337 %K AI14 %A Arnon, Dennis S. %T Supercomputers and symbolic computation %I Purdue University. Department of Computer Sciences %R CSD-TR-481 %D 1984 %K AI14 H04 %R 15 %A G. T. Herman %A J. A. Jackowski %T A decision procedure using discrete geometry %I Suny Buffalo Computer Science %K AI14 %R 72 %A G. T. Herman %T A decision procedure using the geometry of convex sets %A P. W. Aitchison %I SUNY Buffalo Computer Science %K AI14 %A Michael J. Swain %A Joseph L. Mundy %T Experiments in Using a Theorem Prover to Prove and Develop Geometrical Theorems in Computer Vision %B IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation %D April 7-10 1986 %C San Francisco, CA %K AI06 AI11 AA13 AI14 %A Michael Magee Mitchell Nathan %T A Theorem Proving Based Pattern Recognition System %J IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation %D April 7-10 1986 %C San Francisco, CA %K AI06 AI11 AI14 %A B. Buchberger %T Basic Features and Development of the Critical Pair Completion Procedure %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 %P 1-45 %A H. T. Zhang %A J. L. Remy %T Contextual Rewriting %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 %P 46-62 %A R. V. Book %T Thue Systems as Rewriting Systems %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 %P 63-94 %A F. Otto %T Deciding Algebraic Properties of Monoids Presented by Finite Church-Rosser Thue Systems %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 %P 95-106 %A S. S. Cosmadakis %A P. C. Kanellakis %T 2 Applications of Equational Theories to Database Theory %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 AA09 AI11 %P 107-123 %A H. Aitkaci %T Solving Type Equations by Graph Rewriting %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 AA08 %P 158-179 %A N. Dershowitz %T Termination %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 %P 180-224 %A M. Rusinowitch %T Path of Subterms Ordering and Recursive Decomposition Ordering Revisited %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 %P 225-240 %A L. Bachmair %A D. A. Plaisted %T Associative Path Orderings %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 %P 241-254 %A D. Detlefs %A R. Forgaard %T A Procedure for Automatically Proving the Termination of a Set of Rewrite Rules %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 AI11 %P 255-270 %A C. Choppy %A C. Johnen %T Petrireve Proving Petri Net Properties with Rewriting Systems %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 AI11 AA08 %P 271-286 %A S. Porat %A N. Francez %T Fairness in Term Rewriting Systems %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 %P 287-300 %A J. Hsiang %T Two Results in Term Rewriting Theorem Proving %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 AI11 %P 301-324 %A L. Fribourg %T Handling Function Definitions Through Innermost Superposition and Rewriting %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 AI11 AA08 %P 325-344 %A A. Kandrirody %A D. Kapur %A P. Narendran %T An Ideal-Theoretic Approach to Word Problems and Unification Problems over Finitely Presented Commutative Algebras %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 AI11 %P 345-364 %A K. Yelick %T Combining Unification Algorithms for Confined Regular Equational Theories %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 AI11 %P 365-380 %A A. Fortenbacher %T An Algebraic Approach to Unification Under Associativity and Commutativity %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 AI11 %P 381-397 %A S. Arnborg %A E. Tiden %T Unification Problems with One-Sided Distributivity %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 AI11 %P 398-406 %A P. W. Purdom %A C. A. Brown %T Fast Many-to-One Matching Algorithms %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 AI11 %P 407-416 %A D. Benanav %A D. Kapur %A P. Narendran %T Complexity of Matching problems %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %K AI14 AI11 %P 417-429 %A M. Zaionc %T The Set of Unifiers in Typed Lambda-Calculus as Regular Expression %B Rewriting Techniques and Applications %E J. P. Jouannaud %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 202 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1986 %P 430 %K AI14 AI11 AA08 %X 440 pages 23 chapters $22.80 ISBN 3-540-15976-2 %A Paul Walton Purdom %A Cynthia A. Brown %T The Pure Literal Rule and Polynomial Average Time %J SIAM J. Comput. %V 14 %D 1985 %N 4 %P 943-953 %K AI14 %A Franz Winkler %T A Note on Improving the Complexity of the Knuth-Bendix Completion Algorithm %I University of Delaware %R 85-04 %K AI14 %A Z. Manna %A R. Walding %T Deduction with Relation Matching %B Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 206 %E S. N. Maheshwari %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1985 %P 212-224 %K AI14 AI11 %A G. Venkatesh %T A Decision Method for Temporal Logic Based on Resolution %B Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 206 %E S. N. Maheshwari %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1985 %P 272-289 %K AI11 AI14 %A K. C. Park %A D. L. Flagg %T A Symbolic Fourier Synthesis of a One-Point Integrated Quadrilateral Plate Element %J Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering %V 48 %N 2 %D MAR 1985 %P 203-236 %K SMG %W 16T %A Daniel Gorenstein %T The Enormous Theorem %J Scientific American %V 253 %N 6 %A J. Avenhaus %T On the Descriptive Power of Term Rewriting Systems %J Journal of Symbolic Computation %V 2 %N 2 %D JUN 1986 %P 109-122 %A U. Furbach %A S. Holldobler %T Modelling the Combination of Functional and Logic Programming Languages %J Journal of Symbolic Computation %V 2 %N 2 %D JUN 1986 %P 123-138 %A L. Robbiano %T On the Theory of Graded Structures %J Journal of Symbolic Computation %V 2 %N 2 %D JUN 1986 %P 139-170 %A H. Edelsbrunner %A R. Waupotitsch %T Computing a Ham-sandwich Cut in Two Dimensions %J Journal of Symbolic Computation %V 2 %N 2 %D JUN 1986 %P 171-178 %A B. W. Char %A G. J. Fee %A K. O. Geddes %A G. H. Gonnet %A M. B. Monagan %T A Tutorial Introduction to Maple %J Journal of Symbolic Computation %V 2 %N 2 %D JUN 1986 %P 179-200 %A A. Duncan %A R. Roskies %T Representations of Unusual Mathematical Structures in Scientific Applications of Symbolic Computation %J Journal of Symbolic Computation %V 2 %N 2 %D JUN 1986 %P 201-207 %A C. Trindle %T Application of the MuMath(R) Symbol Manipulation System to Chemically Significant Permutation Groups %J Journal of Symbolic Computation %V 2 %N 2 %D JUN 1986 %P 207-212 %A S. Steinberg %A P. J. Roache %T Using Macsyma to Write Fortran Subroutines %J Journal of Symbolic Computation %V 2 %N 2 %D JUN 1986 %P 213 %A U. Wolz %A J. Wittenburg %T MESA VERDE - A Program for the Symbolic Generation of Equations for Multibody Systems %J Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik %V 66 %N 5 %D 1986