lseward@randvax.UUCP (Larry Seward) (11/13/86)
------- Received: from SU-AI.ARPA by rand-unix.ARPA; Mon, 21 Jul 86 16:20:48 pdt Message-Id: <8607212320.AA05718@rand-unix.ARPA> Date: 21 Jul 86 1618 PDT From: Carolyn Talcott <CLT@SU-AI.ARPA> Subject: Research position Please forward this announcement to symbolic mathematics mailing list. Carolyn ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Research position -- programming symbolic algebra in Qlisp Where: Stanford Computer Science Department Qlisp project - Principal Investigator John McCarthy Starting date - Fall 1986 (approximately) Title and salary -- to be negotiated (ranging from graduate student level to full time research associate) Qlisp is a parallel extension of Common Lisp. It is described in Gabriel,R.P. and McCarthy,J., ``Queue Based Multi-processing Lisp,'' Proc. ACM Symposium on Lisp and functional programming, August 1984. The main features of the Qlisp model of computation are (1) queue based: Newly created processes are put on a process queue when a processor becomes free it gets work from the queue. (2) shared memory: There is a common global memory uniformly accessible by all processors. (3) programmer controlled creation of processes: The degree of parallelism, granularity and number of processes created in carrying out a computation are controlled by the programmer using Qlisp primitives such as QLET. The symbolic algebraic system MACSYMA will be used to test the ideas and implementation of Qlisp. This will involve design of data structures for suited to parallel computation and implementation in Qlisp of parallel versions of MACSYMA programs such as those for manipulation of polynomials (GCD, factoring, ...). Comparisons of the sequential and parallel versions will be made on substantial problems. If you are interested in research as described above, contact Carolyn Talcott (CLT@SU-AI.ARPA, 415-723-0936).