(Dave Seaman) (05/31/89)
The NeXT 0.9 documentation says that Mathematica does not yet support printing. Although there does not seem to be a way to print an entire notebook with Mathematica, there is a way to print a single object. The secret is to use Mathematica's ability to communicate with an external process. Here is one way: 1. Define the external process that will handle the printing. This might be: $LaserWriter = "!psfix | lpr" or you might want to specify additional flags, such as $LaserWriter = "!psfix | lpr -Pyourprinter" if you want to specify a printer other than the default. 2. Define a Mathematica function to do the actual printing. For example, LaserWrite[graph_] := Display[ $LaserWriter, graph ] 3. Now you are ready to print. A sample sequence is Plot3D[Sin[x y], {x,0,4}, {y,0,4}] LaserWrite[%] The plot will be automatically scaled to fit the page.