[sci.math.symbolic] Mathematica PostScript and LaTex

lwright@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Lyle Wright) (10/09/90)

Hello.  I have been trying to incorporate PostScript output from Mathematica
into a LaTeX document.  I am using a VAX/VMS system for LaTeX and an Ultrix
system for Mathematica which are both networked together and are both 
connected to an Apple LaserWriter IINT.  The commands that I have been using
have been:

On Mathematica:

Display["!psfix >> filename.ps", expr]

which takes "expr" and pipes it through psfix and generates a PostScript

In LaTeX:

\special{paste filename.ps POSTSCRIPT x y}

where x (in pt) and y (in pt) are the bounding box values.

This does not seem to work.  What am I doing wrong?  Is there an easier way
to incorporate the bounding box values without looking at the PostScript file
the Mathematica generated?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Lyle Wright                     |     Internet: lwright@hmcvax.claremont.edu
Mathematica Developer           |               lwright@jarthur.claremont.edu
Harvey Mudd College             |       BITNET: lwright@hmcvax.bitnet
Claremont, CA  91711            |        Voice: (714) 621-8555 x2024

tom@srl.mew.mei.co.jp (Tom Borgstrom) (10/11/90)

The \special command is really a dvi-to-postscript filter (e.g. dvi2ps,
dvips) feature. I use dvips and include the epsf.tex file. This will read
in the bounding box info to generate enough space for the image. The
following latex file worked for me (TeX C Version 2.95, LaTeX Version 2.09,
dvips version 4.2, Mathematica 1.2 all running on a Sun 4 workstation
running under SunOS 4.0.3. Printer is a Sun LaserWriter):

This figure was generated by Mathematica:

\input epsf
%% the following two commands scale the image down to 3in by 3in
\epsfxsize 3in
\epsfysize 3in

That's all!

I used the Mathematica command:

In[4]:= Display["!psfix >> junk.ps",%2]

to generate the postscript file. %2 referenced the line:

Out[2]= -Graphics-

Hope it helps!

Thomas H. Borgstrom                         tom@mew.mei.co.jp      
Semiconductor Research Lab                  telephone: +81 6-908-1431 
Matsushita Electric Works                   facsimile: +81 6-906-7251
1048 Kadoma, Osaka 571 Japan           

Thomas H. Borgstrom                         tom@mew.mei.co.jp      
Semiconductor Research Lab                  telephone: +81 6-908-1431 
Matsushita Electric Works                   facsimile: +81 6-906-7251
1048 Kadoma, Osaka 571 Japan