[sci.math.symbolic] Maple Course/Symposium, May 1991

tlee1@daisy.waterloo.edu (Tom Lee) (01/23/91)




                           May 9-10, 1991
           University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


Presented by:

Engineering Education Research Centre (U Waterloo) 
   - has been investigating the application of Maple in engineering
     problem solving
Symbolic Computation Group (U Waterloo)
   - a research group of Computer Science that developed MAPLE
Waterloo Maple Software (Waterloo, Ont.)
   - MAPLE distribution and licensing


The course will provide participants with the MAPLE techniques needed
to help solve complex mathematical problems often encountered in engineering
research and education. It will cover the basics of interactive MAPLE use 
as well as more advanced techniques.  The course will draw problem contexts
from a wide variety of applied science and mathematics areas.  All sessions
will be hands-on using Waterloo's extensive computing facilities.

Topics include:  MAPLE basics 
                 MAPLE techniques for engineering 
                 Introduction to MAPLE programming 
                 Library and toolkit development


Although most participants are expected to be faculty members from schools
of engineering, the course should be suitable for researchers and educators
from many areas including applied maths and applied sciences.  


MAPLE is a computer algebra system developed at the University of Waterloo.  
It can manipulate, and solve complex mathematical expressions symbolically.
MAPLE allows you to deal with math in a natural, algebraic fashion while
fully exploiting the information management capabilities of modern computers.

MAPLE is recognized as the most powerful and flexible computer algebra system
available.  It is in use (in both research and education) at institutions 
throughout the world including: Waterloo, Rensselaer Polytechnic, SUNY, 
and Cal Tech.  It runs on a wide variety of hardware platforms.

University of Waterloo:

The University of Waterloo is located in the twin city area of 
Kitchener-Waterloo.  The city is located roughly 100 Km southwest of 
Toronto.  The University has an excellent reputation in research and
education, especially in technology-oriented areas such as engineering
and computer science.


  -  $500 (Can$) [ approximately $425 US ]
  -  included with payment:
         -  all printed course material
         -  all meals (including a semi-formal dinner)
         -  a complementary copy of MAPLE V for 386/486 DOS platform (with
            full set of documentation)

Application Deadline : April 15, 1991

For More Information, contact:

    Tom Lee, Course Coordinator
    Engineering Education Research Centre
    University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON, Canada, N2L 3G1

    Tel: (519) 885 1211 ext 2522
    FAX: (519) 888 4521
    E-mail:  tom@steam.uwaterloo.ca