peter@aucs.UUCP (Peter Steele) (01/08/88)
I have a question: We are currently developing a faculty database containing information on all faculty at Acadia. It will be used for generating reports like "a list of all profs eligible for sabattical next year." We've got a large portion of the database done in dBase III+ (although extensive changes are likely); our new boss feels SciMate would be better (he knows SciMate but doesn't know dBase; I only know dBase). Any comments? The database consists of four files with common keys. dBase isn't bad, but is SciMate better for this sort of thing? The one thing I see that SciMate has is the free form text searching. Presently, dBase has memo fields but these cannot be searched or queried in any way. For example, we use memo fields to describe faculty members' research interests. We couldn't, however, generate a list of all faculty studying, for example, some particular subject because these memo fields are so restricted. It sounds like SciMate would be better for something like this. We need to make a decision and any comments would be appreciated. -- Peter Steele Acadia Univ. Wolfville NS Canada B0P1X0 (902)542-2201x121 UUCP:{uunet|watmath|utai|garfield}dalcs!aucs!Peter BITNET:Peter@Acadia -------------Internet:Peter%Acadia.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU------------- (Ben Humphreys) (01/10/88)
Memo querying is easy whenusing the Clipper dBASE compiler. Clipper treats memos as one big string. Therefore, lines like COUNT ALL FOR "TEACHER" $ UPPER(memo_field) TO total work just fine. We did a project where this sort of thing was required, ended up going with Clipper and had great success. UUCP: {cbosgd, hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!pnet01!cline ARPA: crash!pnet01! INET: cline@pnet01.CTS.COM