Some time ago I placed a request for bibliographic material related to hypertext in comp.databases. In that request, I said that I would post the results if sufficient interest was shown. There was quite a bit of interest. Approximately half of the responses were simply encouragements for posting. The other half provided useful bibliographic leads. I posted this summary in alt.hypertext and immediately began receiving email from people who do not receive alt.hypertext. As this summary is too large to email individually to each of these people, I will post a second copy here. Hope this reaches all who were interested. Robert 'Bob' Tellefson UUCP: RCT Design Compuserve: 73417,545 Genie: R.TELLEFSONf Voice: (408) 749-9826 USPS: 663 S. Bernardo #7 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 ---------------------- begin summary -------------------------- A number of people noted: >There was an excellent survey of hypertext systems in the SEPT-87 issue >of "IEEE Computer". From: bsmith@CED.Berkeley.EDU (Brian Smith) >Check out this month's (Jan, '88) BYTE for an article on Project Xanadu, >Ted Nelson's hypertext system. He gives a short bibliography at the end. From: (Jose Perez-Carballo) Additional references not included in the Brown bibliography: [Arbib, Conklin, Hill 87] Arbib, Michael, Jeffrey Conklin, and Jane Hill, "From Schema Theory to Language", Oxford University Press, 1987. [Brachman 77] Brachman, Ron J., "What's in a Concept: Structural Foundations for Semantic Networks", In: International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 9, pp. 127-152, 1977. [Conklin, Richter 85] Conklin, Jeff and Charles Richter, "Support for Exploratory Design", In: Proceedings of the AIAAACM/NASA/IEEE Computers in Aerospace V Conference, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, October 1985. Also, MCC TR # STP-117-85. [Conklin 86] Conklin, Jeff, "A Theory and Tool for Coordination of Design Conversations", MCC TR No. STP-236-86, MCC, Austin, Texas, 1986. [Donelson 78] Donelson, W. C., "Spatial Management of Information", ACM SIGGRAPH, 1978. [Jones, Dumais 86] Jones W. P. and S. T. Dumais, "The Spatial Metaphor for User Interfaces: Experimental Tests of Reference by Location Versus Name'' in ACM:TOOIS, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 42-61, January 1986. [Goldstein, Bobrow 84] Goldstein, I.P. and D.G. Bobrow, "A Layered Approach to Software Design", In: Interactive Programming Environments, D. Barstow, H. Shrobe, and E. Sandewall, Eds., McGraw-Hill, pp. 387-413, 1984. [Herot 80] Herot, C.F., "Spatial Management of Data", ACM Trans. Database Sys., Vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 493-514, December 1980. [Hershey 84] Hershey, William, "ThinkTank", In: BYTE, p. 189, May 1984. [Horowitz, Williamson 86] Horowitz, Ellis and Ronald Williamson, "SODOS: A Software Documentation Support Environment -- Its Definition", In: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-12, No. 8, August 1986. [Jacobs, Murray 84] Jacobs, M.A. and D.J. Murray, In: FileVision, Telos Software Products, Santa Monica, California, 1984. [Jones 86] Jones, W.P., "The Memory Extender Personal Filing System", HI-138-85, MCC, Austin, Texas, January 1986. [Karlgren, Walker 83] Karlgren, H. and D.E. Walker, "The Polytext System- A New Design for a Text Retrieval System", In: "Questions \ Answers", ed. Fernec Kiefer, pp. 273-294, D.Reidel Publishing, 1983. [Kimura 86] Kimura, G.D., "A Structure Editor for Abstract Document Objects", IEEE Trans. Software Eng., Vol. SE-12, no. 3, pp. 417-435, March 1986. [Knuth 84] Knuth, Donald, "Literate Programming", In: Computer Journal, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 97-111, May 1984. [Larson 87] Larson, Neil, In: MaxThink Journal, MaxThink, Piedmont, CA, Vol. 2:3, January 1987. [Nelson 81] Nelson, T.H., In: "Literary Machines: The Report on, and of, Project Xanadu, Concerning Word Processing, Electronic Publishing, Hypertext, Thinkertoys, Tomorrow's Intellectual Revolution, and Certain other Topics Including Knowledge, Education and Freedom", available from the author ($15, 8480 Fredericksburg #138, San Antonio, TX 78229) 1981. [Pitman 85] Pitman, Kent M., "CREF: An Editing Facility for Managing Structured Text", A.I. Memo No.829, M.I.T. A.I. Laboratory, Cambridge, Mass., February1985. [Shneiderman, Morariu 86] Shneiderman, Ben, and Janis Morariu, "The Interactive Encyclopedia System (TIES)'', Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, June1986. [Spezzano 86] Spezzano, Charles, "Unconventional Outliners", In: PC World, p. 168, March1986. Thanks to Christopher Prince <sun!calgary!arcsun!chris> for taking the time to pass Brown's very thorough bibliography on to me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography - Hypermedia bibliography from Brown (complete) I used tags to identify the type of each record (Procite "workforms") and then a set of three-character tags to mark each field. Each field begins a new line, each record is separated by a blank space. Here is the key to the coding. ::BOOKLONG: chapter in a book ANA: analytic author ANR: analytic author role ATL: analytic title MTL: monographic title AMR: monographic author role MOA: monographic author LOC: location in book STL: series title SVO: series volume SID: series issue id PLP: place of publicatin PUB: publisher DAT: date ::JOURNALS serial ANA: author ATL: article title MTL: journal title VID: volume number IID: issue number LOC: location in book DAT: date ::REPORT: ANA: analytic author ATL: title MTL: report title AMR: monographic author role MOA: monographic author PUB: publisher AVL: availability PLP: place of publicatin STL: series title RID: report id DAT: date ::BOOKSHORT full book MTL: monographic title MOA: monographic author PLP: place of publicatin PUB: publisher DAT: date ::DISSERTATION: ANA: author ATL: title PUB: publisher DAT: date ::CONFPROC: ANA: analytic author ATL: title AMR: mongraphic author role MOA: monographic author MTL: monographic title PLM: place of meeting DMT: date of meeting DAT: date of publication ************************************************************************* ::CONFPROC: ANA:Akscyn, Robert, McCracken, Donald L., and Yoder, Elise ATL:KMS: A Distributed Hypertext System for Sharing Knowledge in Organizations MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Akscyn, Robert, and McCracken, Donald L. ATL:The ZOG Approach to Database Management MTL:Proceedings of the Trends and Applications Conference: Making Database Work PLM:Gaithersburg, MD DAT:May, 1984 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Allen, Todd, Nix, Robert, and Perlis, Alan ATL:PEN: A hierarchical document editor MTL:Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOA Conference on Text Manipulation PLM:Portland, Oregon DAT:June, 1981 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Backer, D., and Gano, S. ATL:Dynamically Alterable Videodisk Displays MTL:Proceedings Graphics Interface 82 PLM:Toronto, Canada DAT:May 1982 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Baskin, A. B. ATL:Logic Nets: Variable-valued Logic Plus Semantic Networks MTL:International Journal on Policy Analysis and Information Systems VID:4 DAT:1980 LOC:269 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Beeman, William O., Anderson, Kenneth T., Bader, Gail, Larkin, James, McClar d, Anne P., McQuillan, Patrick J., and Shields, Mark ATL:Hypertext and Pluralism: From Lineal to Non-lineal Thinking MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Begeman, Michael L., Cook, P., Ellis, C., Graf, M., Rein, G., and Smith, T. ATL:PROJECT NICK: Meetings Augmentation and Analysis MTL:Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '86) Proceedings PLM:Austin, TX DMT:December 3-5 DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Bender, W. ATL:Imaging and Interactivity MTL:Fifteenth Joint Conference on Image Technology PLM:Tokyo, Japan DMT:November DAT:1984 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Bigelow, James, and Riley, Victor ATL:Manipulating Source Code in DynamicDesign MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Biggerstaff, T., Ellis, C., Halasz, F. G., Kellog, C., Richter, C., and Webs ter, D. MTL:Information Management Challenges in the Software Design Process STL:MCC Technical Report RID:STP-039-87 DAT:January, 1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Bolt, R. A. ATL:Put-that-there: Voice and Gesture at the Graphics Interface MTL:Computer Graphics VID:15 IID:3 DAT:August 1980 LOC:262-270 ::REPORT: ANA:Bolt, R. A. MTL:Spatial Data-Management, DARPA Report PUB:MIT Architecture Machine Group PLP:Cambridge, MA DAT:1979 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Bolter, Jay David ATL:Hypertext and Creative Writing MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Borning, Alan, Lenat, D. B., McDonald, D., Taylor, C., and Weyer, Steven A. ATL:Knoesphere: Toward a Searcher's Guide to Encylocpedic Knowledge MTL:IJCAI-83 DAT:1983 ::REPORT: ANA:Brown, John Seely MTL:Notes Concerning Design Functionality, Issues and Philosophy for an Authorin gLand PUB:Xerox Palo Alto Research Center PLP:Palo Alto, CA STL:Xerox PARC CIS Working Paper DAT:February 1982 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Brown, John Seely ATL:Process versus Product: A Perspective on Tools for Communal and Informal El ectronic Learning MTL:Education in the Electronic Age: A Report from the Learning Lab MOA:WNET/Thirteen Learning Lab LOC:41-58 PLP:New York DAT:1983 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Brown, Peter J. ATL:A Simple Mechanism for Authorship of Dynamic Documents MTL:Text Processing and Document Manipulation: Proceedings of the International Conference AMR:editor MOA:von Vliet, J. C. LOC:34-42 PUB:Cambridge University Press DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Brown, Peter J. ATL:Turning Ideas into Products: the Guide System MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Buchert, R. F., Evers, K. H., and Santucci, P. R. ATL:SADT/SAINT Simulation Technique MTL:National Aerospace and Electronics Conference Proceedings DAT:1981 ::REPORT: ANA:Bulick, Stephen MTL:A Network Information Retrieval System PUB:Bellcore Database Symposium, Bell Communications Research DAT:September, 1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Bush, Vannevar ATL:As We May Think MTL:Atlantic Monthly VID:176 IID:1 DAT:July 1945 LOC:101-108 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Bush, Vannevar ATL:Memex Revisited MTL:Science Is Not Enough MOA:Bush, Vannevar LOC:75-101 PUB:William Morrow DAT:1967 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Campbell, Brad, and Goodman, Joseph M. ATL:HAM: A General Purpose Hypertext Abstract Machine MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Carmody, S. et al. ATL:A Hypertext Editing System for the /360 MTL:Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics AMR:editors MOA:M. Faiman, and J. Nievergelt LOC:63-88 PUB:University of Illinois Press DAT:1969 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Cashin, P., Robinson, M., and Yates, D. ATL:Experience with SCRAPBOOK, A Non-formatted Data Base System MTL:Proceedings IFIPS Congress DMT:1973 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Catano, J. ATL:Poetry and Computers: Experimenting with Communal Text MTL:Computers and the Humanities VID:13 DAT:1979 LOC:269-275 ::REPORT: ANA:Cattell, R. G. MTL:An Entity-Based Database Interface PUB:Xerox Palo Alto Research Center PLP:Palo Alto, CA STL:Technical Report RID:CSL-79-9 DAT:August 1979 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Charney, Davida ATL:Comprehending Non-Linear Text: The Role of Discourse Cues and Reading Strate gies MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Charney, Davida, and Reder, L. ATL:Designing interactive tutorials for computer users MTL:Human-Computer Interaction VID:2 LOC:297-317 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Collier, George H. ATL:Thoth-II: Hypertext with Explicit Semantics MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Collier, George H. MTL:Thoth-II: A Hypertext Browser PUB:Bell Communications Research PLP:Morristown, NJ STL:Technical Report, Artificial Intelligence and Information Science Research ::CONFPROC: ANA:Combelic, D. ATL:User Experience with New Software Methods (SADT) MTL:Proceedings of the National Computer Conference DAT:1978 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Conklin, Jeff ATL:Hypertext: a Survey and Introduction MTL:IEEE Computer VID:20 IID:9 DAT:September, 1987 LOC:17-41 ::REPORT: ANA:Conklin, Jeff MTL:A Survey of Hypertext PUB:MCC Software Technology Program PLP:Austin, TX RID:MCC Technical Report STP-356-86 DAT:October 1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Conklin, Jeff, and Begeman, Michael L. ATL:gIBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Team Design Deliberation MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Corda, U., and Facchetti, G. ATL:Concept Browser: A System for Interactive Creation of Dynamic Documentation MTL:Text Processing and Document Manipulation: Proceedings of the International Conference AMR:editor MOA:van Vliet, J. C. PUB:Cambridge University Press DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Crane, Gregory ATL:From the Old to the New: Integrating Hypertexts into Traditional Scholarship MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:Novewmber 13-15 DAT:1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Delisle, Norman MTL:Neptune: A Hypertext System for CAD Applications PUB:Tektronix Computer Research Laboratory PLP:Beaverton, OR STL:Technical Report RID:CR-85-50 DAT:January 1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Delisle, Norman, and Schwartz, Mayer ATL:Context-A Partitioning Concept for Hypertext MTL:Computer-Supported CooperativANA:di Sessa, Andrea ATL:A Principled Design for an Integrated Computational Environment MTL:Human-Computer Interaction VID:1 IID:1 DAT:1985 LOC:1-47 ::JOURNALS: ANA:di Sessa, Andrea, and Abelson, Harold ATL:Boxer: A Reconstructable Computational Medium MTL:Communications of the ACM VID:29 IID:9 DAT:September, 1986 LOC:859-868 ::REPORT: ANA:Ehrlich, K., and Walker, Janet H. ATL:High Functionality, Information Retrieval, and the Document Examiner MTL:Personalized Intelligent Information Systems, Report on a Workshop (Breckenr idge, CO) AMR:editors MOA:Fischer, G., and Nieper, H. RID:87-9 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C. ATL:Authorship Provisions in Augment MTL:IEEE 1984 COMPCON Proceedings DAT:Spring, 1984 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C. ATL:Collaboration Support Provisions in Augment MTL:AFIPS Office Automation Conference DAT:1984 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C. ATL:A Conceptual Framework for the Augmentation of Man's Intellect MTL:Vistas in Information Handling, Volume 1 AMR:editors MOA:Howerton, P. D., and Weeks, D. C. LOC:1-29 PLP:Washington, D.C. PUB:Spartan Books DAT:1963 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C. ATL:Coordinated Information Services for a Discipline or Mission-Oriented Commun ity MTL:Second Annual Computer Communications Conference PLM:San Jose, CA DAT:January, 1973 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C. ATL:Design Considerations for Knowledge Workshop Terminals MTL:AFIPS Conference Proceedings DAT:1973 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C. ATL:Toward Integrated Evolutionary Office Automation Systems MTL:Proceedings of the International Engineering Management Conference PLM:Denver, CO DMT:October 16-18 DAT:1978 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C., and English, W. K. ATL:A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect MTL:AFIPS Proceedings, Fall Joint Computer Conference DAT:Fall 1968 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Engelbart, Douglas C., Watson, R. W., and Norton, J. C. ATL:The Augmented Knowledge Workshop MTL:Proceedings of the National Computer Conference PLM:Arlington, VA DAT:1973 ::JOURNALS: ANA:English, W. K., Engelbart, Douglas C., and Berman, M. L. ATL:Display-Selection Techniques for Text Manipulation MTL:IEEE Transactions on Human Factors and Electronics VID:HFE-8 IID:1 DAT:March 1967 LOC:5-15 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Fahnestock, J., and Secor, M. ATL:Teaching Argument: A Theory of Types MTL:College Compostion and Communication VID:34 LOC:20-30 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Fairchild, K. F., Poltrock, S. E., and Furnas, G. W. ATL:SemNet: Three-dimensional Graphic Representations of Large Knowledge Bases MTL:Cognitive Science and its Applications for Human-Computer Interaction AMR:editor MOA:Guindon, R. PLP:Hillsdale, NJ PUB:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates DAT:in press ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Feiner, S. ATL:Interactive Documents MTL:Design in the Information Environment AMR:editors MOA:Whitney, P., and Kent, C. LOC:118-132 PLP:New York PUB:Alfred Knopf DAT:1985 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Feiner, S., Nagy, S., and van Dam, Andries ATL:An Experimental System for Creating and Presenting Interactive Graphical Doc uments MTL:ACM Transactions on Graphics VID:1 IID:1 DAT:January 1982 LOC:59-77 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Feiner, S., Nagy, S., and van Dam, Andries ATL:An Integrated System for Creating and Presenting Complex Computer-Based Docu ments MTL:Computer Graphics VID:15 IID:3 DAT:August 1981 LOC:181-189 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Feiner, S., Nagy, S., and van Dam, Andries ATL:Online Documents Combining Pictures and Texts MTL:Proceedings of the International Conference on Research Trends in Document P reparation Systems PLM:Lausanne, Switzerland DMT:February 27-28 DAT:1981 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Foster, Edward ATL:Outliners: A New Way of Thinking MTL:Personal Computing DAT:May, 1985 LOC:74 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Foster, G., and Stefik, M. ATL:Cognoter, Theory and Practice of a Colab-orative Tool MTL:Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '86) Proceedings PLM:Austin, TX DMT:December 3-5 DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Frisse, Mark E. ATL:Searching for Information in a Hypertext Medical Handbook MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::DISSERTATION: ANA:Frisse, Mark E. ATL:Searching for Information in a Hypertext Medical Therapeutics Manual PUB:Medical Information Group, Stanford University School of Medicine DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Garg, Pankaj K. ATL:Abstraction Mechanisms in Hypertext MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Garg, Pankaj K., and Scacchi, Walt ATL:A Hypertext System to Manage Software Life Cycle Documents MTL:The 21st Hawaii International Conference on Systems PLM:Honolulu HI DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Garg, Pankaj K., and Scacchi, Walt ATL:On Designing Intelligent Hypertext Systems for Information Management in Sof tware Engineering MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Garrett, L. N., and Smith, Karen E. ATL:Building a Timeline Editor from Prefab Parts: The Architecture of an Object -oriented Application MTL:Proceedings of the Conference on Object-oriented Programming Systems, Langua ges and Applications (OOPSLA '86) PLM:Portland, Oregon DMT:September 29-October 2 DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Garrett, L. N., Smith, Karen E., and Meyrowitz, Norman ATL:Intermedia: Issues, Strategies, and Tactics in the Design of a Hypermedia D ocument System MTL:Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '86) Proceedings PLM:Austin, TX DMT:December 3-5 DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Goldstein, I. P., and Bobrow, D. G. ATL:Descriptions for a Programming Environment MTL:Proceedings of the First Conference on AAAI DMT:August 1980 ::REPORT: ANA:Goldstein, I. P., and Bobrow, D. G. MTL:An Experimental Description-Based Programming Environment: Four Reports PUB:Xerox Palo Alto Research Center PLP:Palo Alto, CA STL:Technical Report RID:CSL-81-3 DAT:March 1981 ::REPORT: ANA:Gonnet, Gaston H., and Tompa, Frank Wm MTL:Mind Your Grammar: A New Approach to Modelling Text PLP:Waterloo, Ontario RID:OED-87-01 DAT:June 1986 ::BOOKSHORT: MOA:Goodman, Danny MTL:The Complete HyperCard Handbook PLP:New York PUB:Bantam Books DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Greenes, R. A. ATL:Knowledge Management as an Aid to Medical Decision Making and Education: The Explorer-1 System MTL:Proceedings MEDINFO '86 PLM:North-Holland DAT:1986 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Gregory, R. ATL:Xanadu-Hypertext from the Future MTL:Dr. Dobb's Journal IID:75 DAT:January, 1983 LOC:28-35 ::REPORT: ANA:Gullichsen, E., D'Souza, D., Lincoln, P., and Casey, T. MTL:The PlaneTextBook PUB:MCC Software Technology Program PLP:Austin, TX STL:MCC Technical Report RID:STP-333-86(P) DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Halasz, Frank G. ATL:Reflections on NoteCards: Seven Issues for the Next Generation of Hypermedia Systems MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Halasz, Frank G., Moran, T. P., and Trigg, Randall H. ATL:NoteCards in a Nutshell MTL:CHI+GI 1987 DAT:April 1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Hammwohner, Rainer, and Thiel, Ulrich ATL:Content Oriented Relations Between Text Units-A Structural Model for Hyperte xts MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Herot, C., Carling, R., Friedell, M., and Kramlich, D. ATL:A Prototype Spatial Data Management System MTL:Computer Graphics VID:14 IID:3 DAT:July 1980 LOC:63-70 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Hershey, W. ATL:Idea Processors MTL:BYTE DAT:June, 1985 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Hiltz, Starr Roxanne ATL:The 'Virtual Classroom': Using Computer-Mediated Communication for Universit y Teaching MTL:Journal of Communication DAT:Spring, 1968 LOC:95-104 ::BOOKSHORT: MOA:Hiltz, Starr Roxanne, and Turoff, Murry MTL:The Network Nation: Human Communication via Computer PUB:Addison-Weseley DAT:1978 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Hjerppe, Roland ATL:Project HYPERCATalog: Visions and preliminary conceptions of an extended and enhanced catalog MTL:Intelligent Information Systems for the Information Society AMR:editor MOA:Brookes, B. C. LOC:211-232 PLP:Amsterdam PUB:Elsevier Science Publishers DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Irby, C. H. ATL:Display Techniques for Interactive Text Manipulation MTL:AFIPS Conference Proceedings DAT:1974 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Jonassen, D. H. ATL:Hypertext principles for text and courseware design MTL:Educational Psychologist VID:21 DAT:1986 LOC:269-292 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Kay, Alan C. ATL:Computer Software MTL:Scientific American VID:251 IID:3 DAT:September, 1984 LOC:53-59 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Kay, Alan C., and Goldberg, A. ATL:Personal Dynamic Media MTL:IEEE Computer VID:10 IID:3 DAT:March 1987 LOC:31-43 ::BOOKSHORT: MOA:Kerr, Elaine, and Hiltz, Starr Roxanne MTL:Computer-Mediated Communication Systems PLP:New York PUB:Academic Press DAT:1982 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Kochen, M. ATL:WISE: A World Information Sysnthesis and Encyclopedia MTL:Journal of Documentation VID:28 DAT:1972 LOC:322-343 ::REPORT: ANA:Koved, Larry MTL:Restructuring Textual Information for Online Retrieval PUB:IBM T.J. Watson Research Center PLP:Yorktown Heights, NY RID:11278(#50830) DAT:July 23, 1985 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Lair, D. C., and Maron, M. E. ATL:An Evaluation of Retrieval Effectiveness for a Full-text Document-Retrieval System MTL:Communications of the ACM VID:28 IID:3 DAT:March 1985 LOC:289-299 ::BOOKSHORT: MOA:Lambert, Steve, and Ropiequet, Suzanne MTL:CD ROM: The New Papyrus PLP:Redmond WA PUB:Microsoft Press DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Landow, George P. ATL:Context32: Using Hypermedia to Teach Literature MTL:Proceedings of the 1987 IBM Academic Information Systems University AEP Conf erence DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Landow, George P. ATL:Relationally Encoded Links and the Rhetoric of Hypertext MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Larson, J. ATL:A Visual Approach To Browsing in a Database Environment MTL:IEEE Computer DAT:June, 1986 ::REPORT: ANA:Learning Research Group MTL:Personal Dynamic Media PUB:Xerox Palo Alto Reserach Center PLP:Palo Alto, CA STL:Technical Report RID:SSL-76-1 DAT:March 1976 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Lenat, D. B., Borning, Alan, McDonald, D., Taylor, C., and Weyer, Steven A. ATL:Knoesphere: Building Expert Systems with Encyclopedic Knowledge MTL:Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intellig ence PLM:Karslruhe, West Germany DAT:1983 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Lenat, D. B., and Borning, Alan et al. ATL:A Prototype Electronic Encyclopedia MTL:ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems VID:3 DAT:January 1985 LOC:63-88 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Lowe, David G. ATL:Co-operative Structuring of Information: The Representation of Reasoning and Debate MTL:International Journal of Man-Machine Studies VID:23 DAT:1985 LOC:97-111 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Lowe, David G. ATL:SYNVIEW: The Design of a System for Cooperative Structuring of Information MTL:Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '86) Proceedings PLM:Austin, TX DMT:December 3-5 DAT:1986 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Malone, T., Grant, K., Turbak, F., Brobst, S., and Cohen, M. ATL:Intelligent Information-Sharing Systems MTL:Communications of the ACM VID:30 IID:5 DAT:May, 1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Mantei, M., and McCracken, Donald L. ATL:Issue Analysis with ZOG, A Highly Interactive Man-machine Interface MTL:Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Policy Analysis and Info rmation Systems DAT:1979 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Marshall, Catherine C. ATL:Exploring Representation Problems Using Hypertext MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Maxemchuck, N. F., and Wilder, H. A. ATL:Virtual Editing: I. The Concept MTL:Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Office Information Syste ms PLM:Couvent Royal de St. Maximin DMT:October 13-15 DAT:1982 ::JOURNALS: ANA:McCracken, Donald L., and Akscyn, Robert ATL:Experience with the ZOG Human-Computer Interface System MTL:International Journal of Man-Machine Studies VID:21 IID:2 DAT:1984 LOC:293-310 ::REPORT: ANA:McCracken, Donald L., and Akscyn, Robert MTL:The ZOG Approach to Database Management PUB:Carnegie-Mellon University PLP:Pittsburgh, PA RID:CS-34-113 ::JOURNALS: ANA:McQuillan, Patrick J. ATL:Computers and Pedagogy: The Invisible Presence MTL:Journal of Computer-Based Educational Research DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Meyrowitz, Norman ATL:Intermedia: The Architecture and Construction of an Object-Oriented Hyperte xt/Hypermedia System and Applications Framework MTL:Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programing Systems, Languag es, and Applications (OOPSLA '86) PLM:Portland, Oregon DMT:September 29-October 2 DAT:1986 ::REPORT: ANA:Meyrowitz, Norman MTL:Networks of Scholar's Workstations: End-User Computing in a University Commu nity PUB:Brown University, IRIS PLP:Providence, RI STL:IRIS Technical Report RID:85-3 DAT:June 1985 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Michel, Stephen ATL:Guide-A Hypertext Solution MTL:CD-ROM Review DAT:July/August 1987 LOC:22-24 ::DISSERTATION: ANA:Mohl, R. F. ATL:Cognitive Space in the Interactive Movie Map: An Investigation of Spatial Le arning in Virtual Environments PUB:Department of Architecture, MIT DAT:1982 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Monty, M. L. ATL:Temporal Context and Memory for Notes Stored in the Computer MTL:ACM SIGCHI Bulletin VID:18 IID:2 DAT:October, 1986 LOC:50-51 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Monty, M. L., and Moran, T. P. ATL:A Longitudinal Study of Authoring Using NoteCards MTL:ACM SIGCHI Bulletin VID:18 IID:2 DAT:October, 1986 LOC:59-60 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Negroponte, Nicholas ATL:Books Without Pages MTL:IEEE International Conference on Communications IV DAT:1979 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Negroponte, Nicholas ATL:An Idiosynchratic Systems Approach to Interactive Graphics MTL:ACM/SIGGRAPH Workshop on User-Oriented Design of Interactive Graphics System s PLM:Pittsburgh, PA. DAT:October, 1976 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Nelson, Theodor H. ATL:As We Will Think MTL:Online 72: Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Online Interactive Computing PLM:Brunel University, Uxbridge, England DMT:September, 1972 DAT:1973 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Nelson, Theodor H. ATL:A Conceptual Framework for Man-Machine Everything MTL:AFIPS National Computer Conference and Exposition, Proceedings DAT:1973 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Nelson, Theodor H. ATL:Dream Machines: New Freedoms through Computer Screens - A Minority Report MTL:Computer Lib: You Can and Must Understand Computers Now PLP:Chicago, IL PUB:Hugo's Book Service DAT:1974 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Nelson, Theodor H. ATL:A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing and the Indeterminate MTL:Association for Computing Machinery, Proceedings of the National Conference, 20th DAT:1965 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Nelson, Theodor H. ATL:Getting it Out of our System MTL:Information Retrieval: A Critical View AMR:Editor MOA:G. Schecter LOC:191-210 PLP:Washington, D.C. PUB:Thompson Book Co. DAT:1967 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Nelson, Theodor H. ATL:The Hypertext MTL:Proceedings International Documentation Federation Annual Conference DMT:1965 ::BOOKSHORT: MOA:Nelson, Theodor H. MTL:Literary Machines PLP:Swathmore, PA PUB:T.H. Nelson DAT:1981 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Nelson, Theodor H. ATL:A New Home for the Mind MTL:Datamation DAT:March, 1982 LOC:169-180 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Nelson, Theodor H. ATL:Replacing the Printed Word: A Complete Literary System MTL:Information Processing 80 AMR:editor MOA:S.H. Lavington LOC:1013-1023 PUB:North-Holland Publishing Co. DAT:IFIO 1980 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Newell, A., McCracken, Donald L., Robertson, G., and Akscyn, R. ATL:ZOG and the USS CARL VINSON MTL:Computer Science Research Review DAT:1981 LOC:95-118 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Nguyen, L. T., and Greenes, R. A. ATL:A Framework for the Use of Computed Links in the EXPLORER-1 Knowledge Manage ment System MTL:MEDINFO 86, IFIP-IMIA AMR:Editors MOA:Salamon, R., Blum, B., and Jorgensen, M. LOC:891-894 PLP:North-Holland PUB:Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Oren, Tim ATL:The Architecture of Hypertexts MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Palay, Andrew J., and Fox, Mark S. ATL:Browsing through databases MTL:Information Retrieval Research AMR:editors MOA:Oddy, R. N. et al. PLP:London PUB:Butterworths DAT:1981 ::REPORT: ANA:Pasquier, Jacques MTL:The Method and Model Base of the Electronic Book: Markov Chains and Reliabil ity Modelling PUB:Institute for Automation and Operations Research PLP:University of Fribourg (Switzerland) STL:Technical Report DAT:June 1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Pontecorvo, Michael S. ATL:A Hypermedia Multiple Perspective Mechanism MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Ragland, Craig ATL:Hypertext, Hypermedia, and the Macintosh MTL:MacA.P.P.L.E. DAT:August, 1987 ::DISSERTATION: ANA:Ramakrishna, K. ATL:Schematization as an Aid to Organizing ZOG Information Nets PUB:Computer Science Department, Carnegie-Mellon University DAT:1981 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Raskin, Jef ATL:The Hype in Hypertext: A Critique MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Raymond, Darrell R. MTL:Personal Data Structuring in Videotex PUB:University of Waterloo, Department of Computer Science Technology RID:Cs-84-7 DAT:February, 1984 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Raymond, Darrell R., and Tompa, Frank Wm ATL:Hypertext and the New Oxford English Dictionary MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Reitman, W., Roberts, R., Sauvain, R., Wheeler, D., and Lynn, W. ATL:AUTONOTE - A Personal Information Storage and Retrieval System MTL:Proceedings of the 24th National Conference of the ACM DAT:1969 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Remde, Joel R., Gomez, Louis M., and Landauer, Thomas K. ATL:SuperBook: An Automatic Tool for Information Exploration-Hypertext? MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Rittel, H., and Webber, M. ATL:Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning MTL:Policy Sciences VID:4 DAT:1973 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Robertson, C. K., McCracken, Donald L., and Newell, A. ATL:Experimental Evaluation of the ZOG Frame Editor MTL:Proceedings of the 7th Canadian Man-Computer Communications Conference DAT:June, 1981 ::REPORT: ANA:Robertson, C. K., McCracken, Donald L., and Newell, A. MTL:The ZOG Approach to Man-Machine Communication PUB:Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University PLP:Pittsburgh, PA STL:Technical Report RID:CMU-CS-79-148 DAT:October 1979 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Russell, D. M., Moran, T. P., and Jordan, D. S. ATL:The Instructional Design Environment MTL:Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lessons Learned AMR:editors MOA:Psotka, J., Massey, L. D., and Mutter, S. A. PLP:Hillsdale, NJ PUB:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates DAT:in press ::REPORT: ANA:Schatz, B. R. MTL:Telesophy: A System for Browsing and Sharing Inside a Large Information Spac e PUB:Bell Communications Research PLP:Morristown, NJ RID:TM-ARH-006-094 DAT:September 1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Schneiderman, Ben ATL:User Interface Design for the Hyperties Electronic Encyclopedia MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Schneiderman, Ben MTL:User interface design and evaluation for an electronic encyclopedia PUB:Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland PLP:College Park, MD RID:CS-TR-1819 DAT:March, 1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Schneiderman, Ben, Shafer, Philip, Simon, Roland, and Weldon, Linda MTL:Display Strategies for Program Browsing: Concepts and an Experiment PUB:Department of Compuer Science, University of Maryland PLP:College Park, MD RID:CAR-TR-192, CS-TR-1635 DAT:1986 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Seybold, Jonathan B. ATL:Tymshare's Augment: Heralding a New Era MTL:Seybold Report on Word Processing VID:1 IID:9 DAT:October 1978 LOC:1-16 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Shapiro, E. ATL:A First Look at Dayflo MTL:Byte VID:9 IID:3 DAT:March 1984 LOC:81-86 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Shasha, Dennis ATL:NetBook-A Data Model to Support Knowledge Exploration MTL:Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Very Large Data Base s PLM:Stockholm DAT:August, 1985 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Shasha, Dennis ATL:When Does Non-linear Text Help? MTL:Proceedings of the Expert Database Systems Conference DMT:1986 DAT:1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Smith, John B., Weiss, Stephen P., and Ferguson, Gordon J. ATL:A Hypertext Writing Environment and its Cognitive Basis MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::REPORT: ANA:Smith, John B., Weiss, Stephen F., Ferguson, Gordon J., Bolter, Jay David, L ansam, M., and Beard, D. V. MTL:WE: A Writing Environment for Professionals PUB:University of North Carolina, Department of Computer Science PLP:Chapel Hill, NC RID:86-025 DAT:August, 1986 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Smith, Karen E., and Zdonik, Stanley B. ATL:Intermedia: A Case Study of the Differences Between Relational and Object-Or iented Database Systems MTL:Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Langua ges, and Applications (OOPSLA '87) PLM:Orlando, FL DMT:October 4-8 DAT:1987 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Smith, L. C. ATL:'Memex' as an Image Potentiality in Information Retrieval Research and Devel opment MTL:Information Retrieval Research AMR:editors MOA:Oddy, R. N. et al. LOC:345-369 PLP:London PUB:Butterworths DAT:1981 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Smolensky, Paul, Bell, Brigham, Fox, Barbara, King, Roger, and Lewis, Clayto n ATL:Constraint-based Hypertext for Argumentation MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Stefik, M., Foster, G., Bobrow, D. G., Kahn, K. M., Lanning, S., and Suchman , Lucy ATL:Beyond the Chalkboard: Using Computers to Support Collaboration and Problem Solving in Meetings MTL:Communications of the ACM VID:30 IID:1 DAT:1986 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Svibely, J. R., and Smith, J. W. ATL:A Prototypic Hypertext Information System for Pathologist MTL:Informatics in Pathology VID:1 DAT:1986 LOC:133-142 ::REPORT: ANA:Tanguay, David A. MTL:A General System for Managing Videotex Information Structures PUB:University of Waterloo, Department of Computer Science Technology RID:CS-86-23 DAT:June 1986 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Thompson, Bev, and Thompson, Bill ATL:Hyping Text: Hypertext and Knowledge Representation MTL:AI Expert DAT:August, 1987 LOC:25-28 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Thorsen, Linda J., and Bernstein, Mark ATL:Developing Dynamic Documents: Special Challenges for Technical Communicator s MTL:Proceedings of the 34th International Technical Communications Conference PLM:Denver, CO DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Thursh, D., Mabry, F., and Levy, A. H. ATL:Computers and Videodiscs in Pathology Education: ECLIPS as an Example of One Approach MTL:Human Pathlology VID:17 DAT:1986 LOC:216-218 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Thursh, D., and Mabry, F. ATL:A Knowledge-Based System for Pathology Education MTL:Bulletin of Pathology Education VID:6 IID:2 DAT:Fall 1980 LOC:36-45 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Thursh, D., and Mabry, F. ATL:A knowledge-based hypertext of pathology MTL:Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medic al Care DAT:1980 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Thursh, D., Mabry, F., and Levy, A. H. ATL:The Knowledge Access, Management, and Extension System in Pathology AMR:editors MOA:A. H. Levy, and B. T. Williams MTL:Proceedings of the AAMSI Congress DAT:1985 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Tompa, Frank Wm ATL:Retrieving data through Telidon MTL:Proceedings CIPS DAT:1982 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Tompa, Frank Wm, Gecsei, Jan, and Bochmann, Gregor V. ATL:Alternative Database Facilities for Videotex MTL:The Telidon Book AMR:editors MOA:Godfrey, D., and Chang, E. PUB:Press Porcepic DAT:1981 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Tou, F., Williams, M., Fikes, R., Henderson, D. A., and Malone, T. ATL:RABBIT: An Intelligent Database Assistant MTL:Proceedings of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence PLM:Pittsburgh DMT:August 16-20 DAT:1982 ::DISSERTATION: ANA:Trigg, Randall H. ATL:A Networked-based Approach to Text Handling for the On-line Scientific Commu nity PUB:University of Maryland DAT:1983 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Trigg, Randall H., and Irish, Peggy M. ATL:Hypertext Habitats: Experiences of Writers in NoteCards MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Trigg, Randall H., Moran, T. P., and Halasz, Frank G. ATL:Adaptibility and Tailorability in NoteCards MTL:Proceedings of INTERACT '87 PLM:Stuttgart, West Germany DAT:1987 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Trigg, Randall H., Suchman, Lucy, and Halasz, Frank G. ATL:Supporting Colaboration in NoteCards MTL:Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '86) Proceedings PLM:Austin, TX DMT:December 3-5 DAT:1986 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Trigg, Randall H., and Weiser, M. ATL:TEXTNET: A Network-Based Approach to Text Handling MTL:ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems VID:4 IID:1 DAT:January, 1986 LOC:1-23 ::BOOKSHORT: MOA:van Dam, Andries MTL:FRESS (File Retrieval and Editing System) PLP:Barrington, RI PUB:Text Systems DAT:July 1971 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:van Dam, Andries, and Rice, D. E. ATL:Computers and Publishing: Writing, Editing and Printing MTL:Advances in Computers PLP:New York PUB:Academic Press DAT:1970 ::JOURNALS: ANA:van Dam, Andries, and Rice, D. E. ATL:On-Line Text Editing: A Survey MTL:Computing Surveys VID:3 IID:3 DAT:September 1971 LOC:93-114 ::REPORT: ANA:VanLehn, K. MTL:Theory Reform Caused by an Argumentation Tool PUB:Xerox Palo Alto Research Center RID:ISL-11 DAT:1985 ::REPORT: ANA:Walker, D. MTL:Knowledge Resource Tools for Accessing Large Text Files PUB:Bell Communications Research RID:85-21233-25 DAT:1985 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Walker, Janet H. ATL:Document Examiner: Delivery Interface for Hypertext Documents MTL:Hypertext '87 Papers PLM:Chapel Hill, NC DMT:November 13-15 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Walker, Janet H. ATL:The Document Editor: A Support Environment for Preparing Technical Document s MTL:Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOA Conference on Text Manipulation DAT:June 1981 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Walker, Janet H. ATL:Symbolics Sage: A Documentation Support System MTL:Intellectual Leverage: The Driving Technologies, IEEE Spring Compcon84 DAT:1984 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Walker, Janet H., and Bryan, R. L. ATL:An Editor for Structured Technical Documents MTL:Protext IV ::CONFPROC: ANA:Weyer, Steven A. ATL:As We May Learn MTL:Multimedia in Education: Interfaces to Knowledge- Education Advisory Council Conference Proceedings DAT:April 1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Weyer, Steven A. ATL:The Design of a Dynamic Book for Information Search MTL:International Journal of Man-Machine Studies VID:17 DAT:1982 LOC:87-107 ::REPORT: ANA:Weyer, Steven A. MTL:Searching for Information in a Dynamic Book PUB:Xerox Palo Alto Research Center PLP:Palo Alto, CA RID:Report SCG-1 DAT:February 1982 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Weyer, Steven A., and Borning, Alan ATL:A Prototype Electronic Encyclopedia MTL:ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems VID:3 IID:1 DAT:January 1985 LOC:66-88 ::CONFPROC: ANA:White, J. E. ATL:A High-Level Framework for Network-based Resource Sharing MTL:AFIPS Proceedings, National Computer Conference DAT:1976 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Wilder, H. A., and Maxemchuck, N. F. ATL:Virtual Editing: II. The User Interface MTL:Proceedings of SIGOA Conference Office Automation Systems PLM:Philadelphia, PA DMT:June 21-23 DAT:1982 ::REPORT: ANA:Wilson, K. S. MTL:Palenque: An Interactive Multimedia Optical Disk Prototype for Children PUB:Bank Street College of Education, Center for Children and Technology PLP:New York STL:Technical Report RID:#2 DAT:1987 ::BOOKLONG: ANA:Woods, William A. ATL:What's in a Link: Foundations for Semantic Networks MTL:Readings in Knowledge Representation AMR:editors MOA:Brachman, Ronald J., and Levesque, Hector J. PLP:Los Altos, CA PUB:Morgan Kaufmann DAT:1975 ::CONFPROC: ANA:Yankelovich, Nicole et al. ATL:The Sampler Companion: Four Educational Software Samples MTL:Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Fifth Annual Conference PLM:Golden, CO DMT:October 19-22 DAT:1985 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Yankelovich, Nicole, Hann, Bernard, and Meyrowitz, Norman ATL:Intermedia: The Concept and the Construction of a Seamless Information Envir onment MTL:IEEE Computer DAT:January 1988 ::REPORT: ANA:Yankelovich, Nicole, Landow, George P., and Heywood, Peter MTL:Designing Hypermedia 'Ideabases'-The Intermedia Experience PUB:Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship, Brown University PLP:Providence, RI STL:IRIS Technical Report RID:87-4 DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Yankelovich, Nicole, Meyrowitz, Norman, and van Dam, Andries ATL:Reading and Writing the Electronic Book MTL:IEEE Computer VID:18 IID:10 DAT:October 1985 LOC:15-30 ::REPORT: ANA:Yankelovich, Nicole, and van Dam, Andries MTL:Spinning Scholarly Webs: The Annenberg/CPB Project Report to Higher Educatio n PUB:The Annenberg/CPB Project PLP:Washington, D.C. DAT:1987 ::JOURNALS: ANA:Young, J. S. ATL:Hypermedia MTL:MacWorld VID:3 IID:3 DAT:March 1986 LOC:16-21