mitchell@wdl1.UUCP (Jo Mitchell) (05/06/88)
This is intended to raise talk on the subject of object oriented database systems: are they worth using now or should we all wait 5 years until they catch up to the goodies offered in RDBS? Please respond to this question and any other info you wish to give here. Rough History: In January a user requested information concerning object-oriented databases: what was available, etc. The MAJOR players were: IRIS (HP based, uses OSQL, C & Lisp, has multiple inheritance) GBASE (single user, Prolog/LISP) GEMSTONE (IBM-PC & Tektronic, C & Smalltalk) VBASE (Sun 3 & VMS, OSQL, uses C) Object oriented databases represent a higher level of abstraction in the database model (similar to how Fortran was a higher level of abstraction than Assembly). Designing applications which use such systems can be thought of as designing applications like the Ada method of Booch. Increased speed savings is argued - especially for ADVANCED DATA-INTENSIVE APPLICATIONS (such as CASE, CAD, CAM, Knowledge Engineering, etc). Basic terminology surrounding object oriented systems: objects (refers to any conceptual entity: airplanes or a certain airplane, meta data or data. Consists of some private memory that can be found via a unique identifier) class (refers to a group of objects: eg, airplanes). property (refers to a prescribed set of characteristics for a class: eg, size, weight. ASA instance variables) instance (refers to a certain class: eg, 747) message (refers to the behavior of a class: eg: get_size) method (refers to the procedure for implementing the message) generalization (refers to class to class mapping: eg: airplane IS-A machine) composition (refers to class to class mapping. Eg: wing IS_PART of airplane) inheritance (refers to class to class hand-downs of properties, messages and methods. Eg: because you declared size and get_size as properties, messages and methods for the class airplane, all sub-component classes of airplane - such as wing - should inherit these.) <There is quite alot of reference material. For starters see BYTE vol. 11 no 8, Aug 1986 and ACM TOIS Jan 1987. >