[net.records] Springsteen

fjg (09/21/82)

Asbury Park, N.J.  Bruce Srpingsteen, rock composer and performer from
New Jersey, released this week what promises to be his best album.
In an unprecendented move, left the boys of the E Street Band behind
and recorded an all acoustic album.  According to sources close to
the preformer, the album was mastered on a four track cassette machine
in the New Jersey home of Mr. Springsteen.  This album, his sixth, is
Mr. Springsteen's first effort since his long awaited release of
'The River', a double record set released in the fall of 1980.  Entitled
'Nebraska', the album features Mr. Springsteen's vocals and acoustic
guitar on twelve cuts.  However, this is not to indicate that the
E Street Band will be permanently left behind.  Mr. Springsteen promises
they will be back on the next release.  Springsteen, who has been spotted
in the Dupage County area, just west of Chicago, apparently visiting
a boyhood friend from New Jersey, was unavailable for comment.


gdt (09/22/82)

I don't have Springsteen's new album; however, I have heard 2 tunes
from it.  One was real good, but the other was totally uncomprehensible.
I was able to decipher a word here - a word there (like I know he said
New Jersey at least once).  I am not going to run out and buy this
album immediately.  I would appreciate hearing comments on it.

			Thurman (gdt@nscs)