(Gary Patrick Simonian) (11/30/88)
* pn eopy1 eopy2 eopn3 ffy hfy eon lm 001 rm 072 pi 000 ps 001 pl 060 hd 000 ft 000 fp 001 ss 000 001 000 000 ts 012 This is a reposting because I forgot to include my address. I am an Occidental student and a senior in the Cognitive Science major. As a requirement we are to present a paper or project for evaluation. I have decided to program an expert system which performs the duties of a college counselor. The user will enter three interests, and the computer will advise the user as to which major and which courses would be best to pursue. The computer I will use is an 640K IBM XT, and the language will be TML Pascal (which is similar to turbo, I think). I must finish the project around the second week March, so I would appreciate any suggestions on how to model my program as soon as possbile. Thank you. My email address is: oxy!