[comp.databases] UNIX RTI Ingres 5.0 dba question

jesper@freja.diku.dk (Jesper L. Lauritsen) (01/17/89)

We are using RTI Ingres 5.0 on micro vax'es for a database course.
Is it some way possible to put permits on the system tables, or to make
views on them, so an ordinary user can not query the system tables to see
other users table definitions?
We need this information ugently, and would highly appreciate any help.


Jesper L. Lauritsen (assisting teacher)
Institute of Datalogi, University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 1, DK2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
UUCP: jesper@freja.dk  or  ..!mcvax!diku!jesper

jkrueger@daitc.daitc.mil (Jonathan Krueger) (01/20/89)

In article <4364@freja.diku.dk>, jesper@freja (Jesper L. Lauritsen) writes:
>[how to] put permits on the system tables, or to make
>views on them, so an ordinary user can not query the system tables to see
>other users table definitions??

Permits on system tables aren't enough.  They will stop queries on the
system tables but they will not stop the help command from the
terminal monitor.

Cleanest solution: give each user his or her own database.  Make sure
to create it as a private database, or use accessdb to make it private
after creation.

-- Jon