(Robert Fair) (03/27/89)
A recent poster was having problems doing aggregates with the INGRES report writer (sum, count etc). Its actually very easy to do things like sums/percentages over groups, for example to print the total salary for each department, just do: .FOOT dept .printline "Total salary for dept is", sum(salary) (the RW does all the mess of resetting the value at the break etc) To print running totals just use the CUM (cumulative) keyword, i.e: .FOOT dept .printline "Total salary for dept is", sum(salary) .printline "Total salary so far is", cum sum(salary) If you need to do something like print the percentage of the total value for each group, mix QUEL & RW commands: .QUERY retrieve (total=sum(emp.salary),emp.salary,emp.dept) ... .FOOT dept .printline "Percentage of total salary used by dept", (sum(salary)/total)*100.0 (For SQL users its a little more complex, since SQL isn't as flexible with aggregates as QUEL: In TM: CREATE VIEW emptot (total) AS SELECT sum(salary) from emp; In RW: .QUERY select,emp.salary,emp.dept from emptot,emp; ) If you need regular variables, this was added to the RW in INGRES Version 6, along with keywords .LET & .DECLARE. Variables are tightly-typed, include NULL handling, and an optional PROMPT clause can be added to the .DECLARE to get an initial value from the user at runtime. Robert L. Fair RTI Tech Support [Disclaimer: This article is posted as an individual, not as a representative of RTI.]