[comp.databases] Want File Formats for R:Base

heirich@beowulf.ucsd.edu (Alan Heirich) (03/24/89)

I'm looking for a description of the internal file formats used
by R:Base System V.  Does anyone out there have them?  Or, can anyone
point me to a public source where they are available?

thanks in advance,

- Alan Heirich
- Dept Computer Science & Engineering
- University of California at San Diego
- heirich@cs.ucsd.edu

thawk1@ibmpcug.UUCP (Timothy Hawkins) (03/28/89)

The file formats are fully documented in the "Programers Interface"
toolkit, this is available from migent... It includes fortran/pascal/MSC 4.0
interface libarys for RBASE...


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